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Anyone with SW in their dna will be at the first show on preview night.

If you miss the 1st show but make it to the 2nd show on preview night you?re just a so so SW fan lol

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Guess I?m not a SW fan, jye. Didn?t see Solo and I won?t be supporting this.
Anyone with SW in their dna will be at the first show on preview night.

There are millions of SW fans that won't be going anywhere near this Disney rubbish, man.

But have at it....have all the Disney you can eat, go to the men's toilet and puke to make more room, and then keep gorging on all that Disney goodness you desire.

You won't have a lot of competition either....the fans with "REAL" SW in their DNA are keeping far away from this dung.
There are millions of SW fans that won't be going anywhere near this Disney rubbish, man.

But have at it....have all the Disney you can eat, go to the men's toilet and puke to make more room, and then keep gorging on all that Disney goodness you desire.

You won't have a lot of competition either....the fans with "REAL" SW in their DNA are keeping far away from this dung.

So what you?re saying is that a tattoo on your chest saying I Love Disney is out of the question.

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Guess I?m not a SW fan, jye. Didn?t see Solo and I won?t be supporting this.


Anyone with SW in their dna will be at the first show on preview night.

If you miss the 1st show but make it to the 2nd show on preview night you?re just a so so SW fan lol

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Nope. Just cause your a fan of something it doesn?t mean you have to blindly follow everything they put out when it?s crap.
I?m a huge spiderman fan and I didn?t support venom cause I thought it was a crap cash grab from Sony.
If you keep supporting trash then they?ll just keep feeding you crap mediocre movies like this one and won?t give you quality content and improve
Nope. Just cause your a fan of something it doesn?t mean you have to blindly follow everything they put out when it?s crap.
I?m a huge spiderman fan and I didn?t support venom cause I thought it was a crap cash grab from Sony.
If you keep supporting trash then they?ll just keep feeding you crap mediocre movies like this one and won?t give you quality content and improve

You will never get Star Wars


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Nope. Just cause your a fan of something it doesn?t mean you have to blindly follow everything they put out when it?s crap.
I?m a huge spiderman fan and I didn?t support venom cause I thought it was a crap cash grab from Sony.
If you keep supporting trash then they?ll just keep feeding you crap mediocre movies like this one and won?t give you quality content and improve

Exactly... :duff

I say the same thing all the time. Too many bad ideas/movies make big $$ cause some people feel/exclaim "something is better than nothing". When the something is utter garbage, I'd rather the nothing.
Hopefully you have a super excited audience like Talibane, Wor-Gar, ironwez, DiFabio, Otomofan and a-dev in attendance sitting at the row behind you lol

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I'll be there too, wearing my BvS shirt!!!!!!
We need to release that tight grip Mickey has on ur ballz lmao. I?ll save you

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Its not my fault that with SW and only SW I am preprogrammed to watch them with the same frame of mind I had circa 1977.

In other words I watch SW as a kid not as an adult lol

If i?m drunk enough i?ll even sit thru 3/4 of each PT movie.

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:lol :lol :lol :lol

Its not my fault that with SW and only SW I am preprogrammed to watch them with the same frame of mind I had circa 1977.

In other words I watch SW as a kid not as an adult lol

If i?m drunk enough i?ll even sit thru 3/4 of each PT movie.

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I wonder how many people with that mindset sorta died inside when the last jedi was playing. But I understand jye. But I can?t accept mediocrity no matter how much I love a franchise. Ninja turtles was something I grew up with and love but I don?t support the new show
I wonder how many people with that mindset sorta died inside when the last jedi was playing. But I understand jye. But I can?t accept mediocrity no matter how much I love a franchise. Ninja turtles was something I grew up with and love but I don?t support the new show

I kinda see Jye entering the theater as an adult then suddenly transforming into Ani going "yippee!!" at everything he sees then leaning over to his wife and saying "are you an angel?" and "the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other.":rotfl

It is a kind of a funny idea that some people are programmed to love a SW film no matter what. Like literally - let's do a sit-com version (which TLJ tried in places) and still the lovefest continues. It's so post-modern - "what is a 'good film' anyway? It's all SO subjective!"

So long as the producer owns the brandname and it sells itself as part of "the saga" we're all good - "it's Star Wars, you gotta love it just like the OT.":lol

These are ideas that came from GL himself in defending the PT - that it's for (little?) kids and a bunch of cynical adults ruined the PT reception. This is where the "love it no matter what because it has a SW logo" gets troubling. The blind embrace of mediocrity and/or laziness simply because it has the SW logo on it.

So that idea is what began the "war" involving SW filmakers, the media (which, oddly, backed the corporate giant and attacked the fans) and SW fans today.
Just saw a trailer during an afternoon football game, it's pretty disgusting the way they whore out the name Skywalker in an effort to hype the film. It's in the title of the movie, it's spoken by the Emperor as his motivation, and Skywalker seemingly has nothing to do with the images seen on the trailer. All right on the heels of all the disrespect from TLJ. Kennedy can't be let go soon enough.
I kinda see Jye entering the theater as an adult then suddenly transforming into Ani going "yippee!!" at everything he sees then leaning over to his wife and saying "are you an angel?" and "the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other.":rotfl

It is a kind of a funny idea that some people are programmed to love a SW film no matter what. Like literally - let's do a sit-com version (which TLJ tried in places) and still the lovefest continues. It's so post-modern - "what is a 'good film' anyway? It's all SO subjective!"

So long as the producer owns the brandname and it sells itself as part of "the saga" we're all good - "it's Star Wars, you gotta love it just like the OT.":lol

These are ideas that came from GL himself in defending the PT - that it's for (little?) kids and a bunch of cynical adults ruined the PT reception. This is where the "love it no matter what because it has a SW logo" gets troubling. The blind embrace of mediocrity and/or laziness simply because it has the SW logo on it.

So that idea is what began the "war" involving SW filmakers, the media (which, oddly, backed the corporate giant and attacked the fans) and SW fans today.

yea it's not healthy to just love something just cause it has the logo slapped onto it. It's like Pizza. Are you gonna just eat crappy pizza hut becuase it use to be good and it has a brand name attached or would you rather get a pizza from a place of quality?