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Yesterday I go to sit down right after dinner to enjoy 4K83 with my wife and son that?s when my wife tells me that she set up a movie play date for our son with his friends and their parents and we had to go watch......

SONIC :thud:

There are no words to properly describe my emotions last night while watching that that that movie no words.

No need to go to Iraq to find PTSD just go to your multiplex.

I had to go I needed something to soften the blow of my imminent arrival of War Machine and Thanos lol

:lol :lol :lol

Holy crap watching sonic for 90 minutes being fully aware every passing second that you gave 4K83 up for that. :rotfl
:lol :lol :lol

Holy crap watching sonic for 90 minutes being fully aware every passing second that you gave 4K83 up for that. :rotfl

Holy crap it was soooo bad it hurt to watch people cheered during the post credits scene lol

Technically the SE's/Disney+ allow high def Slave Leia viewing but not high def Sy Snootles. :drool lol

Holy crap lol

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This popped up in my feed last night

I had forgotten (or perhaps even never realized?) about some of these changes.

Some of them weren't bad at all such as some of the music transitions - I may not know why they were deemed necessary but they're fine and are actually now what I'm more used to.

Of the most obvious changes the Cloud City background stuff was worthwhile IMO. I also like the shot that follows behind a Cloud Car until it passes by Leia's window and the change to Lando's intercom announcment.

The worst changes are Boba Fett's voice, Luke's scream as he falls and the unnecessary Imperial Shuttle stuff that breaks up the Falcon chase in the last act.

As Jye said recently, there should totally be a release of the films that enables you to compile your own version of the film - because I would ditch many changes while keeping others.

-edit - and holy ***t, I never even noticed that they changed the whole shape of the Cloud City building that Leia is in (per the thumbnail of the video)
So many of the changes were just so sloppy though I just couldn't get over them. That video doesn't show it but because they changed the timing of when Luke runs out of the Wampa cave (since they added the extra shot of the Wampa clutching its wound) you now hear the sound of Luke's saber shutting off *while it's still lit.* They shifted the shots but not the audio that accompanied them. :slap

Or all the inconsistent changes to the interior of Cloud City. For instance that one shot where they added the big window with the elevator ascending outside. Then they cut to the group approaching the doors to the dining hall and the wall where they added the window and elevator is back to just being a solid wall again. :slap

That half-assed stuff really annoyed the crap out of me, lol. But no more since I only ever watch Harmy and eventually 4K80.
I remember really liking the added shots of the Slave One chasing the Falcon when I saw it back in 97, just cause Boba Fett hadn't been completely over-exposed yet, so getting just a bit more of him was cool.

I'd be willing to lose that shot though to just have the real movie again.

I haven't bought the discs you guys are so jazzed about, but honestly I rarely go back and watch SW movies just cause I've seen them a zillion times. I still have the last "official" release of the unaltered movies, the walmart exclusive DVDs, but obviously those are like watching the movies through a layer of vaseline.

I like how this is just the general SW discussion thread now since nobody gives a even half a **** about that lameass Disney trilogy any more.
Hereditary was my favorite horror movie of 2019.

I am almost certain that DS will be my favorite horror movie of 2020 I say almost certain because A24 is at it again did you see the trailer for Green Knight. :panic:

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I have not... I will check it out..


Hereditary should be fav movie of 2018 and DS fav of 2019 :)

PM sent. :)

And yes Harmy's cuts get the job done well enough but he does mix and match a lot of different sources to get his desired result of "despecialized" editions where they feature lots of the clean up work of the SE's (recomposited shots, redone lasers and lightsabers, etc.) but without the added CGI or revised dialogue.

SW 4K77 is a true restoration by Team Negative 1 sourced directly from original 35mm theatrical film prints. They have completed SW and ROTJ and are working on ESB but that one is still a long ways off yet.

Thank you Khev for the link. You are truly a wonderful person!

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RB is awesome I still need to watch that...

Yup that was awesome lol

BUT lets break down his argument even more.

YES what he is saying is fact but lets take a step back for a second here.

If the studio system is for financial and technical reasons inherently stuck at 2K masters due to VFX then can we really blame them when they release 2K up converted to 4K.

Yes crappy Hellboy is a true 4K release while End Game is fake 4K but the VFX in Hellboy were still mastered at 2K and since 99% of the movie is VFX one can argue that the movie is nowhere near a true 4K and more of a stitch work of 2K and 4K.

YES older movies like Blade Runner are true 4K masters even the VFX are BUT those are not cgi VFX so his argument is absolutely NOT a fair apples to apples comparison.

Khev when you watch the magic of cgi during the epic Rey vs Kylo battle do you hate the scene because the VFX were mastered in 2K or do you ignore those limitations and enjoy the moment.

Same for RO 3rd act will you now hate it because it was mastered in only 2K.

Yes I love the older movies BUT I am also not about to start hating epic scenes like EG Cap because the VFX are stuck at 2K.

Those SE will be real 4K but if you don?t want the SE even at 4K then use your money on the TN1 releases

So yes while what the guy is saying is accurate he is ready to throw the baby out with the bath water due to his frustrations with the studio system.

I am not.


My TROS 3D is already ordered lol

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