I appreciate the effort, but honestly I think it?s probably as bad as TLJ if you remove the way TLJ changed the whole trajectory of the trilogy. And in retrospect, almost none of the seemingly interesting mysteries of TFA paid off so I?m settling into a general stomach ache about the whole ST. Not in a semi-fun fan-headcanon adjusting way. It really amazes me that this whole mess happened. That this little thought and care went into it. I?ve tried to rewatch TROS a couple of times and it?s just so incredibly empty. The characters/humor are Bay Transformers level bad. The entire plot is a series of coincidences piled on inconsistency and anti-logic.
Unless my daughter wants to watch them someday I will never revisit this trilogy.
When your suspension of disbelief has already been so damaged that you?re like ?do they need to attach jumper cables to R2 to convey a three sentence message? it?s time to shut it off and put your limited, middle aged fan energy into something else.
But as always, cheers to any and all who can still mine these for gems. They are in there, I don?t deny.