Broke and happy

**** just got real lol
All right for the fun of it I present to you the Khev TROS trailer reaction. I must say these are much harder to make than they look, lol.
Ah yes, the modern man.
All right for the fun of it I present to you the Khev TROS trailer reaction. I must say these are much harder to make than they look, lol.
Man did the Matrix spank TPM in 99.
All that tremendous exciting build up to TPM just to get punked by 2 women wearing mens skins
This was WAY better viewing than the trailer itself...
I have analyzed this trailer capturing a few screen shots that are spoilers...also for future Jye projects pictures...
KHEV’S Grace Face
KHEV in AWE (must be looking at sweaty Rey
KHEV Disgusted (must be looking at Grace)
KHEV ponders the mystery’s of the Universe and the MCU , DCU and SW
nothing but love for ya man! LOL Great Video!
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
That's cool. It's a bit strange to put a face and a voice to the entity known as Khev. I feel like I've seen too much.![]()
Holy crap for a first time that was pretty damn near professional quality if you ask me.
I can’t talk to a camera I just mumble then say DUCK!
Khev did you freak out when you first saw the real title I know I did.
At least it wasn’t Will or Balance of the Force lol
Damn Khev why did you weaponize me like that with your glorious mug
I kid I kid I promise not to photoshop new you anywhere lol
Yeah great video Khev.![]()
I predict these screen captures will get a LOT of use as Khev weighs in on the various aspects of the release of Mando and TROS."Khev dubiously ponders" especially.
I really need to figure out how that upload-to-youtube thing even works. Youtube's solely this thing you watch - uploading is such a weird idea, but I'm guessing that's gone after the first video upload.![]()
I 100% with what you said about the opening of the trailer feeling like you’re already watching the movie because we really were regardless if it was out of context but the music swelling up really elevated that scene into a thrilling experience.
Yep totally that opening sequence really does a great job of whetting the appetite and pulling you in and Palpatine is the perfect closer. It'll be very interesting to learn the full context of the TIE fighter jump.
I was trying to articulate my anticipation for both TROS and Mando in the video because I recognize that TROS has the higher potential but who knows now how close they'll come to reaching it whereas Mando definitely feels like more of a guarantee, a nice fallback if TROS drops the ball. Best case scenario of course is that both are homeruns and if that happens that'll just be insane.
My biggest concern with Mando will be the helmet on/off ratio.
You know during Celebration I was so pumped for Mando/IX that I ended up revisiting RO/TFA/TLJ in a marathon while wife was at work and I just don’t think TFA/TLJ are dumpster fires. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but certainly not dumpster fires either.
For me a dumpster fire is Hayden trying to show that Anakin is arrogant in the scene where he says the line:
“Excuse me i’m in charge of security here my lady!”
Holy crap it is just brutal to watch even Portman’s reaction is like “OMG WTF” lol
All right for the fun of it I present to you the Khev TROS trailer reaction. I must say these are much harder to make than they look, lol.
Thanks ajp!That's pretty damn cool of you to post a vid for the Freaks, Khev.![]()
I actually expected you to ham it up; maybe chop some onions just out of frame to get the waterworks going.But I'm glad you played it straight. Man, now I'm pulling even harder for TROS to be a home run. It just sank in that much more that this means a lot to you at the end of a 40+ year journey, so I really want TROS to be the movie that turns the ST into something you (and other long-term fans) can look back on fondly.
Thanks for posting what is likely the first ever "15th viewing of a trailer reaction video."Here's hoping TROS delivers big time for you, man.
Thanks ajp!
Yeah it's been pretty amazing to watch the OT when they came out as a kid with my parents, the PT with my friends and wife, and now the ST with my kids. I love that I've experienced these trilogies with three generations of friends and family. For peeps who aren't into SW I sincerely hope that they get to have this kind of fun with something similar in their own lives.
And at this point I just want to kick back and enjoy whatever comes including the pre-hype, the films/shows themselves, and whatever post-release zaniness that might follow, lol.
No problem and same to you bud.![]()
With the 20 year anniversary this year, 1999 is supposed to have been a year of classic movies:
Twenty years later, why 1999 at the movies remains an untouchable milestone (Globe and Mail, Canada)
With the 20 year anniversary this year, 1999 is supposed to have been a year of classic movies:
Twenty years later, why 1999 at the movies remains an untouchable milestone (Globe and Mail, Canada)
Do you remember where you were in 1999? More specifically – and more importantly – do you remember which movies you were watching in 1999? Ask any even half-hearted cinephile, and you’ll get an earful: The Matrix. Eyes Wide Shut. Magnolia. Fight Club. Election. Bringing Out the Dead. The Limey. Boys Don’t Cry. Toy Story 2. The Iron Giant. The Blair Witch Project. The Virgin Suicides. The Sixth Sense. And so, so many more – an almost unbelievable lineup that seems culled from an entire decade, not just a single 12-month stretch.