Star Wars: High Republic

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You guys still just do not get it.

Disney wants to increase the SW fanbase to everyone. Not just old white men.

Now everyone who is an old white guy, is free to not watch anything that does not feature typical historical heroes, we all know that?s what the old fanbase wants.....

But with a company like Disney they are going to be reaching out to new dollars , and new gonna happen....

They have been hugely successful with Pixar and reaching new audiences the last 20 like it or not, your going to see more of this.

Don?t worry, they have learned not to forget about the cash cow that is the old time obsessed SW fan, they will get your money also.

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You guys still just do not get it.

Disney wants to increase the SW fanbase to everyone. Not just old white men.

Now everyone who is an old white guy, is free to not watch anything that does not feature typical historical heroes, we all know that?s what the old fanbase wants.....

But with a company like Disney they are going to be reaching out to new dollars , and new gonna happen....

They have been hugely successful with Pixar and reaching new audiences the last 20 like it or not, your going to see more of this.

Don?t worry, they have learned not to forget about the cash cow that is the old time obsessed SW fan, they will get your money also.

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Idly curious - but does it work, tho? Those old white guys - and women, for that matter - in theory, by virtue of age, probably have bank accounts, and can buy stuff and read, at least occasionally.

Also, a show like Mandalorian seems to have been popular across all age ranges, and while there was adorable Baby Yoda, a big attraction was the parental dynamic. Meanwhile the most popular character is a wrinkled little puppet.

Not a side shaved head teenager (and what is it with that, anyway? Like, if ur out in space, u wake up every morning and use the Force to shave the side of ur head? Like that's important? And aren't Jedi supposed to be selfless?)

Mulan had a misunderstood, heroic Mary Sue teen with a mystical ability (tho not with a sideshaved head:cool:) and that film didn't seem to land with anyone.
Yeah I don't really get the "expand the fanbase" argument. If there's one thing the most popular brand in the world was not in desperate need of it was expanding its fanbase, lol. Well it didn't need that *before* the optics of certain agenda driven executives and blatant unprofessionalism *pushed* a good deal of fans away.

Star Wars has been diverse for a long time. The whole world was ready to welcome Rey with open arms and they largely did (TFA's box office proves that easily.) All they ever had to do was not screw it up by breaking what was already working. I blame KK's foolhardiness, virtue signaling, and both RJ and the "Story Group's" social media presence (along with rat ******* Chuck Wendig) as all being the primary factors in causing the fan exodus. It was *not* the films because even the stuff with Luke in TLJ could have been easily mitigated by some humble and professional responses from RJ and company.

But the lack of professionalism to the point of open antagonism (Wendig literally tweeted to half the fanbase that he wanted them to "eat a s*** covered boot" or something to that effect before LFL finally got a clue and fired his dumb ass) made it such a personal matter for so many fans that they refused to give LFL the benefit of the doubt for any optics that even hinted at a divisive and hate-filled agenda being afoot. And make no mistake, the "woke" movement is one of the most divisive, hate filled, bigoted and regressive crusades that our country has ever seen. LFL/Disney would do well to wake up to that fact though I don't see that happening without a substantial house cleaning of certain executives at LFL.

It is Jannah's great great grandmother...

I know Disney is all about hooking the kiddies early -- like drug dealers -- because they believe you will have life-long fans.

But that isn't true at a certain age point. Kiddies always look forward, to older kids and adults. Once they are 13, forget the kiddie trash they grew up with. They turn on their "childish past". Young boys at least look up to Bond, Indy, Neo, Bourne, Rocky, Sparrow, Aragorn, etc. Those are the figures they will hold dear for a lifetime. Until their old men like us. The original Star Wars knew this. Comics know this.
The Woke Wars, The Soy Wars, Rise of the Side Cuts, body positives and neutered males.
Whats a conservative white male Star Wars fan to do?

Pray Favreau and Filoni stay healthy.
Is that really her "character flaw"...? Seems like something Disney would do. Then challenge her character when they land on a planet made of chocolate cake.
Yeah, the whole "expanding the fan base" idea, at least by taking a direction like this, makes no sense. Who is the audience here? Who *really* cares about this High Republic crap? Why not focus on making a good story over just pandering?

I am in my early 20s so I'm in or closer to the target demographic.... I guess? But let me tell you, any of my peers who are actually into Star Wars are on the same page as the older crowd. And it's been like that for my whole life, even as a boy in the school yard. The OT is still king (its timeless), the ST is garbage, etc. Nobody really wants these pandering products, except maybe a small percentage of people who probably won't even actually read it. Hell, even my friends who don't consider themselves to be Star Wars fans and are very casual with the franchise still think the sequels and content like this are bad!

So what is KK going for here? I guess still pushing an agenda at the expense of quality content. Whenever you do that, your product is doomed to fail.
The Woke Wars, The Soy Wars, Rise of the Side Cuts, body positives and neutered males.
Whats a conservative white male Star Wars fan to do?

Pray Favreau and Filoni stay healthy.



Ram Jamoram didn't become the first Obese Jedi so that she'll clean up her own ******* boots!

Also, go buy all the unsold stock of Finn, Rose and Holdo figures. All those damn dirty kids buying all those straight white male Kylo Ren figures will regret it when they will no longer be able to buy figures of pudgy nobodies in baggy clothes!

As to whom it's directed, they're trying to grab kids/tweens. They're trying their own Clone Wars Multimedia Project but... yeah. See you in a year when they shoehorn a character in the next Battlefront Cashgrab, have a reference in a show, launch a mini about the High Republic Mandalorians, and then it all crashes and burns so Disney moves onto ruining the Old Republic.
Yeah, the whole "expanding the fan base" idea, at least by taking a direction like this, makes no sense. Who is the audience here? Who *really* cares about this High Republic crap? Why not focus on making a good story over just pandering?

I am in my early 20s so I'm in or closer to the target demographic.... I guess? But let me tell you, any of my peers who are actually into Star Wars are on the same page as the older crowd. And it's been like that for my whole life, even as a boy in the school yard. The OT is still king (its timeless), the ST is garbage, etc. Nobody really wants these pandering products, except maybe a small percentage of people who probably won't even actually read it. Hell, even my friends who don't consider themselves to be Star Wars fans and are very casual with the franchise still think the sequels and content like this are bad!

So what is KK going for here? I guess still pushing an agenda at the expense of quality content. Whenever you do that, your product is doomed to fail.

Agreed. Especially the part about the people who want all this 'woke' stuff are the people who probably didn't even like Star Wars much to begin with. Now its just another vehicle to deliver a new world message.
As a woman who's been into this stuff since she was freakin 13 YEARS OLD, I'm so, so, SO tired of the arguments and implications that there were no women (or people of color) in the fanbase before Kathleen Kennedy gifted us with "my only flaw is not realizing how utterly awesome I already am", Saint Rey Palpwalker.

Like women didn't have Leia. Ahsoka. Or didn't love the male characters as much as male fans. Kathleen "girls can't relate to Luke Skywalker" Kennedy needed to watch all the reaction videos from fans of all genders and colors getting emotional at a few minutes of seeing Luke as Luke again, and realize that people (including women!) don't want to see their beloved characters spat on for the sake of your new super special!!!111!! heroine and her bland sidekicks. It doesn't matter what "message" you think you need to put out.

I also don't understand this idea LFL/Kennedy seemed to have that the original trilogy hasn't been passed down to through generations to the current one, because that can't be further from the truth. That's how the OT has lasted for 40 years. It's why it's the biggest franchise of all time. This ill conceived notion is what brought about Galaxy's Edge and its ST setting on a world fans had no connection to, instead of being smart like Universal was with Harry Potter and its use of all the famous locations in its franchise.

They certainly had the moronic idea that the past needed to die, and it's delicious now to watch the Mandalorian's success, the crazy reactions from fans when Luke showed up, and how they're planning all these shows in the OT time period. While TROS limped to the finish line in last place of the trilogy that lost half its audience by the time the third installment came around.

Let the past die. Oops, wait, our profits have sunk. Nevermind!
As a woman who's been into this stuff since she was freakin 13 YEARS OLD, I'm so, so, SO tired of the arguments and implications that there were no women (or people of color) in the fanbase before Kathleen Kennedy gifted us with "my only flaw is not realizing how utterly awesome I already am", Saint Rey Palpwalker.

Like women didn't have Leia. Ahsoka. Or didn't love the male characters as much as male fans. Kathleen "girls can't relate to Luke Skywalker" Kennedy needed to watch all the reaction videos from fans of all genders and colors getting emotional at a few minutes of seeing Luke as Luke again, and realize that people (including women!) don't want to see their beloved characters spat on for the sake of your new super special!!!111!! heroine and her bland sidekicks. It doesn't matter what "message" you think you need to put out.

I also don't understand this idea LFL/Kennedy seemed to have that the original trilogy hasn't been passed down to through generations to the current one, because that can't be further from the truth. That's how the OT has lasted for 40 years. It's why it's the biggest franchise of all time. This ill conceived notion is what brought about Galaxy's Edge and its ST setting on a world fans had no connection to, instead of being smart like Universal was with Harry Potter and its use of all the famous locations in its franchise.

They certainly had the moronic idea that the past needed to die, and it's delicious now to watch the Mandalorian's success, the crazy reactions from fans when Luke showed up, and how they're planning all these shows in the OT time period. While TROS limped to the finish line in last place of the trilogy that lost half its audience by the time the third installment came around.

Let the past die. Oops, wait, our profits have sunk. Nevermind!

Alright, Josette!!!
As a woman who's been into this stuff since she was freakin 13 YEARS OLD, I'm so, so, SO tired of the arguments and implications that there were no women (or people of color) in the fanbase before Kathleen Kennedy gifted us with "my only flaw is not realizing how utterly awesome I already am", Saint Rey Palpwalker.

Like women didn't have Leia. Ahsoka. Or didn't love the male characters as much as male fans. Kathleen "girls can't relate to Luke Skywalker" Kennedy needed to watch all the reaction videos from fans of all genders and colors getting emotional at a few minutes of seeing Luke as Luke again, and realize that people (including women!) don't want to see their beloved characters spat on for the sake of your new super special!!!111!! heroine and her bland sidekicks. It doesn't matter what "message" you think you need to put out.

I also don't understand this idea LFL/Kennedy seemed to have that the original trilogy hasn't been passed down to through generations to the current one, because that can't be further from the truth. That's how the OT has lasted for 40 years. It's why it's the biggest franchise of all time. This ill conceived notion is what brought about Galaxy's Edge and its ST setting on a world fans had no connection to, instead of being smart like Universal was with Harry Potter and its use of all the famous locations in its franchise.

They certainly had the moronic idea that the past needed to die, and it's delicious now to watch the Mandalorian's success, the crazy reactions from fans when Luke showed up, and how they're planning all these shows in the OT time period. While TROS limped to the finish line in last place of the trilogy that lost half its audience by the time the third installment came around.

Let the past die. Oops, wait, our profits have sunk. Nevermind!

That's because these "writers" are talentless hacks who've never picked up an issue of a comic or played a game. They'll pat themselves on the back for Black Bi Non-Binary Flash (real thing by the way), but won't even know who Icon is. They'll praise the Reys and Carol Manvers of the world, and have no clue about Judge Anderson's Psi-Files.

I remember when I loved Black Panther. Then the MCU and the new "fans" came. As time has gone on, I've stopped liking lots of my old favourites. Mostly due to the new runs.
As a woman who's been into this stuff since she was freakin 13 YEARS OLD, I'm so, so, SO tired of the arguments and implications that there were no women (or people of color) in the fanbase before Kathleen Kennedy gifted us with "my only flaw is not realizing how utterly awesome I already am", Saint Rey Palpwalker. [...]

All of that, but most insidious of all is the way corporations co-opt, pervert, and trivialize things that matter (like actual Feminism) into a series of focus-group checkboxes that are something worse than pandering, IMO -- they're lies. Dirty, shallow, cynical lies.

I'm fine with representation. But how about an actual story first?
As a woman who's been into this stuff since she was freakin 13 YEARS OLD, I'm so, so, SO tired of the arguments and implications that there were no women (or people of color) in the fanbase before Kathleen Kennedy gifted us with "my only flaw is not realizing how utterly awesome I already am", Saint Rey Palpwalker.

Like women didn't have Leia. Ahsoka. Or didn't love the male characters as much as male fans. Kathleen "girls can't relate to Luke Skywalker" Kennedy needed to watch all the reaction videos from fans of all genders and colors getting emotional at a few minutes of seeing Luke as Luke again, and realize that people (including women!) don't want to see their beloved characters spat on for the sake of your new super special!!!111!! heroine and her bland sidekicks. It doesn't matter what "message" you think you need to put out.

I also don't understand this idea LFL/Kennedy seemed to have that the original trilogy hasn't been passed down to through generations to the current one, because that can't be further from the truth. That's how the OT has lasted for 40 years. It's why it's the biggest franchise of all time. This ill conceived notion is what brought about Galaxy's Edge and its ST setting on a world fans had no connection to, instead of being smart like Universal was with Harry Potter and its use of all the famous locations in its franchise.

They certainly had the moronic idea that the past needed to die, and it's delicious now to watch the Mandalorian's success, the crazy reactions from fans when Luke showed up, and how they're planning all these shows in the OT time period. While TROS limped to the finish line in last place of the trilogy that lost half its audience by the time the third installment came around.

Let the past die. Oops, wait, our profits have sunk. Nevermind!

I mean again, like it or not, this is what Disney is doing.

It may be the wrong way to do it but it?s not forced diversity for any agenda ......this is not some secret organization with sorted ends to change a company, and every single decision they make is an attempt to make money.

What I do not buy is this is some secret cabal forcing woke dynamics on those in need of education. It?s about the dollar , nothing more.

Now what if I told you that Rey and company appear in children?s shows as young as 3? It?s called Galaxy of Adventures.

The LEGO crowd also is for age 6. It?s all about demographics. They know characters who are relatable to the audience sell. And they do not care about the long haul dollars, they care about this quarter and year only.

So why not make a show who has a core demographic that?s much more urban looking? What do they have to lose?

They know how to win over the old fans now. They also know most the old fans who claimed to be done with SW the so-called ?betrayal of their childhood group? are back watching Mando already.

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