The ST is and always will be simply an extended 3-part story loosely based on the events of Lucas' 6-part Skywalker Saga. Its Disney's first standalone Trilogy.
I'm in the same camp now. For you, the ST was always superfluous because it undid the happy ending of ROTJ. I never saw it that way because I always assumed that someone would make an attempted malevolent power grab in the wake of the Empire. Story writers even drew parallels to the attempted Nazi regrouping in South America. To me, that seemed like a worthwhile story to pursue with Darth Vader's grandson. What would he ultimately do as more power came his way, and how would the Skywalkers of the past play a role? Still a worthwhile extension of the Skywalker Saga to define their ultimate legacy.
It was only TROS that I think totally undermined and undid the entire Anakin arc from the PT to ROTJ. The PT was all about the rise of the Sith, and how the Force had created someone to be the Chosen One who would ultimately end the Sith and restore balance to the Force. TFA and TLJ hadn't undone any of that. In fact, LFL was going out of their way to say that Snoke and Kylo were *NOT* Sith. Palpatine had still been eradicated by Anakin/Vader.
Then TROS comes along and says that the Sith were never defeated. Not only did Palpatine survive, there were *thousands* of Sith Eternal cultists working *the whole time* to build a Sith fleet of death star destroyers on Exogol. So, Anakin did no damage to the Sith. In fact, Palpatine even got stronger, merely inhabited a different body, and manipulated Anakin's grandson. Rey is the one who ended the Sith (maybe). Only *she* can be viewed as the true Chosen One. Everything else was just a setup to Rey bringing balance to the Force. All of GL's movies . . . reduced to being a setup!
And then Rey just steals the Skywalker name to fool fans into thinking that the entire Skywalker Saga of George Lucas wasn't just completely undermined. No thanks. I still haven't seen one single argument for TROS not undoing GL's Anakin arc from 1-6 that has any credibility.
You mean the fact that Rey wasn't born a Skywalker and that wet X-Wings aren't supposed to fly didn't delegitimize the movie for you?
[/QUOTE]I find TROS very hard to rate (other than "high, very high") and think it will be in a perpetual rotation of being my "third favorite SW film" along with ROTJ and RO.
Degree of difficulty should always be factored into a film's review. That's one reason people were so blown away by IW. Not because it was the must tightly woven narrative ever but rather that the Russos were actually able to weave anything coherent out of the 50 characters they were handed.
And I can easily argue that JJ's task was much more difficult than anything Lucas faced with the prequels (George had rich backstory on a silver platter and largely screwed it up) or the Russos with IW.
Granted, some of it was JJ's own doing (the unexplained 32 year gap, crafting satisfying send-off's for the big three after FAILING to reunite them one last time, etc.) but the majority was not his fault. RJ's decisions with TLJ, trying to tie the ST back to controversial moments of the PT (midichlorians, keeping people from dying, unlimited power), somehow not only making the guy who killed Han Solo not only redeemable but *likable* (I'm blown away at that one) and all while trying to interweave TFA footage of Carrie Fisher seamlessly into the narrative under the cloud of loathing by half the fandom. That can't help your confidence when you know that 50% of the audience has already decided to hate you and whatever you do on principle. Not that such animosity is fully misplaced since JJ himself did briefly join in with the "I think a lot of fans are intimidated by strong female characters" nonsense. So you made that bed for yourself JJ and can't blame RJ, KK, or GL for that one.
Regardless of who was to blame and what the story should have been up to this point I honestly think that TROS is a master class in doing the impossible. This was the hail mary of hail maries and they scored. For me TROS didn't just make the ST (*and PT*) respectable they actually made them satisfying. Did they take the road to get here that I would have chosen? Of course not. But they made it home nevertheless
How about the Force creating a chosen one is just a stupid idea to begin with
The Jedi of the PT spent so much time being wrong about everything, I have no issue with them being wrong again.
If you want to say that Anakin was the Chosen one then I still say that it was then fact that he broke from Jedi tradition and decide to merry and have children. This choice made him the chosen one. The one to have family members that would help restore balance to the force. Without them there would have been to defeat of the Empire in the OT. Without them to guide Rey there would have been no stopping them in the ST. It was all of Anakin's choices that brought balance to the force.
So its just yet another way that the Jedi of the PT got it wrong. Which the PT went to great lengths to show that their ways and Dogma had become an issue. So misinterpreting an ancient prophecy seems par for the course with that group
But if you don't like that explanation... I get it..
Just do what I had done for years with the PT and choose to ignore it.. It was actually the ST that allowed me to be more accepting of those events
Thank you.
Somehow TROS gets a pass for being bloated, muddled etc. but the PT doesn't. People excuse JJ because of the so-called mess RJ left him with.
It's an exercise in futility trying to make sense of all the nonsense. Why didn't Rey just save Ben after he saved her? Just his time?
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I get what you're saying here, but the PT was used to show that the whole SW story revolved around Anakin's destiny. George always said that this saga was a family drama that just happened to have a galactic space adventure as a backdrop.
I agree with you that the whole "virgin birth" thing was dumb, but it was Lucas making clear that Anakin was *chosen* to end up being the central key to how the story would end. If you're going to extend the Skywalker Saga, and undo Anakin's achievements, then compound that by making the ultimate victor a Palpatine, I find it impossible to reconcile that with GL's story.
The whole point of this ST has now seemingly been confirmed to be just to glorify Rey as the ultimate answer. And I don't see how she was connected to Anakin in any way. Even his children didn't really dictate Rey's destiny. Apparently, her powers came from being a Palpatine, and she was using them before ever even meeting Luke or Leia.
But, JAWS, I'm legit glad that you enjoyed this one. Longtime fans being happy with new SW is a good thing. And, like you said, I can live with the ST being relegated to non-canon. A lot of it was hard to defend anyway, so this is just a shove in the direction I should've gone all along
It was only TROS that I think totally undermined and undid the entire Anakin arc from the PT to ROTJ.
Are people complaining that Rey was not born a Skywalker?? I have not read the past 5 pages... I like that she was not a Skywalker or a Kenobi. That would have. I like it that she is the granddaughter of the most powerful Sith of all time.. Helps give a pass to her powers in TFA and TLJ.
I assume since you are giving away a part of your life to heal you are giving away your whole life to bring someone back from the dead. So Rey could have brought him back... At the cost of her life.
I recall earlier in the thread that someone mentioned the title of the film is ironic, being that it?s called ?TRoS,? while it?s a Palpatine who actually is the one that rises up and makes it to the end.
I was thinking about this, and while I was perfectly fine with the ending, I think it wold have been a bit more dramatic and lent more to the title of the film if Palps did in fact kill Rey, but Ben is the one that climbed back up the rock (as he did) and picked up the Skywalker and Leia?s saber, and defeated Palps. It would have at least truly been Skywalker vs Palpatine again. Then you could have had Ben sacrifice himself to revive Rey. Or have Ben be the one that survived and he went into exile at the Lars Homestead.
Even though his character arc was a bit of a cliche and was similar to that of Vader?s in the OT, I think I found Kylo/Ben to be a bit more of an intriguing character than Rey in this trilogy.
But you know, agenda and stuff.
Other stuff also warrants a reply but for now I couldn't help but read this and immediately envision the hilarious scenario of Ben and Rey reviving eachother and dying over and over again until one of them says ''ffffinnnne'' and leaves the other dead.
If not for Luke and especially Leia's training she may not have been able to defeat the Emperor. She may have ended up on the thrown. Seeing that Ben Solo found redemption allowed her to find hope and not strike the emperor down. So IMO the Skywalker family (which all comes back to Anakin's choices in the PT) are important to Rey, her choices and who she is.
And I am sorry you didn't enjoy it as much. I can say this. I think it will be easier to ignore the ST then it was for me to ignore the PT.
Having said that.. Even before the ST I was finding things to enjoy about all the PT films and deciding to accept them as Canon. So perhaps one day that will happen for you with TROS.
When Rey is meditating at the end of Rise and Anakin tells her to bring back the balance, ?as [he] did?
Put me in the camp that does not care about wet X-wings and Bombs dropping in space when it comes to Star Wars science.
Are people complaining that Rey was not born a Skywalker?? I have not read the past 5 pages... I like that she was not a Skywalker or a Kenobi. That would have. I like it that she is the granddaughter of the most powerful Sith of all time.. Helps give a pass to her powers in TFA and TLJ.
I don't know if it will ever be 3rd again. Nostalgia will probably keep ROTJ in the third spot for me. It will be a battle for 4th with RO. This one was more in the spirit of the Star Wars then RO in its ability to have fun. IDK.. Only time will tell.
No way this tops RO for me. A space movie, especially a finale, without a grand space battle? Forget it.
Word. I liked TFA and TLJ and was looking forward to seeing JJ work with what RJ gave him, not try to undo it (so much for his so-called risk-taking). Now we have a trilogy where two of the films subvert the one before.