This thread's been repeating itself for the past thousand pages! Power of discourse I suppose.
[...]I was so fascinated with Jedis as a kid so to me that battle scene in the arena was so cool. Plus we get to see Yoda wield a saber for the first time!
They could've still sorta fixed that in Ep9 by just having another duel in Act 1 where Kylo lets her know that there was a reason why he held back. He could then go on to defeat her in that Act 1 duel. It could be as evenly matched as necessary, but still have Kylo show more proficiency than Rey.
Obviously, he wouldn't be able to kill her. So, you could set up a killshot that gets interrupted by Rey's Resistance pals. Something like Chewie and Finn blasting away at Kylo to keep him distracted enough while the others rescue Rey before flying away. Or whatever other easily-constructed rescue and getaway.
Rey would be humbled, and doubting herself. Along comes ghost Luke (or whomever) to remind her that even being chosen by the Force doesn't mean it's going to be easy to win (a bit of meta acknowledgment for the Mary Sue argument). Then Act 3 could have a final duel with a bit more of a question as to how that would play out.
But in TROS, it seems that Rey is going to win every time. Palpatine is supposed to be the one to challenge Rey. But beating him will only diminish Anakin and Luke, after having Kylo diminished at the end of TFA. I think it's just doubling (tripling?) down on the Rey problem.
I liked AOTC initially but even on first viewing I hated the Jedi fighting in the arena. Something about the compositing looked really blue-screeny and the isolated shots of rando jedi doing kicks and leaps felt like cosplayers. I do enjoy the battle once the gunships show up.
I liked AOTC initially but even on first viewing I hated the Jedi fighting in the arena. Something about the compositing looked really blue-screeny and the isolated shots of rando jedi doing kicks and leaps felt like cosplayers. I do enjoy the battle once the gunships show up.
Yeah I agree the ST is utter lifeless crap but AOTC is absolutely super thrilling adventurous quality pulpy cinema that could only have been created by a master visionary firing on all cylinders.
Yup AOTC will never be duplicated or equaled.
Yup truly memorable scenes you can say that again.
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LOL.......Yeah I agree the ST is utter lifeless crap but AOTC is absolutely super thrilling adventurous quality pulpy cinema that could only have been created by a master visionary firing on all cylinders.
Yup AOTC will never be duplicated or equaled.
Yup truly memorable scenes you can say that again.
But, another spin would be: unlike facing his father, for Luke, the guilt of even thinking about offing his nephew, followed by the guilt of feeling responsible as well for the death of all those other students (a problem with these movies and IW as well - all those little people get wiped out and there's not even a blip to show whether anyone cares or not) might send a great Jedi to solitude. As time goes on, Luke is still unable to know whether having powerful Force wielders are a good thing, or not, and becomes more isolated. (kind've *&^% tho that apparently all that time no handy Force ghost showed up to help Luke
) Luke must've been thinking a LOT when he brings up the whole Jedi history of "failure".
(Also, the idea of the super-powerful isolating themselves isn't new- elves in LOTR, sorcerers etc.)
The whole space milk thing was Luke tweaking Rey anyway; he was trying to get her off the Skywalker-legend thing. (Plus, can't argue with excellent meme fodder)
In direct contrast to the younger Kylo, who has no answers to his own great power - but whose answer is to destroy everything. Luke is willing to die to save all, Kylo will kill all, including what he loves (Rey) out of hubris.
Anyway force projection must be a heavy-duty power; like Kylo tells Rey ("you're not doing this, the effort would kill you"). Plus Luke *mysteriously* was projecting physically with Leia already; and then goes out to face Kylo and had to be physical enough to fool his powerful nephew.
Far as I can tell, a huge thing that was unforgivable was Luke not showing up in person, even tho that would have been a kind of re-hash of Obi-Wan and Darth and it was, anyway, to a degree (spectacular visuals tho). So folks are *&^% even tho what Luke did was a lot harder than showing up for the mano a mano thing? And he was able to pass into the Force dimension with a nice nod back to the iconic shot of young Luke with the suns of Tatooine. Which to me was better than total re-hash of Obiwan and Darth. Which ALSO would have been disrespectful ("look, they didn't even respect not to REHASH WTF!!!!")
Not sayin' there aren't *TLJ issues* Poppins Leia but there's enough epic fantasy journey/hero arcs out (where what Luke goes through - including way back to Hercules - isn't that unusual). Whether outraged fans LIKE the treatment - NOT, apparently- well, IMO it's too bad if the rage is gonna stain ANY positivity to ROTJ.
I?m gonna try to keep an open mind. I want SW to be good. I just wasn?t prepared for the shower stall shanking that was TLJ. I?m not going to sit arms folded looking for nits but my shields are at maximum.
After re-watching the original Star Wars, I've re-thought my Star Wars. It doesn't measure up like when I was younger in my ignorance of youth, now the Prequel and Sequel trilogies don't seem so bad
People wanted Luke to be perfect, exactly as he was in ROTJ......TLJ broke their heart. Their surrogate male role model turned out to be human after all.
That makes one of you....
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Nothing in the ST or even the PT and I mean nothing is as offensive to me and makes me angrier as much as the Lucas changes to the Han and Greedo scene.
Altering Fetts voice comes second.
Yup the most disgusting thing in SW was created by Lucas himself not KK, RJ or the sharia law story group.
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But Luke could EASILY have taken down all those ATATs just with his mind. He could have leapt from ATAT to ATAT as he took them down with his lightsaber. You at least need to quote the trope fully otherwise those fan-service lovin' neckbeards won't be fully triggered.
Thankfully the ST will NEVER embrace such cartoon silliness as a force-user on a planet surface using the force to take down a whole fleet of spaceships in space far above. Especially by a HUMAN who has inexplicably risen from the dead (hey, even his office survived!.) The ST is far too subverting and cool for that kind of neckbeard fan service.......................right? RIGHT?
Oh, I can't wait for Dec 20.
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Someone needs to put Greedo in a kilt and green tartan to show his proud new Scottish roots. "Argh, I'm Greedo of clan Maclunkey." At least we now have a last name for Greedo - that always kinda bugged me.