Jannah one small thing. When you ride your horse on a star destroyer can you not introduce me.

Jannah one small thing. When you ride your horse on a star destroyer can you not introduce me.
Leaked image of Palps:
View attachment 468997
Interesting outfit, convenient how it seems to combine both of his OT and PT getups. Classic JJ thinking
Daisy's lookin thicc tho
So from the trailer can anyone tell me what this film is about? .
Its not about anything. Just like the rest of the ST. There's absolutely no useable message in any of these films.
So from the trailer can anyone tell me what this film is about? I know a trailer is not supposed to give it all away but it could at least convey what will happen when I pay my $10.00. For all I know they could just sit around and read A Tale of Two Cities for 2 hours.
I guess this is the scene where all will be explained huh?
"It was *I* who convinced George there should be three more instalments..."
It's odd that after 40 years of the Skywalker saga, the final film that ends it doesn't have a single character named Skywalker in a lead role and fighting the main villain from the OT and PT.