Well there you go..... Its perfect.
Well there you go..... Its perfect.
I am going to be very curious how this plays for you in subsequent viewings. 3rd best? 3rd? AND it boosted TLJ up? How does that even work? Especially when TROS spends a lot of time deliberately UNDOING that previous film.
And where does RO land now?
I have no issue with Palps return.. I don't even know how he did it.. But I loved him in the role. Loved how he looked and because everything else was handled well I was very forgiving.
Kurtz:"The one story thread that got totally tossed out the window, which was really pretty important I think, was the one of Vader trying to convince Luke to join him to overthrow the Emperor. That together they had enough power that they could do that, and it wasn't him saying I want to take over the world and be the evil leader, it was that transition. It was Vader saying, 'I'm looking again at what I've done and where my life has gone and who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition, and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends.' So there was all of that going on in Jedi as well, that was supposed to go on. So the story was quite a bit more poignant and the ending was the coronation of Leia as the queen of what was left of her people, to take over the royal symbol. That meant she was then isolated from all of the rest and Luke went off then by himself. It was basically a kind of bittersweet ending. She's not his sister that dropped in to wrap up everything neatly. His sister was someone else way over on the other side of the galaxy and she wasn't going to show up until the next episode."
Rose: Crap
Bliss: Crap
Holdo: Crap
Babu: Crap
D-O: Crap
Lord of the Rings guy: Crap
Fisher?s daughter: Crap
Maz: Crap
XWing pilot fat guy JJ friend: Crap
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Imagine how freaking creepy and scary it would?ve been had the movie started on a peaceful night on Endor with the Ewoks settling in with their families on the trees and then all of a sudden Palps voice looms over the silent air cackling and mocking them.
But oh gosh I will never not praise Ian the dude is a legend he chews and owns the scenes like no other can.
I teared up with Han.
Hell I teared up like 4 x lol
Leia stopping Kylo
Han holy crap Han!
Wedge I grinned huge with a fist pump thrown in lol
But man what a nonsensical over convoluted family plot.
Palpatine had kids who knew lol
What I love is that according to Gary Kurtz Palps was always supposed to be defeated in Episode 9 by Luke and his twin sister but since George changed and abridged so much when he made ROTJ that Rey and Kylo facing Palps was the next best thing.
The female "other" was never supposed to even show up until Episode 7, which TFA ended up still delivering on with Rey.
I love that that palps was in it.. I was worried that it would ruin the events of ROTJ kinda like how I felt with TFA. But there is something about the fact that The Empire never really went away. The Emperor was still in control. Out hero's had one a major / huge battle but still did not win the war. This film brought all of it together and gave the saga a more epic feel. For me anyways.
I have no issues with Palp having kids.. Evil dude who rules the galaxy is going to get his freak on.
I love that that palps was in it.. I was worried that it would ruin the events of ROTJ kinda like how I felt with TFA. But there is something about the fact that The Empire never really went away. The Emperor was still in control. Out hero's had one a major / huge battle but still did not win the war. This film brought all of it together and gave the saga a more epic feel. For me anyways.
Yep and the Resistance no longer was simply cleaning up a mess that the OT heroes apparently failed to defeat themselves because Han and Leia both directly guided their son in this film just as Luke directed Rey and even provided her with a ship and weapon. So in the end even with their deaths if it weren't for the OT heroes Palps would have won.
I agree. The events of ESB and RotJ, especially the creation of DSII in no way lessened the importance and impact of the victory won in ANH. The rise or return of evil does not take away from past victories. For many it gives the hope to endure and fight for the next victory.
And where does RO land now?
Yep and the Resistance no longer was simply cleaning up a mess that the OT heroes apparently failed to defeat themselves because Han and Leia both directly guided their son in this film just as Luke directed Rey and even provided her with a ship and weapon. So in the end even with their deaths if it weren't for the OT heroes Palps would have won.
Yep and the Resistance no longer was simply cleaning up a mess that the OT heroes apparently failed to defeat themselves because Han and Leia both directly guided their son in this film just as Luke directed Rey and even provided her with a ship and weapon. So in the end even with their deaths if it weren't for the OT heroes Palps would have won.
Even 3PO was funny in this movie IMO.
His comment about Babu being his oldest friend and "oh look, the first laser shootout I've ever been a part of" both made me lol.
Shame B Wing squadron wasn?t given a special attack run