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It’s simple for me.

It’s a new SW movie tied to the OT era therefore i’m giving it my full attention and more importantly unequivocal benefit of the doubt.

No amount of cynicism and indifference will diminish me from anticipation.

This type of unbridled enthusiasm is reserved solely for The Mandalorian. Abandon your false god! :lecture :lol

For real though I'm a bit envious. Tried to get hyped about the teaser trailer, but just couldn't.
Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film, especially considering the PT, and all that came before.

Do you guys think some of this is being an adult now? Are you guys just less tolerant toward scripts then your younger years?

It seems way too little (to me) to have a single film/director to destroy your proclaimed long time love of SW?

Was is additive from PT PTSD?

If you liked RO.....why is this one film overriding that? Just because of what you perceived they did to your childhood hero? Throw away the entire Universe?

Loki? Tali? Seriously wondering if TLJ could, by itself, destroy your ability to enjoy all things SW.

And a side question, When you heard Disney was taking over, were you optimistic? Are you a fan of Disney films?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....


Well yeah sure eventually I will but not right now I mean can I at least wait until they’re NOT using Lucas’s freaking blueprint!

Look I survived my jock family ridicule for my devotion to SW in the theater during AOTC I can survive until December lol
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Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film, especially considering the PT, and all that came before.

Do you guys think some of this is being an adult now? Are you guys just less tolerant toward scripts then your younger years?

It seems way too little (to me) to have a single film/director to destroy your proclaimed long time love of SW?

Was is additive from PT PTSD?

If you liked RO.....why is this one film overriding that? Just because of what you perceived they did to your childhood hero? Throw away the entire Universe?

Loki? Tali? Seriously wondering if TLJ could, by itself, destroy your ability to enjoy all things SW.

And a side question, When you heard Disney was taking over, were you optimistic? Are you a fan of Disney films?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Pt wasn’t that bad. Still intrigued to see anakin become Darth Vader. New characters are boring who win all the time with no depth and movies feel like they cater to nostalgia more than trying to tell a decent story. I’ll wait for the fan reviews. Of course RT will give this movie glowing reviews like they did TLJ despite it being bad imo.
Pt wasn’t that bad. Still intrigued to see anakin become Darth Vader. New characters are boring who win all the time with no depth and movies feel like they cater to nostalgia more than trying to tell a decent story. I’ll wait for the fan reviews. Of course RT will give this movie glowing reviews like they did TLJ despite it being bad imo.

Would your feeling about Rey being a Mary Sue change if I told you she is Anakin reborn?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film, especially considering the PT, and all that came before.

Do you guys think some of this is being an adult now? Are you guys just less tolerant toward scripts then your younger years?[...]

Personally, I haven't given up so much as lost faith in the ST. TROS *could* be good but I'm not holding my breath. Quite excited for The Mandalorian. As to your query about adulthood -- definitely a factor but the script has to be really bad -- I give the MCU all kinds of passes, although certainly not all the time.
Would your feeling about Rey being a Mary Sue change if I told you she is Anakin reborn?[...]

Mind blown.

But for me it's not the Mary Sue problem alone. Luke was a bit of a Mary Sue, all things considered. He went from whiny farmboy to hardened rebel fighter, killer and pilot in the space of one film.

If the only issue for me was Rey being Super I'd give it a pass and chill out.
I really do not like any of the Disney star wars movies, forgettable characters, I can careless about any of them. Then Disney can not get right how to choreograph a saber battle. They swing the damn thing like a bat, worse than the originals. I mean how did they go back wards with the battles. Not to mention how boring each one was. I never understood the like for these movies. I grew up in the 70's and love the originals. However, ROTS has to be my favorite one a side from the times of chessy dialogue the movie was dark and bad ass how Anakin turned and how skilled they were with the power. But anyways, just go back to the basics and for once be a bad ass like Vader was an obi in ROTS how they wield the sabers. I think Disney has their work cut out for them and I hope to say I liked one Disney star wars movie.
Would your feeling about Rey being a Mary Sue change if I told you she is Anakin reborn?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Shocking news!! MaReySu's true identity has been finally revealed, that would be the perfect explantion why the girl was ridiculously powerful in ST. The girl was the incarnation of Darth Vader himself all this time, rose from the after life of the Force to beat the ** out of his pathetic son - Luke Skywalker, a fugitive Jedi Master who sucked blue milk out of alien space cow's ****....and last but not least, gave "lession" to his emo grandson Ben Solo :lol.

Vader/Anakin/ReySu just simply couldnt let lesser generations stained the name of Skywalker no more.

"The Rise of Vader/MariSu"... pefection :clap
Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film, especially considering the PT, and all that came before.

Do you guys think some of this is being an adult now? Are you guys just less tolerant toward scripts then your younger years?

It seems way too little (to me) to have a single film/director to destroy your proclaimed long time love of SW?

Was is additive from PT PTSD?

If you liked RO.....why is this one film overriding that? Just because of what you perceived they did to your childhood hero? Throw away the entire Universe?

Loki? Tali? Seriously wondering if TLJ could, by itself, destroy your ability to enjoy all things SW.

And a side question, When you heard Disney was taking over, were you optimistic? Are you a fan of Disney films?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I hate to say it buddy, but each Disney star wars movie was atrocious bland, boring and forgettable characters. No character building and the biggest issue is the horrible battles with the light sabers. The first movie brought nothing new, RO had one good scene with Vader, the rest of the movie I fell asleep. The last Jedi I don't know where to begin with that mess. I never saw Solo so I can not comment on that one. But saying because of one movie brought criticism, that is not true to me it was all the films. I tried to like everyone of them but walked out of the theater just like oh another movie I care less about. I walked out of the originals with goose bumps and ROTS with excitement of wanting to watch them again. I own all 6. I don't own one disney star wars film and I thought I would never say this. But I wish it ended after ROTS and to me it did.
I will not turn, and you'll be forced to disagree with me.


That's a matter of opinion and choosing your own interpretation of the narrative; as opposed to perhaps getting caught up in meta-critique, I'll totally give you that, even if I disagree. :duff

Yes I'm not dictating the "correct" way to view these films, only stating my own personal take. :duff

However, my overall low opinion of the narrative approach and character development stands.

Not aware of it -- unless you mean Ford's original wish for Han to bite it in ROTJ?

Yes Ford and Kasdan and Kurtz' wanted Han or at the very least Lando die. Of course they were all vetoed and honestly I even side with Lucas on that one but I've always wondered "what if" and TFA gave me that what if without having to replace ROTJ (even if it did repeat large portions of it, lol.)

I recall a road not taken where Luke went all Clint Eastwood and walked alone in the unknown following ROTJ. Between the combat fatigue and possible PTSD or just plain Mystic-Warrior-Loner trope, I could see that. But there's a distinction between exile and utter failure.

I'll give you that, but I didn't see Yoda or Obi Wan as having completely given up. Between the 2 at least Obi Wan was playing Watchful Protector. Presumably.

No sir, I do not! :mad: -- but I'll hear you out. :rotfl

An interesting take, and one that gives more weight to Luke deciding to "Just say 'no'" to Palpatine when offered a sweet hit of that Dark Side.

Yes that's exactly where I'm coming from. Not only did Luke get a massive dose of "Dark Side" when prying into Ben Solo's mind but it was the very Dark Side that created his own father and in part him as well. So specifically potent to him was it to walk blindly into it that I almost see it as the Star Wars version of RoboCop's "Directive 4." That is an inherent weakness that can only be triggered by his "creator." Now I trust you won't take the comparison too literally, obviously Luke isn't a robot or mind controlled or anything but that's the closest comparison I can make and one that at least to me actually makes me fully sympathetic to his follow-up actions to the point that I can pretty much fully forgive them.

Do I expect my take to be embraced or validated in any kind of widespread or official capacity? Nah, unless Palpatine actually taunts Luke "D--- Jones-style" about the little "insurance policy" he had embedded in Luke's midichlorians. ;) Actually now that I think of it Palpatine had Order 66 buried deep in his clones DNA so IMO it'd be just like him to have something else buried in the DNA of his created Chosen One and all the Chosen One's offspring. Something incredibly difficult to overcome but that would--holy crap--reconcile the annoying about face Vader performed going from ESB to ROTJ. Maybe Vader really was going to overthrow the Emperor with Luke until Palpatine activated that extra level of control between films which is why Vader was seemingly so docile on Endor "I must obey my master..." Damn, lol.

You could make it fit. And in so doing one could even gloss over or forget about films that one considers exceptionally bad like say, AOTC or TLJ.

But from a meta-perspective their treatment of what became mythic heroes will never sit well with me -- not that it matters to anyone's big picture -- including my own -- as long as we're talking about perspectives. ;)

Yep I totally understand. It was what, barely two weeks ago that I openly stated that the ST would most likely never sit well with me either and then one Palpatine laugh later here we are, lol.
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I honestly envy your ability to be "within the narrative." All I see is that they ran out of major OT characters to exploit for both fan service and functionality (title notwithstanding:lol,) and they had no villains of note in the ST (one's now dead, the other who was a wuss all along turned into an even bigger wuss in TLJ,) so they cynically turned to the last major OT character left, who also happens to be a villain! As yet another desperately needed OT bone for the shapeless, gelatinous ST body.:lol

But no, the fact our illustrious, creative Story Group had planted this seed all along makes the parasitic urge toward the OT oh-so-organic. The OT needs to become like that homeless guy in the Robot Chicken Tauntaun's belly - "Get your own story!"

Yes I see your perspective and can understand why you and many others would have that more cynical take on how the ST is playing out (not being insulting, because it does make sense to me why you'd view the story choices the way that you do.)

As for my ability to be within the narrative as you put it it really comes down to just how deeply embedded the OT and everything from that era is in *my* DNA, lol. To me there's just something magical about almost anything that hearkens back to the original backstory and planned future stories circa late 70's/early 80's. Like whatever was in their heads (George, Kurtz, Kasdan, Kershner, McQuarrie, etc.) back then is a 100% valid direction to take any new stories in.

If there was some scribblings on the corner of an old sketchbook or script outline stating that Boba Fett used to be a feminine little clone of *his own knock-off character* proving that that was who he was built to be in the first place then I'd probably accept it, lol. But as of now I absolutely hate it and will *not* offer any take on the narrative that allows for that. The only way for me to accept AOTC as canon is to just pretend that that kid was a different "Boba Fett." No if's and's or but's about it.

Fast forward to today and we're getting a Mandalorian show chalk full of OT era and Holiday Special references and an Episode IX that might be combining Dark Empire with George's original plans for the ST. If that's the case then I'll on cloud freaking nine man. ;)
Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film, especially considering the PT, and all that came before.

Do you guys think some of this is being an adult now? Are you guys just less tolerant toward scripts then your younger years?

It seems way too little (to me) to have a single film/director to destroy your proclaimed long time love of SW?

Was is additive from PT PTSD?

If you liked RO.....why is this one film overriding that? Just because of what you perceived they did to your childhood hero? Throw away the entire Universe?

Loki? Tali? Seriously wondering if TLJ could, by itself, destroy your ability to enjoy all things SW.

And a side question, When you heard Disney was taking over, were you optimistic? Are you a fan of Disney films?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

As I said, to me it comes down not to a particular film, but to the burning need for the new story to be told at all, or not - ie is it simply a new franchise entry for commercial purposes, which is a very large % of branded content over the past 15 years.

There are valid reasons to remake a film - original poorly produced (FX, production values,) dated decor/acting style or by the era (eg Jaws costumes clearly 70's,) a great story just not all that well told by that particular filmmaker back then, the film itself being famous but didn't achieve classic/embedded in the culture status where everything came together (Jaws, Raiders, BTTF, The Godfather are movies that would be suicide to remake.)

Valid reasons for a sequel/prequel too - a clear need to expand on a character story that really resonated with people, unresolved story material in the first film, a new idea that really connects with and expands on (and informs) the original.

The OT seems impervious on most of these points. I'd argue that only really RO fulfils the "reason for being" test, because it shows ANH from a very different perspective (not just character - also genre, outlook, design aesthetic - truly re-envisioning ANH) and one that expands upon (while intimately connecting to) ANH. It's the BTTF2 of the Disney SW films.

Both ST films - and I'm assuming TROS too - to me fail the "reason for being" test. Unable to find a new, mythic take on the wider SW story world, they at first closely replicated the OT storyline and characters (while using the excuse of "but it's a Star Wars film, you gotta have a guy in black mask and red saber...") If the female Ghostbusters had had cameos by the original GBs (ie occurred in same story world) it would have been similar to TFA. The second film simply subverted expectations - in a strangely meta way - of fans based on the first film (which was only well received because it was PT mouthwash and a return to known territory, again perhaps a reason for the brazen replication to be forgiven.) TLJ is a minor part of this.

As for Disney - I hear this a bit on here, like people who have something against Disney. To me it's a non-issue. LFL was a major corporation worth billions even before the takeover.

Pt wasn’t that bad. Still intrigued to see anakin become Darth Vader. New characters are boring who win all the time with no depth and movies feel like they cater to nostalgia more than trying to tell a decent story. I’ll wait for the fan reviews. Of course RT will give this movie glowing reviews like they did TLJ despite it being bad imo.

I like the basic ideas of the PT, not the films. I do think with a quite different take on the material and a better director, these films will be much better - and they will be remade after Lucas passes.

Yes I see your perspective and can understand why you and many others would have that more cynical take on how the ST is playing out (not being insulting, because it does make sense to me why you'd view the story choices the way that you do.)

As for my ability to be within the narrative as you put it it really comes down to just how deeply embedded the OT and everything from that era is in *my* DNA, lol. To me there's just something magical about almost anything that hearkens back to the original backstory and planned future stories circa late 70's/early 80's. Like whatever was in their heads (George, Kurtz, Kasdan, Kershner, McQuarrie, etc.) back then is a 100% valid direction to take any new stories in.

If there was some scribblings on the corner of an old sketchbook or script outline stating that Boba Fett used to be a feminine little clone of *his own knock-off character* proving that that was who he was built to be in the first place then I'd probably accept it, lol. But as of now I absolutely hate it and will *not* offer any take on the narrative that allows for that. The only way for me to accept AOTC as canon is to just pretend that that kid was a different "Boba Fett." No if's and's or but's about it.

Fast forward to today and we're getting a Mandalorian show chalk full of OT era and Holiday Special references and an Episode IX that might be combining Dark Empire with George's original plans for the ST. If that's the case then I'll on cloud freaking nine man. ;)

In the same way I wish I could drink the Kool Aid. I KNOW it's 100% delicious.:lol

And I like what you're evoking - there is indeed a mythology to the time and place of the OT's creation, not just the OT itself. Some unique synergy of talents that does indeed constitute something magical, intertwined with but also separate from the films. But in some ways, I really love the fact that to me at the end of the day SW was so unique and special that it will remain impervious to replication or "grafting" - new projects that attempt to share the DNA. Looking like and sort of feeling like the OT but will be forgotten - because that is indeed the fate of the ST. In 100 years, the OT alone will be loved.

The past few years to me have proven that because cracking/replicating the DNA code of OT has proven impossible, the only way to make great SW films is to go with the RO model (and perhaps the Mandalorian) where you simply inhabit the time and place, with the BTTF2 vibe of being just around the corner from the sun-like glow of the OT storyline, because that's what is the magic for fans.
Actually now that I think of it Palpatine had Order 66 buried deep in his clones DNA so IMO it'd be just like him to have something else buried in the DNA of his created Chosen One and all the Chosen One's offspring. Something incredibly difficult to overcome but that would--holy crap--reconcile the annoying about face Vader performed going from ESB to ROTJ. Maybe Vader really was going to overthrow the Emperor with Luke until Palpatine activated that extra level of control between films which is why Vader was seemingly so docile on Endor "I must obey my master..." Damn, lol.

"Anakin's turn to the dark side was rushed." :wink1:

Its sad to me to see fans give up on SW after a single film.

A single film? :lol

Star Wars has been mostly crap for decades now. There are so many movies and only like 2 or 3 of them are any good. Each one is worse than the last. It didn’t just suddenly start with TLJ being putrid. It’s been building up for a long time now.
Didn’t I read that Khev now considers TPM as part of his personal canon or some ****? It took, what, the Solo movie for him to come to that conclusion? :lol

I give him the next movie, the TV show and a visit to the Star Wars Disney park for him to accept AOTC and ROTS. So like two years. Then he’ll be fully indoctrinated into every era this tripe franchise has to offer.

And damn Jye, I could find a cat turd in a sandbox, slap a glittery yellow Star Wars logo on it and I know you’d eat it up. ADMIT IT

( I like that sig btw)