The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
He?s too old.
Christopher Lee was 112 years old when he played Dooku. Besides, he'll be using a lightsaber, and force abilities, which are mostly hand gestures.
He?s too old.
I'd like to see Keanu Reeves as a force user. Keanu is already proficient in martial arts, sword fighting, and telekinisis. A SW film starring Keanu could be good.
He?s too old.
Christopher Lee was 112 years old when he played Dooku. Besides, he'll be using a lightsaber, and force abilities, which are mostly hand gestures.
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I'd like to see Keanu Reeves as a force user. Keanu is already proficient in martial arts, sword fighting, and telekinisis. A SW film starring Keanu could be good.
I'm picturing Tank uploading the Force program, after which Keanu opens his eyes and says "I know the Jedi mind trick"....
Jedi Morpheus - "Show me."
*Keanu proceeds to jedi mind trick himself*
Keanu - "Whoa!"
But Rey just came across as an even bigger Mary Sue. Grand Master tenth degree Mary Sue.
The popcorn was actually better than usual, though.
There's a lot they could have cut out. It wasn't busy because it had so much story to tell, it was busy because they crammed a lot of stuff into it. It could have been greatly simplified to allow more time for scenes to breathe.
If the rumors are true, then Lucasfilm was interfering with the film quite a bit, so it could have been something that worked a bit better in Abram's original cut. But I don't think that what he originally intended would have been that much better overall, since the underlying issue is that this new trilogy just doesn't work, there's no point to it since it repeats the same plot essentially of the original trilogy and doesn't continue the overall narrative.