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Oh no, they should be so unfortunate as to have a $200 million opening weekend
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Oh no, they should be so unfortunate as to have a $200 million opening weekend
I would love to dress down Rose.
I wonder if they felt pressure to include a close-up for Rose in the TROS trailer, despite apparently not having a major presence in the movie. Like there would have been a backlash if they didn't.
I don?t mind TLJ yet in my mind you?re 100% right lol
But I don?t judge SW with my mind I judge them with my heart.
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Except the PT I judge them with my suna (spell that backwards)
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I feel even less about the ST than I find things to think about.
There is so little "heart" in the ST it doesn't even move the needle to me - anything that you are supposed to feel, beyond crassly calibrated and calculated nostalgia (one more extended CF hug and I'll scream - she's given the too-long grandma hug to everyone but Nien Nunb,) always seems so obvious or lifted from the OT character equivalent (aww, parentless desert dweller, aww plucky-cute dome-droid, etc)
For me an inserted testing probe during TPM and AOTC would have read off the scale, then ceased to function due to the crush pressure.![]()
I hear ya I don?t think you?re wrong but SW has been off the rails since 1983 so i?m used to it by now I just go with the corporate flow maybe just out of sheer boredom by this stage of my miserable existence on this miserable planet we?re freaking stuck on lol
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Kylo being overshadowed by Rey was a given. The main hero has always gotten the bulk of screen time in the "Episode" movies. But even so, Rey's journey has just as much to do with Kylo as it does with finding herself. She's the "yin" to Kylo's "yang" (no euphemism meant there).
As for Snoke, there's no way he has overshadowed Kylo. Maybe in the minds of some fans who wanted Snoke to be something more than he was ever meant to be; but not in reality. In TLJ, even before Kylo split him in half, Snoke had the classic "Emperor's Theme" playing in the background; it wasn't even his own theme (the one from TFA).I don't think Snoke was ever meant to be more than a red herring, and a means to an end, in the big picture.
The ST is Kylo's story (for me, anyway). Han and Leia presumably split because of Kylo. Han died because of him. Luke went into exile because of him. Luke died because of him. Rey came into the story because of him. The question for me now is: was it Palpatine who was actually responsible for Kylo (through Snoke) all along?
The first two movies had a lot to do with Kylo's negative effect on the OT characters, and tearing down what they had built. Hopefully, the third movie will be about why (but probably not), and then how he chooses to resolve all of what has come to pass.