Getter Dragon
Checklist Freak
I have no complaints
You should have many.
I have no complaints
17. Rey takes the Skywalker name!
No boss battles this time around.
Overall I was very happy with the movie and the incredible effort made to make sense out of the cluster that was the PT + OT + unexplained 32 year gap + TFA + RJ, lol.
And I'll say right up once again that my #1 fan-fiction wish for the finale ever since watching TFA was to have Rey put on the Vader mask, distract Kylo, then run him through. I never actually thought I'd get that of course but then Leia kind of did that by seemingly appearing in Kylo's mind with a Palpatine-esque hood...which distracted him so that Rey could run him through. Well **** close enough I say.
The Rey/Kylo/Palpatine scenes were fantastic IMO almost straight across the board (though I didn't love showing a massive Sith legion only to have them just stand there and die.) The thing that kind of blows my mind though, and the one thing I thought was an absolutely sure thing, was that they did indeed show the mother of all space battles...and it was kind of unexciting. Um, what?? That's a head scratcher for sure. All right then, expectations subverted I guess, lol.
However I loved almost everything else.
So Ben Solo (not Rey, Luke or Anakin) becomes "the most powerful Jedi" ever by keeping the person he cared about from dying. The Sith legend fulfilled, after the ultimate destruction of the Sith, a Sith legend that could only be fulfilled by a Jedi since it requires the person doing the saving to die. That I wasn't expecting. That was excellent. It really casts those ROTS scenes with Palpatine telling Anakin that together one day they'll achieve that power in a different light since together they *did* achieve that power through their combined grandchildren.
I liked that the mystery of Rey's power was that she was merely a Force conductor and not the most powerful Force user. That's how I saw it anyway. The entirety of the Sith vs. the entirety of the Jedi doing battle through their respective proxies (Palps clone and Rey) one last time.
I liked that Rey wielded the combined sabers of Luke and Leia at the end, a nice remnant of George's original ST where Luke and his twin sister defeated Palps together.
Jannah was silly but thankfully inoffensive due to the briefness of her role. The whole battle on the outside of the Star Destroyer with Finn, Hannah, and everyone just did nothing for me though. Again I'm shocked because I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2/3 of the film and normally the big battle at the end is where all the good stuff happens, hell even AOTC delivered in that regard.
But I can't say enough about the Rey/Palps/Ben Solo stuff. In fact Ben is by far my favorite character of this trilogy now. And I'm very glad that Palps went out on a high note (IMO) after all the goofy faces and flying around he did in ROTS.
Lando was a lot of fun, not the biggest role obviously but you could tell Billy Dee was having a ball.
I liked the surprises this time around, they didn't feel done just to trick the audience or piss us off, I thought they actually made the story more interesting.
The different clones and Snokes in tubes felt very "Dark Empire-ish" to me, which I also really liked.
A nice return to the film's roots there at the very end too.
Overall it's surreal to be here at the end now of all three trilogies and thankfully I think their little hail mary delivered in the end. I see that for several people here it was just the final nail in the tragedy of Disney's ST or what have you but fortunately the stuff that this film got right was for the most part the stuff I was deep down hoping they'd get right regardless of the surprisingly ho hum space battle.
Holeeee crap.
Right on!
You should have many.
What was cool about that was Palpatine's line that there is an energy stronger than blood and that Sith powers were flowing through her. But prior to that they said that when a Jedi heals it is by transferring some of his/her "life" into the other person. So when Ben saved her she quite literally became a Skywalker...from a certain point of view.
Thank god we wont be arguing about this movie Khev
I also agree about there final space / Dog fight battle lacking... But the "On your Left" Lando moments played better then I could have possibly imagine. Mostly due to Williams score though.
It had a moment or two but IMO RO and ROTJ still have easily the best space battles and nothing in this movie other than Lando showing up came close to those two films.
lol.. I don't even need that point of view. I love that when she finally takes a last name that is the one she chooses.. Its just perfect and brought the saga together.
Is the "Holdo Maneuver" when you write a scene that completely ruins a story's 40 year established lore or when you have a male protagonist castrated by a strong white female because his gender makes him toxic?
I loved lots of it but ultimately the Palpatine plot just crumbles into a confusing convoluted mess.
I do like it that even Vader understood the force better than Palpatine because Vader says that the ability to destroy planets with WMD is insignificant compared to the force yet here is the grand wizard of the Sith building and relying on more WMD.
The movie has a great pace and characters that were on a proper cadence this time out much more exciting than TFA.
Some of the action set pieces were astounding especially that saber battle.
Leia?s death was properly handled attached to Kylo and Han.
Sabers never sounded or looked better.
I?m just shocked that this horrible director actually created a fast paced somewhat thrilling movie especially when compared to TFA.
Movie should?ve opened with Palpatines voice booming over Endor with the Ewoks cowering in fear.
Yep, totally agree. I also agree on Han appearing to Ben. I almost lost it there, lol. Perfect reinstatement of Ben Solo's character and to me it washed away the downer of Han's tragic demise. I also got a kick out of Wedge, but yes I wonder how many people in the audience even knew it was him, lol. Did you catch John Williams tending bar in that one scene too.
I have no issue with Palps return.. I don't even know how he did it.. But I loved him in the role. Loved how he looked and because everything else was handled well I was very forgiving.
I have said that there was a chance that the third film could possibly redeem the first two.. I don't think it stood a chance in hell of doing so.. But it did.
I didn't hate TROS by any means -- not like TLJ -- but I did not have nearly that reaction. I think the first hour I was enjoying it despite a lot of bumps, but it started falling apart for me right around or after Zorii... then it entered la-la land where stuff just got weird and rushed and nonsensical (for me).
After TLJ and IW could you have ever imagined that here you'd one day be with your current thoughts on both EG and TROS, lol.
Man.. I was just there... I was all in. I was in shock. I still am. I cant believe how much I loved it.
Time for way too soon Rankings
1. ANH
2. ESB
5. TPM
6. TFA
7. TLJ
Yep.. TLJ is no longer in last place because of how much I enjoyed this film.
Did Chewie need to get captured.. Nope. But I loved his rescue.
Chewies capture, or more importantly Rey's belief she had killed Chewie (which you couldn't have without the capture) was a vital step for her recognising the danger within herself of the darkside and that if she slipped, those she loved would pay the price. This was a huge growth moment for her.
I got filled with emotion. I got teary eyed. I freaking clapped at one point.. I NEVER CLAP!!
(1st tear up)
(2nd tear up)
Thank you JJ!
I have no issue with Palps return.. I don't even know how he did it.. But I loved him in the role. Loved how he looked and because everything else was handled well I was very forgiving.