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Cartoon had a site up before the season started and you used codes to unlock videos. One of the videos I unlocked was about Slave 1. Faloni explains that they needed to explain Slave1's repaint from blue to green. The ship is not destroyed but will become the property of Hondo and he will repaint it. Somewhere later in the mythos Bobba will get it back.

I really have no problem with that. Maybe Boba adapts his colors from Hondo? It does show, in the show, that Boba at least respects him. Fine with me:dunno
But it blew apart, didn't it? Like into a million pieces.

And why do they need to explain why it gets repainted anyway? And so I guess this Hondo just so happens to repaint the magically repaired Slave I in the same color scheme of the armor that Boba will eventually wear? What a coincidence. :lol This is EU foolishness in a nutshell.

I never thought it exploded btw

But I totally agreed with you WHY the need to explain every tiny detail - next week - the exclusive story of why boba fett reads the sun newspaper and drinks oj Or whatever
Didn't the Millennium Falcon appear briefly in ROTS with blue markings? I hope we see a CW episode with a young Lando saying that if Coruscant is ever invaded he'll repaint his ship. :duh
Didn't the Millennium Falcon appear briefly in ROTS with blue markings? I hope we see a CW episode with a young Lando saying that if Coruscant is ever invaded he'll repaint his ship. :duh

Oh, I'm sure it's coming. And the EU sheep will eat it up. :lol
"Remember Boba Fett's slave one? When Aurra Sing tried to escape, Ashoka jumped up on the wing of the ship and sliced the wing causing the ship to crash. We ASSUME Aurra was dead and slave 1 was destroyed. not many people know this but Hondo really liked slave one. you know how people collect classic cars and rebuild them. You can call Hondo a classic spaceship collector. He knows that there is only one of those firespray ships like Slave 1 left in the galaxy. So when it crashed near his home and Aurra caused all that damage to his pirate base Hondo takes Slave one rebuilds it and paints it green."

This is almost verbatim what Faloni says in the video. All we do see is the ship go down behind some hills and boom. I guess this means Aurra is still alive also.
Re: The Clone Warz

I to am starting to not really like the jumping around or at least I am finding it annoying. I would also like to see Durge in the series. Has anyone heard why they did not include him? HE had pretty big parts in the comics alongside Ventress.

It was stated ages ago that Durge was really replaced by Grievious.
Didn't the Millennium Falcon appear briefly in ROTS with blue markings? I hope we see a CW episode with a young Lando saying that if Coruscant is ever invaded he'll repaint his ship. :duh

Yup. When they're docking at the station, you see it fly in from the lower center of the screen. Didn't see blue markings though:

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I actually wouldnt mind a Capt Keeli figure (as much as I hate the trooper rehashes) He was a stylin' lookin' clone capt'n.
But I swear Lucas gets a perverse pleasure in shoving Jar Jar in fans faces every so often. Any solemn gravitas is lost when that idiot is included.
Forgot to point out one of the things that bugs me the most. Anakin Skywalker in AOTC/ROTS vs Anakin in CW: Not the same character. At all.

Darth Vader in TESB vs Vader in ROTJ. Not the same character. At all. But its still cool in its own (lesser) way.

Lucas can't brainwash me enough to believe that this show fits in seamlessly with the films. Square pegs and round holes are what they are.

There's also a pretty easy explanation for why major CW characters aren't referenced in ROTS: Its pretty much never done in SW. Luke lost his best friend in ANH, and Luke and Leia lost both sets of adoptive parents as well. One stern look later and none of them were ever mentioned again.

Same with villains. You never here of Darth Maul, Jango, Governor Tarkin, etc., or anyone after they're destroyed even in the sequels immediately following their deaths.
I never paid much attention to when it was introduced in the first season. . . but blue skinned aliens from PanTora??

Seriously?? There is not a facepalm big enough. I'm really trying to give this show a chance, but they're not trying very hard. Making George Lucas' alien being a supreme bad-ass, dual wielding blasters and clearing out the Mos Eisely Cantina??
I never paid much attention to when it was introduced in the first season. . . but blue skinned aliens from PanTora??

Seriously?? There is not a facepalm big enough. I'm really trying to give this show a chance, but they're not trying very hard. Making George Lucas' alien being a supreme bad-ass, dual wielding blasters and clearing out the Mos Eisely Cantina??

Well you can not blame Clone Wars for introducing the Pantorans. George Lucas and his Daughter were both on screen in ROTS as these characters originally.



We even got Action figures of them.


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I never paid much attention to when it was introduced in the first season. . . but blue skinned aliens from PanTora??

Seriously?? There is not a facepalm big enough. I'm really trying to give this show a chance, but they're not trying very hard. Making George Lucas' alien being a supreme bad-ass, dual wielding blasters and clearing out the Mos Eisely Cantina??

I actually LOL'd when he went all John Woo on the kidnappers. I pictured George trying that in real life with wire work. :lol
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Well you can not blame Clone Wars for introducing the Pantorans. George Lucas and his Daughter were both on screen in ROTS as these characters originally.


Hasbro created their backstory. They were from Wroona. The daughter was originally a Twi'lek.

The planet Pantora was established for The Clone Wars. There goes Dave Filoni again, steam-rolling over previously established cannon. I can't wait for the ep in which Greedo gets bonked on the head and forgets how to speak English.

Hasbro created their backstory. They were from Wroona. The daughter was originally a Twi'lek.

The planet Pantora was established for The Clone Wars. There goes Dave Filoni again, steam-rolling over previously established cannon. I can't wait for the ep in which Greedo gets bonked on the head and forgets how to speak English.

That would be George. He approves everything and what happens in the series is George Lucas' cannon. :huh