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Well, it wasn't a bad episode...

The animation this season is really something...textures, shading, bold lighting choices, smoother character's all really good.

Reading and watching as much EU material as I have, I've had to turn off that portion of knowledge and just know this show's gonna do whatever it's going to do. Suddenly, three characters that were different species and from different planets are related because the folks portraying them are....ah, well. No matter...

It was strange when the Baron spoke not to have Lucas' voice coming out...granted, he never spoke when he made his on screen cameo in ROTS, but knowing that's who this character is based on...well, it didn't affect the story or character on screen in this episode at all so...just a little odd for this fan. And watching that character pull a little "kick-ass" was almost laughable...

Another thing that's a bit odd...the idea of Jabba being the doting daddy...the "Mufasa-like" expressions and almost gentle demeanor are oft-putting for this giant gangster...and what happens to this "kid" anyway?

I know a lot of folks in here have little use for these "talky" senate-oriented scenes that this episode featured, but I like's a little variety that adds something interesting...not all just space and land battles...which are really cool (and getting better with each new one).

Next week we're back to the senate..with Padme and (ugh) Satine (didn't care for that take this show had on the Mandos with her)...maybe she and Padme can sit around sharing hair tips and go clothes shopping on another mall planet...
After the last couple weeks, this show is now getting dangerously close to losing me as a viewer. And I really enjoyed the hell out of Season 2 (even the Mandalore episodes).
Just finally got to watch 3.4. I was entertained. Partially by the ridiculous ass-kicking by Popanoida as Jedibear mentioned. It was silly...but I liked it. I am actually really starting to like these cartoons. Now I will certainly have to go buy seasons 1 and 2 on blu ray.
AAAcckkk! Tonight's episode was TERRIBLE!

The only thing these two ladies didn't do to make it a complete wreck was...go shopping!

"Don't drink processed/sugary sodas, kids!" Ugh. Subtle as a brick, George. No more PTA meetings before story sessions, ok?

I wish this show would stay away from's coming across like a cheap suburb of Naboo at this point...

They better get the guns back out on this show soon...
Looks like next weeks episode is titled "The Academy" and "Assassin" with Aurra Sing, the week after, so hopefully the action kicks back up a notch or two after all these slower episodes
They need to fire this seasons writers or keep uncle George from meddling, something.
Its been awful.
Wonderful, another Ashoka episode coming.
I get the feeling Lucasfilm gives the writers a quota to meet a season on how many times they can use the line: "Ive got a bad feeling about this"
They use it more than "May the Force be with you."
While I understand the need for episodes showing the political aspects of war, I think this was the first episode I was disappointed about. Is it even legal for the Senator of Naboo to take up arms against hostiles on Mandalore? And don't get me started about the literal castration of the Mandalorians from a warrior race into a buncha pacifistic pussies... :(
"We are a people of tradition.. except we were traditionally warriors but now we drink Mountain Dew and sing Kumbaya."
Anyone else hoping that Mandalore becomes a testing ground for the Death Star Prototype at some point and gets blown out of the universe?
Anyone else hoping that Mandalore becomes a testing ground for the Death Star Prototype at some point and gets blown out of the universe?
i'm hoping for that next week.:lecture

i found this episode to be very boring. i wasn't even paying that much attention to it. that's how captivating it was.:rolleyes2
I just skipped to the end to see next week's preview and this was literally the only CW episode I ever deleted after the first couple min. I just knew I shouldn't even waste my time with it.
After reading all the online reaction to "Corruption," I'm rather surprised by all the negative feedback from this episode. Perhaps it's asking too much of the audience's patience to have three shows in a row this season delving into the political intrigue of the Clone Wars (I personally could have done without the last two), but I thought this episode was a solid installment of the series thus far.

I know a lot of the hardcore fans have objected to having Mandalore depicted as a pacifist society, but I am unfamiliar with most of the EU stuff & find how Mandalore has been portrayed & affected by the Clone Wars very interesting. Between Satine's pacifist rule & the terrorist acts of Death Watch, Mandalore sits on a hotbed of political unrest that seems more familiar to our world than one where, say, an army of robots are attacking an army of clones. Also, seeing the Mandalorians greeting Padme so warmly suggests that the majority of the planet are losing faith in their government & its neutral stance to the war, further undermining Satine's control. In fact, when she orders the burning of the warehouse, it struck an emotional chord with me, seeing this usually tempered ruler so disgusted with the inept officials around her that she submits to a rare instance of overreaction. If one is surrounded by a hive of hornets, one has few options than to burn the nest.

I should also add one thing -- after years of seeing Star Wars as an almost entirely male-centered phenomenon, I find that the inclusion of so many interesting female characters in the Clone Wars has really given the Star Wars universe so much added vitality. I know there was some groaning at seeing Ahsoka being featured again in next week's episode, but from Assaj Ventress to the Duchess Satine, I don't mind having so many chicks in the boys' clubhouse one bit.