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Aside from her Mary-Sue-ness, the problem with Rey is we still know so little about her. Is it possible to root for a character - a main character, at that - who's still shrouded in mystery two movies in?

And does anyone still care who she is?

Never cared who she was, if u mean do I need to know who her parents are etc. Never got why it was so important, or why it's so unacceptable that you'd have random people/creatures born with force-ability, to later or lesser degree.

Since haven't read SW books etc. maybe that violates some sort of canon; but way back never liked the intro of midichlorians - thought it was over-explaining. For Rey think it's enough that HER not knowing her family is, if not a weakness really, a wound she lives with. Sure, I'd root for her, depending on how the movies handle her dealing with it, ultimately. IMO SW's problems are more a function of - well, OK, so it's sad she knows she's nothing; all those years of making scratches on the walls for parents that will never come - and at this point, then what? 'Coz right now she gets to that point, and then there's a jog to an action scene. Revelation that goes nowhere and means little, at least not yet.

Well, lots of fans loved Snake-Eyes or Wolverine before knowing much about them. They were just cool as heck. Rey's character is stuck in a really, really bad Star Wars story. A AOTC bad story. She could be awesome if her story arc made sense in the context of the films that came before and she had better dialogue to work with but it just didn't happen. I still don't know why they gave her "instant force powers". Who the heck thought that was a good idea? If Luke had been able to magically kick ass and had mastery of The Force from the beginning it would have been as boring as heII.

Well, yeah.:slap
Are we talking about the same SW where in ANH the death star destroyed Alderaan a fully formed planet BUT then had to wait to orbit around Yavin Prime a gas planet so that it was in visual sight of the Yavin 4 moon rebel base.

Why didn?t it just obliterate Yavin Prime then Yavin 4 why waste time orbiting the damn planet lol hell obliterating Yavin Prime would?ve more than likely taken out Yavin 4 along with it!

Yes SW where things don?t always line up perfectly and make sense even in ANH the gold standard.

Those sand bikes sure look cool don?t they.

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Oh I'm with you and what did the Hoth rebels do while the ATATs took a week to walk the 20 miles from drop-off to the rebel base...:lol

All I'm saying is it's weird to have characters go "wtf - jetpacks?!" when it's been at least 30 years both in-universe and in our years since we all first saw jetpacks.
Jye, someone's breaking down the classics to big up the inferior films aga- was you Jye!

Sue :monkey3

These aren?t the jye question marks you?re looking for, move along.

Oh I'm with you and what did the Hoth rebels do while the ATATs took a week to walk the 20 miles from drop-off to the rebel base...:lol

All I'm saying is it's weird to have characters go "wtf - jetpacks?!" when it's been at least 30 years both in-universe and in our years since we all first saw jetpacks.

They didn?t know the Jedi were real so it matches up perfectly


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30 years after flying motorbikes, they use motorbikes that drive along the ground?

30 years after Boba's flying with a jetpack - 60 years after Jango's jetpack - people are totally stunned by... a jetpack?

And they engineer this super-complex catapult to launch a jetpack, when 60 years earlier you didn't need it?

Shouldn't C-3PO tell them that even R2D2 was flying with rockets more than a half century earlier?

:slap 30 seconds of footage - so much nonsense.

JJ said Rian inspired him to be more "daring". Is it a surprise he went full retard?

There are people riding horses on the hull of a freaking Star Destroyer in upper atmosphere without any breathing apparatus.
C?mon please don?t bring science into SW my biggest pet peeve.

ESB they?re in space with a little non rebreather mask and no space suit....literally in space inside a giant slug no less lol

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C?mon please don?t bring science into SW my biggest pet peeve.

ESB they?re in space with a little non rebreather mask and no space suit....literally in space inside a giant slug no less lol

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Horses galloping along the outside of a star destroyer hull carrying people without breathers of any kind is a teeny step further out.

I can't believe the visual I just described. Jaannnnnahh!!!!!!! :lol

This is to help Wor-gar with how to embrace Jannah...


The bike-catapult is really lame.

Here’s the list of Star Wars run times:

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope: 121 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back: 124 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi: 131 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace: 136 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones: 142 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens: 138 Minutes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi: 152 Minutes
Solo: A Star Wars Story: 135 Minutes
Star Wars Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker: 141 Minutes
Here’s the list of Star Wars run times:

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope: 121 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back: 124 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi: 131 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace: 136 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones: 142 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens: 138 Minutes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi: 152 Minutes
Solo: A Star Wars Story: 135 Minutes
Star Wars Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker: 141 Minutes

Huh. There’s some classic irony in that list.
When I re-sort that list from shortest run time to longest, it pretty much ranks the movies for me from best to worst (though TPM should be further down ):

Here’s the list of Star Wars run times:

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope: 121 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back: 124 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi: 131 Minutes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 Minutes
Solo: A Star Wars Story: 135 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace: 136 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens: 138 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
(Star Wars Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker: 141 Minutes)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones: 142 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi: 152 Minutes
Here?s the list of Star Wars run times:

Star Wars: Episode IV ? A New Hope: 121 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode V ? The Empire Strikes Back: 124 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VI ? Return of the Jedi: 131 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode I ? The Phantom Menace: 136 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode II ? Attack of the Clones: 142 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode III ? Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VII ? The Force Awakens: 138 Minutes
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: 133 Minutes
Star Wars: Episode VIII ? The Last Jedi: 152 Minutes
Solo: A Star Wars Story: 135 Minutes
Star Wars Episode IX ? The Rise of Skywalker: 141 Minutes

Sometimes.... shorter is betta.
So that?s a popular scene. Saw it in Mad Max, one of The Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser(?) ... Indy ... and several old Westerns off the top of my head.

The banter would be cute if jet packs weren?t old news.

The bikes are stupid in a way that AT-ATs were not, and I?m not just saying that to hate the ST, but hey, it?s Star Wars so TOYS.

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I really enjoyed how 3PO said that line lol

Did any of the PT movies have jet packed troopers not that I recall remember they had to slide down ropes in ROTS lol

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I really enjoyed how 3PO said that line lol

Did any of the PT movies have jet packed troopers not that I recall remember they had to slide down ropes in ROTS lol

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Can?t remember the PT, but Rebels had jet-pack-equipped stormtroopers and that?s canonical, pre-ANH.

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