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Palpatine is popular, but I hadn't seen any actual demand for Palpatine to return. Snoke was criticized for basically being "another Emperor".

I doubt Luke will be back other than as a ghost who has a chat with Rey and then disappears. They squandered the opportunity to have Old Luke on an adventure in the manner of Ben Kenobi or Gandalf. But we can still get a Luke Skywalker that feels like Luke Skywalker. Just avoid bringing up TLJ. :wink1:

It's funny because I generally agree with you, but then part of me thinks maybe that one of the meanings of "The Rise of Skywalker" will be a reference to Luke coming back to life "from the living Force" in IX. That would be so crazy, but I don't think it's any crazier than force-projection.
It's funny because I generally agree with you, but then part of me thinks maybe that one of the meanings of "The Rise of Skywalker" will be a reference to Luke coming back to life "from the living Force" in IX. That would be so crazy, but I don't think it's any crazier than force-projection.

"No one's ever really gone..." -- sounds like the tagline for a horror film. ZOMBIE LUKE!! :panic:
:lol Now I can't help wanting Stallone playing a Sith.

Dude, the continued Rey's parentage thing with some fans blows my mind. Not just because of the impatience, but because it *HAS* to be what *they want* it to be. And I don't get where some of their hopes/theories are coming from. In TFA, JJ showed Rey being handed off to a guy who is basically a slave master to Rey, right? What good parents would do that to their kid!? And then JJ follows that by having Maz tell Rey: "Dear child, I see your eyes - you already know the truth. Whomever you are waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming back."

TLJ comes along and goes: "Rey was dumped off by jerks, and they're not coming back" . . . and fans lose their ****! HUH!!??? I'm left thinking: "were you guys even paying attention to TFA at all?"

And I'm not saying that there can't be more to the story with Rey's parents, and who they were, and why they'd leave her with an a-hole junk trader . . . but c'mon! Some people make it seem like there was no logical connection between what we learned in TFA about Rey's parents, and what was told about them in TLJ. I see the complete opposite. There might very well be more to it (as JJ suggests), but it could end up making less sense after what we learned in TFA; and just to try to make people happy.

If there's more to it than we know so far, there's nothing wrong with extending the intrigue/mystery.

Its actually kind of easy to explain all that, as I had this thought after seeing TFA and thinking a similar thing.

The people that dropped her off into slavery were NOT her parents.

Kidnapped? Taken by someone and hidden due to the threat the knew she would be? What would have happened to Luke had anyone besides lying old Kenobi found out about him?

They pretty much kidnapped him as it was.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
:lol lol :lol

A trilogy of lols for you. I deviated from the plan with the middle lol :monkey3

This is hilarious :rotfl

I'm sure "Star Wars Episode IX - Derides Skywalker" will be a film long remembered... by the LFL Story Group.:lol

"No one's ever really gone..." -- sounds like the tagline for a horror film. ZOMBIE LUKE!! :panic:


"Luke" emerges from his cave...


Say trilogy again Jye.....still not sinking in.

Weather they had a plan or not is not the issue.

They still have another film, that can or cannot answer, disprove, change or ignore anything we have seen thus far.

Wasn’t Luke going after Leia up until ROTJ? Why did he change his mind? She was hot as hell in the beginning of ROTJ!!!!! Did something about their relationship CHANGE in ROTJ?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

This is part of a TRILOGY!!?? No way!

God forbid Rian Johnson actually add anything interesting to his abomination of a "sequel." I forgot how it's forbidden to answer any questions or plot points that were introduced in the first film, that's usually only allowed for the third movie. :lol
It’s obvious they didn’t know what the **** they were doing. They got a shiny new toy and wanted to play with it instead of writing down a better story. Like what’s up with this snoke guy? Now that palpatine is back are we gonna have two old men sitting in chairs barking orders? Or are they actually going to make the man darth Plagueis like they should of done since the first
It’s obvious they didn’t know what the **** they were doing. They got a shiny new toy and wanted to play with it instead of writing down a better story. Like what’s up with this snoke guy? Now that palpatine is back are we gonna have two old men sitting in chairs barking orders? Or are they actually going to make the man darth Plagueis like they should of done since the first

Only one old-guy-inexplicably-back-from-the-dead can rule the galaxy.:lecture

Its actually kind of easy to explain all that, as I had this thought after seeing TFA and thinking a similar thing.

The people that dropped her off into slavery were NOT her parents.

Kidnapped? Taken by someone and hidden due to the threat the knew she would be? What would have happened to Luke had anyone besides lying old Kenobi found out about him?

They pretty much kidnapped him as it was.

Why would little Rey be crying for her kidnappers to come back? And why would she spend all those years on Jakku waiting for her kidnappers to return for her? Does she suffer from some kind of chronic Stockholm Syndrome where she keeps getting emotionally attached to those who take her captive against her will? It would explain why she seemed to develop a thing for Kylo, I guess. :lol

Whoever left her in the possession of Unkar Plutt would know that he'd treat her like crap. Two scenarios: 1.) If it was her parents, they were jerks . . . but kids may still want their parents, even when they're jerks. 2.) If it wasn't her parents, whoever it was were still jerks . . . and she wanted them back, even enough to be pining for them years later. Which of the two scenarios makes more sense to you?
"Let the past die" ... "No one's ever really gone"
'The Last...." ... "The Rise...."
"Throwed a tantrum and smashed the duck helmet"..... "Regrettably glued all broken pieces of the mask"


This Sequel is utter cr**p :lol.
Regarding all this discussion on whether there was a plan or not, or whether one should wait for the entire trilogy to play out or not... I didn't really have a problem with that.
My problem with TLJ is that, IMHO, it isn't a very good movie, it doesn't build very well on the way the story was set up in TFA and it doesn't develop the characters in a satisfactory manner.
Now, TROS may very well close the loop on the story points set up in TFA, and it may develop the character's arcs satisfactorily, and it will hopefully be a more competent movie than TLJ, but that won't change the shortcomings of TLJ.
Regardless of what you think of AOTC or ESB, both movies build very well on the preceding movie, expand on the characters and bring the story forward. I really don't think TLJ did any of that very well.

Anyway, I'm just hoping for a fun, interesting movie that gives closure to the series. Not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, and not an enviable task for Abrams. As finales go, I rate ROTS higher than ROTJ (and there goes all my credibility :lol). Vader, Luke and Palpatine's awesome third act notwithstanding, Jabba's muppet palace and the Attack of the Teddy-Bears were just too much for my adolescent tastes. Let's see what Abrams can do. At any reate, if it's crap, everybody will say it was GL's fault! :lol
"Let the past die" ... "No one's ever really gone"
'The Last...." ... "The Rise...."
"Throwed a tantrum and smashed the duck helmet"..... "Regrettably glued all broken pieces of the mask"


This Sequel is utter cr**p :lol.

Lol from letting the past die to literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for any past characters they have to bring in movie goers. Hilarious how palpatine is now in this line of movies
So people actually believe there was a "plan" to this "trilogy" all along??

You still believe in the Tooth Fairy too?

If Luke's lightsaber...sorry....REY'S lightsaber was so special and magical and possessed Force powers....why did Luke toss is over his shoulder like it was a burrito he was too full to eat?

The only plan that undeniably existed was that that Disney and/or Lucasfilm made "diversity" the top priority, before any discussion of the plot. The plot wasn't important. It could be filled in later. The important thing was making sure they finally got the right "representation" on the screen.

And yes, they are clearly making this story up as they go. Unbelievable that they even started filming the first movie without a solid plan for the second two, but it happened. But hey, George made up the original trilogy as he went. And the prequel trilogy. And LOST was made up as they went, despite them lying to audiences about having a plan. Twin Peaks was made up on the fly. Sometimes it just works better than others, I guess.
Lucas provided an outline for the trilogy, but Disney wanted to go in different direction. I'm guessing that is "end teh Skywalkers".
Disney had a new toy and wanted to play with it instead of waiting and coming up with a better story. They wanted to get that nostalgia money
Why would little Rey be crying for her kidnappers to come back? And why would she spend all those years on Jakku waiting for her kidnappers to return for her? Does she suffer from some kind of chronic Stockholm Syndrome where she keeps getting emotionally attached to those who take her captive against her will? It would explain why she seemed to develop a thing for Kylo, I guess. :lol

Whoever left her in the possession of Unkar Plutt would know that he'd treat her like crap. Two scenarios: 1.) If it was her parents, they were jerks . . . but kids may still want their parents, even when they're jerks. 2.) If it wasn't her parents, whoever it was were still jerks . . . and she wanted them back, even enough to be pining for them years later. Which of the two scenarios makes more sense to you?

Still missing the point. Kidnappers are often people the kidnapped person KNOWS.

So , imagine this (totally hypothetical imaginary story I created)

Rey , having been born of the other ....other ....twin sister, (because Leia was not the twin hidden off in ROTS, but truly a Organa, and force user, ) is raised in secret just like Luke was. Except , she is being secretly watched by A person who know the power she may contain, and does not want her to fall into the hands of the Sith or the Jedi as they have been the constant antagonists of all the major wars and suffering for the past years.

Upon learning that Rey is a Skywalker and will become a powerful Force user (maybe she makes fruit fly to her mouth or makes mops move to her hand unknowingly) , this watcher , Whom Rey KNOWS , as a friend and trusted Nanny, Teacher, gardener or mailman (doesn’t matter), kidnapped her and leaves her on Jakku, hoping she will be killed or forgotten (perhaps they care about he just enough to not want to kill her themselves)

Rey, being young, doesn’t remember this person as her parent, because thats never said.

All this joking aside, it was someone she loved and trusted , perhaps someone involved with her family, but not her parents.

Why? 3 ideas.

1. They were afraid of her powers and what she could become.

2. They wanted to Force her powers to manifest though stress and trials of life ( like Leia , some Force powers manifest during life struggles)

3. They were saving her for later, to rise to the challenge, like a good dessert you just cannot finish

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....