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You know since they had a gazillion rebel ships show up at the end it would have been cool if they had someone piloting an old Naboo Starfighter (maybe one was there and I simply missed it.) Then at the end they could have had the Falcon flying away with Poe's X-Wing, Red Five, and a Naboo Fighter so that the Falcon was flanked by a ship from each trilogy.

And I'd be down for Keanu as either a gunslinger or a stoic Jedi.
You know since they had a gazillion rebel ships show up at the end it would have been cool if they had someone piloting an old Naboo Starfighter (maybe one was there and I simply missed it.) Then at the end they could have had the Falcon flying away with Poe's X-Wing, Red Five, and a Naboo Fighter so that the Falcon was flanked by a ship from each trilogy.

Khev I can?t begin to tell you just how badly they dropped the ball in that final atmosphere battle.

Fan service out the window not even Wedge was appropriately utilized!

Nothing cohesive about how they were going to tackle their objectives they showed a TON of ships in that one shot then they were never shown actually doing anything with structure and purpose.


Please stop you?re just making it more painful for me lol

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Yeah we're in agreement on that unfortunately. How does RO deliver the best space battle of the Saga and the movie doesn't even build up to it, it's just a surprise for the audience that happens organically. Then in TROS you see Palps raising the 1,000 Star Destroyers five minutes into the film for MASSIVE anticipation and then it finally happens and it's just kind of meh, lol.

I did enjoy it more the second time around when I knew what to expect, some parts I even really liked like the slo-mo montage of the Sith TIE's taking out Rebels left and right before Lando arrives, but yeah otherwise there wasn't much to it. Definitely a "Battle at the Black Gates" battle when I was expecting Pelenor Fields, lol. Again I wonder if a big chunk of it got the axe when Disney was forcing the run time from 3 hrs down to 2 hrs 22 min.

And while I loved seeing Wedge I'm also surprised that they had him in the turret instead of a ship of his own. I wonder if Lawson specifically asked to be in the Falcon for once, lol.
Yeah we're in agreement on that unfortunately. How does RO deliver the best space battle of the Saga and the movie doesn't even build up to it, it's just a surprise for the audience that happens organically. Then in TROS you see Palps raising the 1,000 Star Destroyers five minutes into the film for MASSIVE anticipation and then it finally happens and it's just kind of meh, lol.

I did enjoy it more the second time around when I knew what to expect, some parts I even really liked like the slo-mo montage of the Sith TIE's taking out Rebels left and right before Lando arrives, but yeah otherwise it was just kind of "there." Definitely a "Battle at the Black Gates" battle when I was expecting Pelenor Fields, lol.

And while I loved seeing Wedge I'm also surprised that they had him in the turret instead of a ship of his own.

It was Braveheart minus the heart lol

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And I was going to say that I still don't understand why it was determined that horses would be more helpful in blowing up a navigation tower than aerial bombers but then I remembered that horses are like 10 times faster than Resistance Bombers, lol.
How are the horses able to stay on a flying star destroyer? And the people too. So much :slap :slap :slap

Didn't they shave like an hour off this movie? Yet this still made the cut?
Well they're in the atmosphere above Exegol not outer space so for "Star Wars physics" it wasn't too far out there. I guess they're lucky that General Pryde didn't just order the captain to bank right and let them all slide off the side, lol.
Well they're in the atmosphere above Exegol not outer space so for "Star Wars physics" it wasn't too far out there. I guess they're lucky that General Pryde didn't just order the captain to bank right and let them all slide off the side, lol.

If the destroyer banked it would?ve probably taken out the entire row next to it lol

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Yeah we're in agreement on that unfortunately. How does RO deliver the best space battle of the Saga and the movie doesn't even build up to it, it's just a surprise for the audience that happens organically.

I actually vocalized a few 'Woah's and 'Coooollll's during my cinema-viewing of Rogue One's space battle. That delivered big-time on what I would have wanted to see from a new Star Wars film when Disney bought the franchise. Solo meanwhile brought great moments with beloved characters - importantly without doing anything I hated.
I actually vocalized a few 'Woah's and 'Coooollll's during my cinema-viewing of Rogue One's space battle. That delivered big-time on what I would have wanted to see from a new Star Wars film when Disney bought the franchise. Solo meanwhile brought great moments with beloved characters - importantly without doing anything I hated.

I think the only review of TROS that I've seen from you was "yep the ST just isn't for me." Were there things in TROS that you "hated" per se or did it just not do enough to undo the things that you did hate from TFA and TLJ?
I think the only review of TROS that I've seen from you was "yep the ST just isn't for me." Were there things in TROS that you "hated" per se or did it just not do enough to undo the things that you did hate from TFA and TLJ?

Anything that I hated had already been established in TFA and TLJ and it was there to stay. I wouldn't say TROS added anything in particular to the hate pile but, yeah, it couldn't possibly undo what I didn't like about the previous two.

So I think my 'review' amounted to ''I didn't care about anything I was seeing''. I literally had nothing else to say about it.

I asked some friends what they thought of it and they said 'it was a movie'. I found that to be quite accurate on my viewing. :lol
Lol, actually now that I think of it the horses don't make any less sense than buzz droids. I wonder if that's the "poetry" they were going for. That was probably one of George's ideas, lol.

You think unsecured horses running across a flying aircraft are as believable as a metal droid clamping on? I don't know about that one;)
You think unsecured horses running across a flying aircraft are as believable as a metal droid clamping on? I don't know about that one;)

I meant more with regard to battle tactics. It never made sense to me to have missiles turn into little droids instead of the missiles um...being *missiles* lol. But George obviously wanted the droids to be a "fun" gag of them crawling on the ships instead of blowing up which parallels the horses. Keep in mind I'm saying that they *wanted* these to be fun gags, not that they actually delivered on that promise for you. ;)
If a star destroyer remains horizontal I don?t see what the difference is between an animal running on a slanted hill or a slanted star destroyer. :dunno

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If a star destroyer remains horizontal I don?t see what the difference is between an animal running on a slanted hill or a slanted star destroyer. :dunno

Or across the surface of a real world aircraft carrier or battleship. Yeah the physics aren't a big deal for me, certainly not as far as the crazier stuff in SW goes.
I meant more with regard to battle tactics. It never made sense to me to have missiles turn into little droids instead of the missiles um...being *missiles* lol. But George obviously wanted the droids to be a "fun" gag of them crawling on the ships instead of blowing up which parallels the horses. Keep in mind I'm saying that they *wanted* these to be fun gags, not that they actually delivered on that promise for you. ;)

Ok fair enough, I never liked those buzz droids either:). And yes the horses don't read as much to me as fun gags as they do KK or the Story Group finally achieving their decades old goal of integrating My 'Lil Pony into Star Wars.
Ok fair enough, I never liked those buzz droids either:). And yes the horses don't read as much to me as fun gags as they do KK or the Story Group finally achieving their decades old goal of integrating My 'Lil Pony into Star Wars.

:lol :lol

You know if they actually had a toy line of stupid multicolored SW horsies that accompanied the film's release then I'd probably be just as skeptical as you but thankfully I can give them the benefit of the doubt and allow the gag (which I actually did think was fun...)
