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JJ treated like a hooker with an angry pimp lol

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Don't believe the rumors about "the JJ cut" and all that nonsense. The major plot points of TROS were leaked all the way back in the summer. The whole damned movie, and its sequence of events, was basically outlined in detail well before the rumored "shock" to JJ of a surprise edit. Even the editors and effects people have been confirming that a lot of the alleged "cut" scenes were never filmed (or even discussed) to begin with.

The whole thing has been an attempt to salvage JJ from taking a bigger rep hit for writing and directing the second-most critically panned SW live-action movie ever. The excuses will be endless, but the proof is in the pudding. The key people who leaked the plot months ago turned out to be very accurate, and they insist there's no validity to the "JJ cut." They were updating the re-shoot changes along the way, and obviously had credible sources. Then the recent comments from the people themselves who worked on the film make it super clear.

Lies. Deception. ;)
No way will they ever release the JJ cut. Everything I've read indicates that the Disney cut is the best version of the movie. Supposedly they only let it leak that he lost final cut as a way of tainting his departure to WB (unconfirmed of course.)
I didn't think Disney ever did extended cuts or anything like that, usually? Does anyone know of any Disney releases that were extended or director's cut?
I can't even give you the names of any of them; horse girl, masked girl that Poe wanted to kiss, tiny droid hacker, etc...

Babu Frick.

"Something you say when you stub your toe, Alex." That's how I'll remember his name now. That, and also he reminds me of Threepio in an odd way. I used to love Threepio when I was younger, but as I grew older he became more and more annoying. In this last film, he actually was funny and had heart. The movie was so wrong in so many ways, but I confess I liked Threepio in it... maybe it should have been called "The Rise of Threepio."

Babu Frick! Sorry, just stubbed my toe. I can't decide if I like Babu or if he annoys me like Threepio came to. I'm on the fence. It's Babu Frickin frustrating.
I didn't think Disney ever did extended cuts or anything like that, usually? Does anyone know of any Disney releases that were extended or director's cut?

I can?t think of any Disney, Universal or Paramount movies that have extended cuts.

WB, Fox (pre Disney acquisition), Sony, Lionsgate and obviously old Lucasfilm have released extended cuts of their movies.

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"You 'died before?' I don't think death means what you think it means. And even if you're a dead ghost-thing inhabiting your own corpse, how does your body survive exploding - twice?"

Even though I enjoyed seeing McDiarmid and Palps back on the big screen (Emperor Cheez Pulp-atine will always be separate from Emperor Sheev Palpatine for me though) - FINALLY a worthwhile antagonist showed up in the ST - this video perfectly crystallizes all the laughable inconsistencies and utter silliness of the last third of TROS.

There's just so little that makes any sense at all - yes, even in a story of space wizards and all that - and even if "check your brain at the door" of the theater.
It's frustrating, TROS was a hot mess but had some cool ideas that could've worked if they'd thought out the trilogy in advance, rather than writing it on the run. Instead we're left with the kernels of two or three potentially great stories.

Still can't believe Disney/LFL were happy for the directors to subvert each other with each instalment. I saw an article saying anyone but JJ should have directed TROS, as he was the only director with the baggage - and clout - to subvert RJ.

There's just so little that makes any sense at all - yes, even in a story of space wizards and all that - and even if "check your brain at the door" of the theater.

There are a lot of casual fans who might not necessarily even remember what happened in TLJ. I guess they constitute the bulk of the audience.
I just wish we knew more about the Tico sisters. Such great characters sidelined in the final chapter of the saga. Especially Rose, after such a strong debut. All of a sudden, she's just gone, and her relationship with Finn was meaningless.
Everyone is bashing the hell out of this movie and Disney and JJ and anyone and everyone else, but to be honest if you really think about it out of a 9 movie story I would only consider A New Hope and Empire as the classics... the rest all are a bit of a mess and not really up to the standards of the first two so its not just Disney that killed SW its kind of been dying since 1983. I think George came up with a good idea but then had to stretch it out so much to fill his 6 movies that there wasn't much to go with and Disney just kind of continued that line.
^ Good point, ROTS is widely regarded as the best of the PT and it also happens to be the only one GL had planned out from the start (and the only one where anything of real significance happens).