To be fair, when you have OT ships and SW visuals at your disposal it's hard to make a bad trailer, but I did like several shots (the blackade runner over the forest was cool.)
The horses galloping along the exterior deck of a star destroyer is a somewhat strange idea though, and the duel against the stormy sea is odd partly because it's such an epic backdrop for two pretty weak characters who aren't even known for amazing sword skills (I think Kylo is 0/3 against Rey, and she's really had no training.)
And then... not only did Palps survive a fall down a bottomless shaft, and the explosion of the DSII like an hour later, his throne room survived along with his CHAIR? That to me crosses from wtf to just plain laughable.
There's still UNBROKEN PANES OF GLASS in Palps' window - though they did do some "battle damage" to his throne.

The horses galloping along the exterior deck of a star destroyer is a somewhat strange idea though, and the duel against the stormy sea is odd partly because it's such an epic backdrop for two pretty weak characters who aren't even known for amazing sword skills (I think Kylo is 0/3 against Rey, and she's really had no training.)
And then... not only did Palps survive a fall down a bottomless shaft, and the explosion of the DSII like an hour later, his throne room survived along with his CHAIR? That to me crosses from wtf to just plain laughable.
There's still UNBROKEN PANES OF GLASS in Palps' window - though they did do some "battle damage" to his throne.