I find it so interesting how literal we all are today. Kenner Luke was 110% Luke to me back then, as much as a HT figure of Luke today, yet the Kenner fi was rough approximation of him at best. Look at Kenner R2's details, or the way they did Greedo - talk about artistic license.
These covers were tabloid style (there were a TON of comics to stand out from in those days) but they show heightened abstractions of what happened, like what you see in a lot of foreign SW OT posters. Had the rebels not launched when they did from Yavin in ANH, that "It's too late" cover would have happened. Luke and Vader do kind of face off against a backdrop of space and TIEs and X-wings battling at the end of ANH.
I'm 100% behind accuracy (and truth in advertising) but these covers never left me feeling ripped off - this is the way all comics were in that era.

These things - like Kenner figs - had an element of engaging the imagination that you really don't see today at all.