That pic is perfect metaphor for JJ making the ROSK.

That's KK next to him looking away like Judas.
I don't feel sorry for Abrams.
You could make a decent movie following TLJ without addressing it every 20 mins. Still can't believe that "Holdo Maneuver" line is in the movie or vats with cloned Snokes (all having the same scars). It's so in your face and silly. Really makes you feel like a committee was writing these things and not a screenwriter that actually liked Star Wars. Rule #1 for the sequel to TLJ should have been not even acknowledging TLJ and doing your own thing with what was left with the characters. There was plenty.
Coulda went all in and made Kylo Ren his own man as a full on villain, explored the Knights of Ren and explored the event and ramifications of Luke and his school, but nah, bring back Palpatine and Lando and Wedge and Wicket and Super Star Destroyers with Death Star Cannons attached to their frickin' heads. It's no different than Force Awakens or Last Jedi, just swap out the familiar icons.
I was telling my friends this, if we sat down and really thought about it, we could all write up a better Star Wars film than what they have given us these last couple of years. People on this board could too, and in under a year. Just so many of the scenes feel so cheap, cliche and horrible that you have to wonder how exactly it got past storyboards. Like when all of Poe's squadron is getting shot down while Palps is using his super electricity and he's just sitting there, giving up, then, Lando and all the other "people" from around the galaxy pop up with generic John Williams Star Wars cranked up to 11. It's just so ridiculous. The whole movie is that way. From the beginning with the hyper speed jumping to the end with "Rey, Rey Skywalker", it's just so cheap. ****, go on wikipedia and read the plot. It's ludicrous. In one sentence Chewbacca "dies" in a transport only for the end of the sentence to reveal that he's fine and that's exactly what the movie was like.
I don't think this is me being older and cynical. Other Star Wars films had a flow and world building to them. You took your time on Tatooine with the Lars homestead and the cantina. You got to enjoy locations like Hoth with Echo Base and the AT-AT assault, or Naboo with Theed, Otoh gunga etc. There was a simple progression to them. The R2 unit having the death star plans, go to point A to B. What do you know, you're on the Death Star. We need to kill General Grievous to win the war and the enemy knows they need to move from Utapau to Mustafar, what do you know, you're on Mustafar. Even the lightsaber battles follow this path and takes it's time with it. The Empire duel is great because it's building up to something and takes it's time. It's not just one fight in one location. It moves from the carbon freezing chamber, to the command room to outside on the catwalk and gantry. Same with Phantom Menace with the Theed generator and ROTS with Mustafar.
The sequel movies are like a kid with ADD just throwing whatever on the screen and hoping it sticks. How you end up with Rey on Tatooine on the Lars Homestead, burying the lightsabers, I don't know. It's just bizarre.