You couldn't throw me off of this ship if you tried. I'm totally aware of the criticisms thrown at this movie, and for the most part I understand them. Hell, I may even agree with a lot of them. But for some reason, it still all works for me. I felt a lot of good things watching this, and that was more than enough.
Preach it! Like all SW films outside of SW/ESB it just comes down to how forgiving you are with any given entry and as ridiculous as so much of this movie is it all just freaking WORKS. It just constantly shifts from hilarious to awesome to poignant to epic, all in constant rotation from beginning to end. It's like it combines OT awesomeness with super extreme wackiness of TOD or Last Action Hero which definitely brings down the "quality" of the film if you want to call it that but not in a manner that in any way diminishes its entertainment value. Well according to you, me, and maybe two other people that actually like the movie.

I so can't wait to watch the hell out of this movie at home, lol.