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Han's head looks more like Conan The Barbarian.

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Han's head looks more like Conan The Barbarian.

Quite! :)

While on the subject of the classic comics, #50 and #107 (the final issue) are getting reprints ahead of a one-shot #108 (which is a direct sequel to #50). And the #50 reprint is a "facsimile edition" with all the original ads!

(It's still all non-canon though)




I still remember my joy at seeing that in a toy shop. The pre-internet days. Amazing to think that the vintage line seemed like ancient history even then. But 10 years is an awful long time to a 13 year old. Now POTF2 is almost 25. :thud:

That was pre-internet for you? I was already spending hours a day on AOL dial-up discussing POTF2 with other nerds. Nothing has changed since was mostly griping about lousy distribution and anytime someone claimed to have a new figure, they'd be called a liar unless they provided proof. Good old AOL message boards. Rebelscum was around back then too, but I think it was just "Philip Wise's Star Wars Page" or something.

Speaking of He-Man Luke.....he looks fairly normal on the cover of issue 107, but once you open the book, he becomes Rambo:


I can't believe Hasbro never made this version when they were doing the comics packs and other EU stuff. I'd have bought it.
And wow - this casual, default bashing of SW "nerds" and fans is really weird. They were fun and cool... until TLJ... then suddenly they hate diversity, women, change, young people, progressive ideas, need to get a life, to die etc etc. but most of all they hate SW.:slap

Time will prove all of that as conveniently distracting garbage.

Easy there Tali.....

I AM one of those SW nerds....well documented, financed and known to all who know me. For over to 40 years now , its been my passion.

The trouble is , with the popularity of the MCU and SW, we tend to believe we are now “mainstream”. We may be mainstream for this moment...but that will pass and liking SW, comics and figure collecting, will again be relegated to the fringe members of society, to be scoffed at and ridiculed. It happened will happen again. I wont kid myself that this trend will end , probably sooner rather then later. SW will never remain mainstream in comparison to societies real mainstream events like sports, pop music (whatever flavor is manifests in) or fast food.

This is one of the reasons it bothers me so much to hear people say they “give up” on SW after a bad film (in their opinions) like TLJ. This wonderful time we live in, with all this content, will come to a screeching halt if the backers feel the tides are turning.....content will get less and less financed, and therefore worse and worse quality, till its gone completely. Its happened before (I know I said that already. I want that to sink in)

So be loud, proud SW fan, tell people you love it , even if the new stuff is not you bag, continue to show you support for more content. Be critical, but not dismissive...

This SW nerd, will take in any content as long as it keeps coming.....good and bad.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
That was pre-internet for you? I was already spending hours a day on AOL dial-up discussing POTF2 with other nerds. Nothing has changed since was mostly griping about lousy distribution and anytime someone claimed to have a new figure, they'd be called a liar unless they provided proof. Good old AOL message boards. Rebelscum was around back then too, but I think it was just "Philip Wise's Star Wars Page" or something.

Speaking of He-Man Luke.....he looks fairly normal on the cover of issue 107, but once you open the book, he becomes Rambo:

View attachment 450857
View attachment 450858

I can't believe Hasbro never made this version when they were doing the comics packs and other EU stuff. I'd have bought it.

I got you beat, 1988 Q-Link, 300 Baud modem on a Commodore 64. Technically may not be considered internet. But it was on-line, more of a BBS+.

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I watched Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom last night, and my takeaway was: “Thank God Colin Trevorrow isn’t doing episode ix because this movie sucked.”
Trevorrow was credited as a co-writer but he didn't direct Fallen Kingdom. He did however speak out against the studio mandate that they make FK less disturbing than JW by having the dino's victims be only those working for or allied with the bad guys.

He stated that "undeserved death is the essence of horror" which is why Zara's death had such an impact in the original.
Easy there Tali.....

I AM one of those SW nerds....well documented, financed and known to all who know me. For over to 40 years now , its been my passion.

The trouble is , with the popularity of the MCU and SW, we tend to believe we are now “mainstream”. We may be mainstream for this moment...but that will pass and liking SW, comics and figure collecting, will again be relegated to the fringe members of society, to be scoffed at and ridiculed. It happened will happen again. I wont kid myself that this trend will end , probably sooner rather then later. SW will never remain mainstream in comparison to societies real mainstream events like sports, pop music (whatever flavor is manifests in) or fast food.

This is one of the reasons it bothers me so much to hear people say they “give up” on SW after a bad film (in their opinions) like TLJ. This wonderful time we live in, with all this content, will come to a screeching halt if the backers feel the tides are turning.....content will get less and less financed, and therefore worse and worse quality, till its gone completely. Its happened before (I know I said that already. I want that to sink in)

So be loud, proud SW fan, tell people you love it , even if the new stuff is not you bag, continue to show you support for more content. Be critical, but not dismissive...

This SW nerd, will take in any content as long as it keeps coming.....good and bad.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

And this is where we (I) disagree...

I too have been a SW geek since '77 when I was 5 and saw Star Wars in the theater. I had (have) all the original vintage figures (except the '85 POTF line, as at 13 I wasn't interested in toys anymore) and many ships. I still loved Star Wars after it faded away. This was the time I got heavily into Marvel & DC comics (which also has never stopped). In the 90's as a college student I was enamored with some of the DH comics, and of course the plethora of Novels coming out. 1991 was when Heir To The Empire novel came out, and Dark Empire comic series. I couldn't believe how enthralling the stories were and couldn't wait to read more content. When 1995 rolled around, and new action figures started coming out, as a young adult just graduating college, I found myself buying toys again.. Thank god I was already with my girlfriend and future wife, as trying to bring a girl to your house when you have toys on shelves probably would've been an epic fail..:lol

So, fast forward to 2015. TFA was Ok. It had me excited for more movies. RO was awesome in 2016, and to me feels like part of the OT. But then TLJ came out, and after that everything changed. It was so bad, that I actually wanted to walk out of the theater. And I like the PT.. Yes, it's not the greatest, but I still enjoy it. Especially all the cool new SW characters and vehicles that came form it. And I learned to love it even more due to my son's love of Star Wars stemming from The Clone Wars cartoon and the prequels. The memories of sharing those with him watching him grow up far exceed the memories of myself growing up with the OT. Thankfully he prefers the OT as well, but his child hood memories will be the toys from the cartoon, which ties into the PT.

I still love Star Wars, but I'd rather it slowly disappear again, and no longer be mainstream and part of pop culture, than to be subject to awful horrid stories forcing political agendas and awareness into a new audience. NONE of that belongs in Star Wars. It was a modern fairy tale for all ages, kids and adults. The classic story of Good vs Evil, with heroes to look up to. I don't need to see fallen heroes, political messages about today's current affairs, forced gender awareness... I see that in real life everyday. I want to dream and see the hero save the day, and continue to be the person EVERY ONE should look up to. Who stumbles and falters but continues on in the face of adversity. Not someone, who like in reality, falters from the experience's of life as one ages and starts to give up.

I have a PLETHORA of good movies, cartoons, novels and comics to last me a lifetime.... So, I will always love Star Wars as well. But would rather watch it fade than become lost in a sea of boring contemporary mediocrity..
[...] I want to dream and see the hero save the day, and continue to be the person EVERY ONE should look up to. Who stumbles and falters but continues on in the face of adversity. Not someone, who like in reality, falters from the experience's of life as one ages and starts to give up.


All other issues aside -- and I have many concerning the Sequel Trilogy in terms of storytelling and character development -- this is the over-arching problem for me that dwarfs all else.

Han and Leia have a terrible marriage, lose their son and have him come back to murder his dad in front of his best friend? Luke Skywalker ends his days bitter and alone after experiencing failure and mass murder perpetrated by his nephew?

THIS is what Disney saw fit to grant our archetypal heroes in their old age? After all of their risk, sacrifice and daring?

Even Rogue One -- which I love -- was Star Wars meets Zero Dark Thirty, but at least their sacrifice meant something, dark as the story was.

Or did it? Because the First Order comes along and slaughters *billions* just 30 years later, handily wiping the floor with the previous era's "heroes".

It's a cynical and nasty treatment of what was once a mythic and escapist story of straight-up heroism.

Could it have been done any other way? I think...yes. But they decided to drag these characters through hell instead. It's off-brand, ultimately disappointing and off-putting.

I expect this from Game of Thrones, not Star Wars. Against the backdrop of my real, adult life it's a trivial thing, but from the standpoint of appreciating an artistic legacy, however flawed and plain silly it was -- it's a disappointment and a missed opportunity.