Knights of Ren might have topped Phasma and Fett's demise in ROTJ for biggest letdown for a cool-mystery character/s.
BEST VILLAIN FINAL FIGHT in the Star Wars (Palpatine) Saga:
KoR definitely had a better final fight than either Fett or Phasma though. As brief as it was, at least it was a fight.
Which brigs up another RANKING!!!!
BEST VILLAIN FINAL FIGHT in the Star Wars (Palpatine) Saga:
#1: Maul
#2: Anakin playing at Vader
#3: Grievous
#4: Jango Fett
#5: Dooku
#6: Vader
#7: Boba Fett
1. ESB Luke Vader
2. TROS Rey Kylo
3. ROTJ Luke Vader / ANH ObiWan Vader
Wild SW rumors being reported by the dude who leaked all the early TROS stuff. Kathleen Kennedy may have been banned from The Mandalorian set. Also rumored that Favreau and Filoni are in the process of seizing control of Lucasfilm and Feige may have ultimate say as far as who runs what.
No, no, no... Final Fight = the last fight a villain has before he dies.
This is NOT just Best Fight in SW again. We did that game. (Kylo may count)
Wild SW rumors being reported by the dude who leaked all the early TROS stuff. Kathleen Kennedy may have been banned from The Mandalorian set. Also rumored that Favreau and Filoni are in the process of seizing control of Lucasfilm and Feige may have ultimate say as far as who runs what.
Absolutely agree. I've seen a number of Retroblasting's videos and while he has a cool collection he's also one of the most melodramatic whiners on the internet.
Yesterday I go to sit down right after dinner to enjoy 4K83 with my wife and son that?s when my wife tells me that she set up a movie play date for our son with his friends and their parents and we had to go watch......
There are no words to properly describe my emotions last night while watching that that that movie no words.
No need to go to Iraq to find PTSD just go to your multiplex.
I had to go I needed something to soften the blow of my imminent arrival of War Machine and Thanos lol
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I like how sonic the hedgehog , a movie people thought was going to bomb is now being compared to Star Wars on how to treat the fanbase vs how not to treat the fans. Hilarious.
Thank goodness Star Wars has mandolorian
Looks like we have a winner for BEST FINAL FIGHT in the Star Wars saga:
Even using (slightly modded) Wor-gar's definition: "Final Fight = the last fight a villain has before she's fired."
Sounds like Order 77 has finally been issued.![]()
Only thing that's keeping the brand alive.
The dud of a trilogy has come and gone and already generally forgotten about. Even Hasbro primarily had Mandalorian products on display at the NYTF![]()
Oh ok...
1. ANH ObiWan (hero)
2. TROS Leia (hero)
3. TROS Kylo (hero)
4. ROTS Dooku (villain)
5. RO Krennic (villain)
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