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Weird. When I look at SvenDokki's ''He's too old'' post I see the apostrophe but in Clown Prince's quote of that post it has become the ubiquitous SSF question mark (making it look like Sven is uncertain of Keanu's gender)
I'd like to see Keanu Reeves as a force user. Keanu is already proficient in martial arts, sword fighting, and telekinisis. A SW film starring Keanu could be good.

He?s too old.

Christopher Lee was 112 years old when he played Dooku. Besides, he'll be using a lightsaber, and force abilities, which are mostly hand gestures.

:lol :lol :lol

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I'm picturing Tank uploading the Force program, after which Keanu opens his eyes and says "I know the Jedi mind trick"....
Jedi Morpheus - "Show me."

*Keanu proceeds to jedi mind trick himself*

Keanu - "Whoa!"

Wedge Antilles pops into the scene from the side - ''That got him!'' - and then disappears leaving Morpheus and Keanu to look at eachother confused - for they do not understand that reference. They resume training.
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I just got home from viewing the film for the first time. I honestly went in with an open mind and "wanted" to be swayed positively.

With that being said...

What a convoluted mess of a movie. I'm glad I waited for the AMC $5 buck Tuesday showing.

The scene transitions/editing, especially for the first third to half of the movie were brutal. Also, I remember someone somewhere previously mentioning that the movie felt like a video game and they nailed it. Go to this planet, pick up item that you need to use at another planet to get to the main planet and fight the final boss. Each level being a CGI work of art but game play felt rushed and uninspired.

Sadly, this final film of the new trilogy only emphasized the fact that I could not care less about the new main characters. There simply has been no emotional connection created to them. JJ did provide Finn and Poe with some regained respectability after RJ's character assassination of the two. But Rey just came across as an even bigger Mary Sue. Grand Master tenth degree Mary Sue. Ben Solo's redemption was probably the highlight of the film and that's not saying much, as he never came across as a Vader-esque type of villain, to begin with.

Sure, there were some "awww" moments:
Lando's scenes, the split-seconds of seeing Wedge and Nien Nunb, for example. Heck, I thought 3PO was actually one of the true character highlights. I even liked that they showed Finn as being Force sensitive. Poe was actually pretty cool as well. I actually felt a little bad for Rose and her limited role in the movie. Apparently there was no romance with Finn after TLJ, too. All of the new characters simply came across as being created for toy sales. I can't even give you the names of any of them; horse girl, masked girl that Poe wanted to kiss, tiny droid hacker, etc...

But bringing back Palpatine just came across as an act of desperation. TLJ destroyed whatever story plot lines JJ had initially created in TFA and this final movie gave me the impression that JJ was giving Rian Johnson the bird, story-wise. Driven into a corner, JJ simply created a Star Wars "jambalaya"; throw everything into the mix, OT, PT, ST, super-dee-duper fleets on both sides, and try to appease everyone, in the process. Unfortunately, it only gave me heartburn...

In the end, I walked out of the theater numbly thinking, "thank goodness this trilogy is finally over". The damage was done with TFA and especially TLJ but RoS was never going to "save" the trilogy. It only came across as a big "meh" for me. I'm not sure where to rank it in the sequel trilogy. Probably behind TFA but way ahead of TLJ.

I have absolutely no wish to see it again, though. Not to be too harsh but anyone trying to defend this film and the sequels as a whole, has an impossible task ahead of them, as far as I'm concerned. What a sad ending to the Skywalker trilogy based saga.

The popcorn was actually better than usual, though.
Holy hell that first act was a hot mess. So much jumping around and things thrown at you it was just a bunch of noise. No wonder it had an epilepsy warning.

It really felt like two movies crammed into one. Searching for the wayfinder with Luke could have been episode 8. The beginning with Ben grabbing the wayfinder, going to Exogul and meeting Palpatine was like a cliffhanger ending.
There's a lot they could have cut out. It wasn't busy because it had so much story to tell, it was busy because they crammed a lot of stuff into it. It could have been greatly simplified to allow more time for scenes to breathe.
I liked its business. I was tired of rebel mothership escaping from FO throughout TLJ.
But Rey just came across as an even bigger Mary Sue. Grand Master tenth degree Mary Sue.
The popcorn was actually better than usual, though.

Little did anyone know the ending was a setup for Star Wars Episode X: Force Disturbed

Our back is to Rey, watching the twin suns setting, then we hear a very chilling laugh not unlike her grandfather's... but female. She smiled an evil smile - no one suspected Grand Master Mary Sue was Sith! Now SHE would rule the galaxy, without being possessed by her icky old grandfather. She won, on her terms, and taking the name Skywalker would allow her to drag those dolts through the mud one last time, posthumously.

She turned to horse girl and they rode off into the sunset together, Rey cackling all the way. She had the Force, she didn't need any armies or Star Destroyers or big guns; they all paled in comparison to the true power of the Force.

From a distance, Jedi Master K'anu Reefer watched it all unfold. He had sensed a Disturbance in the Force, which was totally bogus to unprecedented degrees. "Dude, that Mary Sue has got to go." He turned to the most excellent Bill S. Prestonian who was playing air lightsaber next to him. "Get the ship ready, my most excellent Padawan. We fly."

They both had some most delicous popcorn, and flew off after the Grand Master.

too much of that popcorn I think!

We have all the makings of a new trilogy. It would not be any worse than the last one! The mother could be that old lady in the last scene of TROS, Who is actually Obi Wan Kenobi’s live-in maid, who was out shopping for popcorn during a new Hope!

Reefer’s Padawan dies tragically, choking to death on popcorn. So he must take on a new apprentice - enter Ibee Won. Reefer stocks up on antacids this time, just in case.
There's a lot they could have cut out. It wasn't busy because it had so much story to tell, it was busy because they crammed a lot of stuff into it. It could have been greatly simplified to allow more time for scenes to breathe.

I dont think Abrams is known for the very hard work of character building - either script or editing. Whats kinda weird for me tho is writer Terrio is known for Argo which may not be totally accurate but great film. But, Argo had the talented and intelligent Ben Affleck and George Clooney as producers; have no doubt they wanted to tell a good story vs blockbuster flash.

Apparently there was no-one to reign in JJ and Terrio. So we get a kind of video game thats fun to watch, but doesn't have the narrative flow, build-up of tension, and nuances that make u care. Feel bad for the actors tho I think they were working hard.
If the rumors are true, then Lucasfilm was interfering with the film quite a bit, so it could have been something that worked a bit better in Abram's original cut. But I don't think that what he originally intended would have been that much better overall, since the underlying issue is that this new trilogy just doesn't work, there's no point to it since it repeats the same plot essentially of the original trilogy and doesn't continue the overall narrative.
If the rumors are true, then Lucasfilm was interfering with the film quite a bit, so it could have been something that worked a bit better in Abram's original cut. But I don't think that what he originally intended would have been that much better overall, since the underlying issue is that this new trilogy just doesn't work, there's no point to it since it repeats the same plot essentially of the original trilogy and doesn't continue the overall narrative.

Disney needed to let go. If KK & co. "wanted to make something for the fans" e.g. dumped Lucas stuff for safe nostalgia - well, they went overboard and then let the TLJ backlash scare them into a watered down finale. Don't know that even the most hard core fan would've said "please just re-do OT with more special effects and add some macguffins that i can buy collectbles for"
Disney allowing the info about the "Abram's cut" to get out so soon after the film's release makes them look like they are giving excuses for any possible negativity towards the film, ticket sales, etc. They can later double-dip by releasing that cut afterwards.

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