You could probably read it either way. Threepio and R2 clearly aren't battle droids, but automatons may still carry a stigma post Clone Wars.
In the films they were basically background props, so there's that.
As portrayed in the made-for-kids PT (except for the Anakin burning alive limbless part) -- but in-universe they were meant to be mass-produced killing machines, which we may see more of in Mandalorian flashbacks.
Well yeah, that's a product of film and special FX technology as well as the brand's inconsistent writing. Which is likely why you and I disagree, we're both reading into things; I just think my personal canonical blanks as I've filled them in don't mesh with yours. Admittedly, some of yours are more observation-based but we simply have differing opinions on how the greater galactic situation looked from afar.
Yeah, maybe it's observation based (and I realize there can be theories regardless of what's onscreen,) but all I mean is that onscreen no one in the OT seems to be openly and specifically hostile toward droids in the sense of "don't trust these guys, they were Terminators 30 years ago." Even the cantina barkeep to Luke in ANH is more about "keep your horse outside, padre."
What you're talking about is like Ripley and Bishop in Aliens - "don't trust these ****ers." This is an extremely common theme in sci-fi, but not as present in myth/fantasy like SW.
The very fact droids (and lots of them) are background props and pretty much ignored completely as they do their thing - think of the protocol droids in the Hoth base as a good example - seems to confirm there's no specific hostility towards droids in the OT. You'd expect the rebels especially would have a no-droid policy if this was a real thing.
There does seem to be a specific and wide dislike/distrust for Jawas in the OT - maybe they were brutal mass-killers 30 years earlier.