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It's really weird seeing all these negative reviews from sites/bloggers that are usually buried deep within the Mouse's butthole. What's going on? Why are the shills turning against the hand that feeds them?

I mentioned this yesterday also. Usually critics and reviewers give a back massage to anything Disney. Like I said, this can only mean two things: either it wasn’t woke enough for them, or it really was that bad.

For the critics, apparently it’s the former. Fan service > wokeness, basically. They loved the agenda driven TLJ and relished in how it essentially gave the double-barreled middle finger to old SW fans, and now apparently hate how Disney freaked out over the backlash to TLJ and decided to pander to those fans for this film instead of staying on course with the wokeness.

Even though it holds a high rating from critics on RT, I do remember reading blogs from “movie reviewers” about the Wonder Woman film a couple of years ago, who were upset and didn’t like the film simply because it didn’t turn out to be the man bashing fest they initially giddily thought it was going to be.
Seriously, i feel the same way, i hang around a server with a lot of lgbtq members, and some of them are pissed by calling Disney cowards and basically stating there was not that much representation for them in the movie except for about 2 seconds. I feel that these are the ones that Rian was talking about pandering to fans because i literally read some comments that imply JJ ruined it for them

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It's really weird seeing all these negative reviews from sites/bloggers that are usually buried deep within the Mouse's butthole. What's going on? Why are the shills turning against the hand that feeds them?

checks might have stopped coming due to the whistle blower and alleged SEC complaint about inflated numbers
Seriously, i feel the same way, i hang around a server with a lot of lgbtq members, and some of them are pissed by calling Disney cowards and basically stating there was not that much representation for them in the movie except for about 2 seconds. I feel that these are the ones that Rian was talking about pandering to fans because i literally read some comments that imply JJ ruined it for them

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That’s Hollywood these days. Wokeness first, good film second. And if you don’t like the film, you as the audience are the ones that are the problem.
That’s Hollywood these days. Wokeness first, good film second. And if you don’t like the film, you as the audience are the ones that are the problem.

This is unfortunately true. I read some of the negative reviews for the Joker and they weren't negative because of the film itself, but rather because the critic was worried it would inspire shooters or appeal to white males whom they hate.
Precisely why I tend to avoid the theaters these days. Only times I was in the theaters this year was for Endgame, JW3, and Midway.
critics and reviewers: either it wasn?t woke enough for them, or it really was that bad.

I think it was more the total undoing of all things Rian. I mean, the intro to you-know-who admitting he was wrong... JJ went out of his way to undo as much of what Rian did as Rian did undoing JJ's work in TFA. This pissing match was a bit irritating in hindsight.

I also think there was some un-woke stuff going on that critics don't like. Certain "pairings" if you will, certain storylines that become traditional. The back-pedaling on 'woke' messaging likely aggravated some critics.
Just got back from the cinema, I have to say I absolutely loved it. Yes, there were flaws, but **** me the film was fun. It reached the emotional highs that TFA failed to reach, and pissed all over TLJ. That movie is now pointless. There were a couple of digs at Rian Johnson that made me burst out laughing.
I think it was more the total undoing of all things Rian. I mean, the intro to you-know-who admitting he was wrong... JJ went out of his way to undo as much of what Rian did as Rian did undoing JJ's work in TFA. This pissing match was a bit irritating in hindsight.

I also think there was some un-woke stuff going on that critics don't like. Certain "pairings" if you will, certain storylines that become traditional. The back-pedaling on 'woke' messaging likely aggravated some critics.

It was irritating for sure, and imo is one of the big factors in what killed this trilogy. Nobody was really on the same page and each one seemed to have their own ideas and own agenda for each film that completely subverted what had been set-up in the previous film, so the overall story was chaotic and muddled.

I haven’t seen TRoS yet, but regardless of how good I think it is, I don’t think it can salvage the overall ST as having been a coherent, fluid story. It can only simply be decent as a solo film from a film standpoint.

To me, the ST by film in sequential order essentially went as follows:

TFA: Not quite sure how to start this off, let’s just be safe for now and rehash ANH, and go from there.

TLJ: Any ideas? No, not really.

TRoS: Let’s just call every living OT actor and see what happens.
In the PRO column: This one is definitely the most energetic ST movie yet. It moves fast and it does have a lot of humor. Like I said, other than the crawl, I was actually enjoying it for the most part in the beginning... I think after the Bliss scene things started to go sideways for me and just got worse as the long movie continued. But I do believe this movie is better than TLJ and more watchable from it just moving so quickly.

BTW, SNIKT was kind of right -- Palps is his long-touted Force Vampire.
Interesting. I’m still curious to see it in that case and see what I think. As I’ve mentioned, despite TFA being a rehash of ANH, I liked it enough and thought it set-up some interesting angles for the main characters, but disliked TLJ because as you said, it basically completely undid what was set-up in TFA for those characters. I’m one of the rare few who liked the way Luke was portrayed in it, as his character arc after 30 years worked for me. I liked the Ahch-To scenes with him and Rey, but the weak overall plot of what was going on in space with the cringe-worthy scenes and the over the top forced wokeness in favor of focusing on advancing the trilogy and fleshing out the characters, ruined the film for me. I felt no questions were answered, and no new questions were raised, with the exception of perhaps Rey’s lineage. But based on what they did in this film from what I read and who she is, you have to wonder if that was planned all along, or a last minute decision based on how the reaction to TLJ was. The story basically went stagnant overall though in TLJ.

I’m just approaching this one to see if I enjoy it from a film standpoint, due to the fan service it apparently provides. Like I said, I don’t think it can do much to help the overall trilogy at this point for me.
There’s no way for me that this could have ever salvaged the ST but at least it’s sounding like from the reviews that JJ tried hard to undue the TLJ damage. This effort alone makes me give it a couple stars.

Seeing it on Sunday with a group of about 20 friends. We’re almost split on our opinion of the ST so the discussion afterwards will be interesting. :lol
Again if there was any sort of outline and master plan then I believe the series could have been something worthy of the SW title.

Not sure that title has been worth much since 1980.

Let's be honest. If the OT never existed and the prequels were the first SW films, they'd have gotten some hype, but not nearly enough to justify the fandom that exists today. Let alone an IP relaunch of this magnitude in the 2010s.

Original SW was the right film for the right generation. Lightning in a bottle, as others have said. When the generation of the OT is no longer with us, millennial fans will only be watching future movies out of loyalty to the brand -- a brand whose glory days passed before they were even born.

I'm slowly coming to terms with that fact for Alien and Predator. Maybe we'll get a Mandalorian equivalent for those...
Yeah, I’m also starting to wonder if the Alien and Predator franchise has run its course, and is kaput now and there’s nothing that can be done to revive it. That it’ll simply just be remembered as cult classics.
Interesting. I’m still curious to see it in that case and see what I think. As I’ve mentioned, despite TFA being a rehash of ANH, I liked it enough ...

I find TFA boring and nearly unwatchable... not that it isn't smartly packaged... its just boring.

So here's the real kicker; after thinking about it, I think for me TROS is the "best" of the ST. :lol

I know that's weird, but since I hate TLJ and I find TFA too boring to watch, that leaves TROS by default. At least it moves fast and has a sense of direction from the get-go. There's a goal -- which the other two movies never had. I think over time it may be the most re-watchable ST. But being best by default is NOT saying this is a good Star Wars movie... but the best of the worst.

As far as Alien and Predator (and Terminator).... time for some new monsters. That old 80's Trinity of Modern Monsters has now become the 2nd generation of old Universal Monsters and played out. The Abbott and Costello meets Frankenstein was accomplished with Alien vs Predator.
I find TFA boring and nearly unwatchable... not that it isn't smartly packaged... its just boring. ...

Yeah, I can see what you mean by that. Usually when they play it on TNT during a SW marathon after RotJ, I don’t watch it. Or I have it on, but am not really paying attention to it.

When I say I liked it enough, I just mean that I thought it was just fine, so to speak. I don’t think it did anything to necessarily harm the introduction of the ST overall being that it simply took the safe route and rehashed ANH, but at the same time, being that it did simply take the safe route and rehash ANH, they didn’t exactly introduce it in an exciting way, either. If that makes sense. It’s still to me and indication that they didn’t really have any new ideas on how to start the trilogy off.

So while I don’t find the film overly exciting, I also think it’s simply just fine because it played the safe route while simultaneously introducing some new characters with some mildly interesting angles that they could have worked with and fleshed out, but failed to do so in TLJ. I prefer it miles over TLJ since those are the only two films I’ve seen, so I’ll have to see which of the ST films I find most tolerable after watching TRoS. I personally just can’t get past them bringing Palps back, and was never on board with that from the start. Like TFA rehashing ANH, see it as an indication that they didn’t know what else to do, so they simply went the route of sheer fan service.

Though based on what I’ve seen for the characters’ outfits in this film, I can say that I like the characters’ TFA looks the most.
This thread is a ghost town now because everyone is avoiding spoilers... but its going to be interesting to see what all the usual suspects feel about this movie over the weekend.

I think most everyone will settle into their usual seats on this. This movie is no way as divisive at TLJ was.