Broke and happy
Crazy fan theory:
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The Death Star will act as the Quantum Realm, time travel is happening!
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Time travel is just lazy writing.
Couldn't agree more. Which is why I think, in time, once the afterglow wears off, people might finally admit to themselves that Endgame was a very poorly written movie.
I know, right?!Time travel is just lazy writing.
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Now that Palpatine's back and everything has been going as he has foreseen, can we all finally admit that bumbling Obi-Wan and then Luke really accomplished nothing in their respective sagas, since it all went right in line with Palpatine's plan. They are the Forrest Gumps of Star Wars.
[emoji38]I can't wait to hear Palpatine say "only now, at the surprise alternate end, do you understand."
I know, right?!
Back to the Future, 12 Monkeys, Terminator, Donnie Darko, Time Bandits, all so lazy!!!
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Nawww my dude, not all time traveling narratives aren’t bad, all those movies you stated have been done well, it’s bad like in endgame when a plot doesn’t take into account the effect characters may have on the past or future and how it would affect them personally. It’s a bad solution to a plot where the writers can’t think of any way to solve the dilemma they’ve created, as a gimmick is bad writing, as an integral part of a well written story is not.
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