Getter Dragon
Checklist Freak
My favorite part is how this movie kills off all Skywalkers and makes a Palpatine the actual chosen one undoing everything Lucas wrote. Rey identifying as a Skywalker is hilariously stupid.
O wow I completely forgot about phasma. So she def did die in TLJ . Why build up a character like that only to kill them off so easily.
doesn?t erase the fact that the grandkids of vader and palpatine kissed each other
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doesn’t erase the fact that the grandkids of vader and palpatine kissed each other
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So what was this prophecy anyway? The jedi are still all gone and the Skywalker line is dead. So palpatine won
Ummm, Rey is a Jedi and she's alive at the end. I know you're probably trying to forget the events of this movie as quickly as possible, but still...
I'd love to see them continue with Rey. Knowing her bloodline now they can go interesting places with her character.
I can see Rey being able to explode planets with her mind in the next movie (if they continued it)...
I can see Rey being able to explode planets with her mind in the next movie (if they continued it)...
That'd be fun
Do you think Palpatine was right in that after killing him, all the sith transfered into her now? This could open the door for Grey Jedi.
Honestly Star Wars has always been a bit heavy handed with their power levels. Just look at the Death Stars and now Star Destroyers are now planet killers. I thought that was far, far more outrageous then Reys current level of force powers.
I just saw the movie and I thoroughly and unabashedly enjoyed it. No matter what anyone says Star Wars has never been high cinema, and I found this episode enjoyable throughout. The Leia scenes may have been shoehorned but they were ?okay?, and the twist was a bit on the nose, but I got past the initial shock quickly enough to enjoy the ride.
And if you?re someone who dislikes Last Jedi, I would give this a chance. Because as far as the critics go, they loved Last Jedi, but audiences didn?t. But from Rotten Tomatoes the critics dislike this one, but the audience % is currently at 86%.
Note that while I didn?t love Last Jedi, I didn?t hate it either. So I suggest everyone make their own minds up and not let either pool of people influence your decision.
I enjoyed it as well, but I do think a little more exposition in some places would have gone a long way to paper over some of the plot holes. For instance, Palpatine's Final Order fleet could have been a secret military project that was initiated back when the Empire was still in power. Its being on Exegol in an isolated part of the galaxy could have facilitated Palp's henchmen keeping it going even after the Empire fell. That doesn't explain how it continued to be funded and acquired the raw materials necessary to make all those Star Destroyers (lol), but it would have started to explain how a full fleet (with crews) existed.
BTW, can someone refresh my memory: What reason did they give for Leia handing over her lightsaber to Luke for safekeeping? They showed that flashback of her training with Luke when they were younger, but I guess I wasn't listening very carefully.