Broke and happy
He looks like my homeless uncle.
He looks like my homeless uncle.
I will say that we knew, going into this, that this movie, it had to be a satisfying conclusion. And we were well aware that that’s one of the things that’s been out there. I don’t want to say that what happens in Episode 8 [didn’t happen]. We have honored that. But I will say that there’s more to the story than you’ve seen.
I thought it was obvious he was lying to Rey. He was trying to manipulate her into thinking she wasn't "special."
Obi-Wan said that Darth Vader betrayed and murdered Luke's father! Lucas lied to us, he LIED!![]()
Terminate him! Immediately!
I can’t believe how impatient fans are holy crap can we let the whole trilogy play out already sheesh.
We all knew from day ONE that the ST was going to be a trilogy NOT TFA plus one sequel
OMG Kylo told her she’s a nobody burn the place down Disney lied to us!!!
Can someone please show me where Disney/Lucas/Kennedy/JJ/RJ promised YOU YES YOU that TLJ needed to resolve ALL plot points before IX!
Boy do I love that LOTR TRILOGY you know FOTR and TTT!!!
Jesus H Tico!
I can’t believe how impatient fans are holy crap can we let the whole trilogy play out already sheesh.
We all knew from day ONE that the ST was going to be a trilogy NOT TFA plus one sequel
OMG Kylo told her she’s a nobody in the middle part of a trilogy burn the place down Disney lied to us!!!
Can someone please show me where Disney/Lucas/Kennedy/JJ/RJ promised YOU YES YOU that TLJ needed to resolve ALL plot points before IX!
Boy do I love that LOTR TRILOGY you know FOTR and TTT!!!
Jesus H Tico!
Not sure who you're referring to but don't try and act like Disney had a plan for this "trilogy." They mad libbed that s**t as they went.
Rian Johnson didn't want to answer any of the questions brought up in FA because he didn't know or care.
I can’t believe how impatient fans are holy crap can we let the whole trilogy play out already sheesh.
We all knew from day ONE that the ST was going to be a trilogy NOT TFA plus one sequel
OMG Kylo told her she’s a nobody in the middle part of a trilogy burn the place down Disney lied to us!!!
The funny part is this is literally the reaction people are having on twitter and sjw fan sites.
They’re furious that they’re changing it in the middle of the trilogy even though it’s not done yet
They’re saying that they alienated half the fan base and now they’re gonna alienate them too. (Daisy saying no Reylo and some of the trailer stuff didn’t help either, though the reaction wasn’t as much)
So the main takeaways from SW Celebration were:
JJ: KK and RJ suck
Daisy: Reylo sucks
Admiral Ackbar: Holdo sucks
No wonder fans are starting to come back, lol.
Not sure who you're referring to but don't try and act like Disney had a plan for this "trilogy." They mad libbed that s**t as they went.
Rian Johnson didn't want to answer any of the questions brought up in FA because he didn't know or care.
No, because at that point we were sitting down and talking about where this might go, even as early on as with Michael Arndt. We were sort of plotting out, because obviously if you know up front that you’re building the pacing inside a trilogy structure, we needed to have some sense of where this saga was going without locking in on things and leaving room for creative development. But we had to have some sense of where we were going.
When Rian who I admire enormously and adore, came on board, we met and talked with him about all the things we were working on and playing with, and he as a spectacular writer and director has taken those things and has written an AMAZING script that I think will be an incredible next chapter, some of which incorporating things we were thinking of and other things are things we could never of dreamed of.