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I love astro droids but these last two episodes have been painful to watch. I can't stand that damn toad. Maybe it's a good thing the series doesn't return until Jan 5. I could use a break from what is easily the worst arc in the series.
The first three seasons of this show I bought immediately on dvd/blu ray and love them. Season 4 has been out and I havent bothered....outside the Umbara arc (which I shamelessly would have spent the money on already had I not watched each episode of that arc like 10 times OnDemand or I am not in a rush to purchase it. And so far this season, this show is just at an all-time low in entertainment. It's that simple. Having said that, the second half is usually almost way more action-packed and epic.
The first three seasons of this show I bought immediately on dvd/blu ray and love them. Season 4 has been out and I havent bothered....outside the Umbara arc (which I shamelessly would have spent the money on already had I not watched each episode of that arc like 10 times OnDemand or I am not in a rush to purchase it. And so far this season, this show is just at an all-time low in entertainment. It's that simple. Having said that, the second half is usually almost way more action-packed and epic.

I have season 4 on avi. As for the blue rays. I will get it but this show has a way of being $24.99 a season. Right now it $40.00 but the 1st 3 are $30.00. In short I can wait and save $15.00.

But unless something better happens season 5 I may pass on
No new episode this weekend?
Don't tell me that they're taking a "mid season" break too!
I hate this new trend!
Show's didn't do this 3 years ago,why now?
No new episode this weekend?
Don't tell me that they're taking a "mid season" break too!
I hate this new trend!
Show's didn't do this 3 years ago,why now?

And 3 years ago we did not know about movie coming out in 3 years. I said it before and I will keep saying it. This is why I don't watch much live Tv. This also just happened to my girlfriend show. Gray something.
No new episode this weekend?
Don't tell me that they're taking a "mid season" break too!
I hate this new trend!
Show's didn't do this 3 years ago,why now?

At least it's not as bad as The Walking Dead break.

But yeah, seems like most shows take a 3-4 week break for the holidays. Lucky I have lots of stuff saved up on the dvr.
I actually don't mind mid-season breaks, they allow me to catch up on films I'm behind on and whatnot. What I absolutely hate though is a midseason break right in the middle of a three/four-parter. :mad:
Ugh, I don't mind a break from this story arc - just terrible! The astromechs are the only thing worth watching (the sequence on the wing of the ship last week was awesome!), and there's not nearly enough of them to make this worth the pain of watching the rest of the episode. I like the story arc with the young jedi WAY more than I thought I would, it's been the best story arc of the season so far. The one with the rebels was kinda okay, kinda meh, and the one with Savage and Maul should have been better - I just hated the whole running away at the end bit: "It's not time, yet! Not time!" (???) Seemed to undermine the strength of the villains a bit. I'm hoping after the droid nonsesnse, the series goes full steam ahead. SO MUCH story potential, and THIS is what we're getting? A lippy toad, an obnoxious pit droid (was just thinking the other day how the series really needs a pit droid with attitude...?), and the astromechs, like the audience, suffering through all the nonsense. Pleeeaase bring back Asajj, Cad bane, the Mandos, Boba Fett (start his transition to a badass, please), the CLONES, and explore Maul's desire for revenge against his former master and his replacement. Oh, and Anakin's continued fall to the Dark Side, that would be great, also. Tired of "droid humor", the only time it works is when R2 is saving the day - even Threepio has been so watered down since the OT that I don't want to see him too often (and I used to love that character). Oh well.....
there is so much potential in regard to the stories that could be told... it boggles me that we get stuck on a multi - arced tale about a frog and his wise cracking droids... even the average 10 year old Star Wars fan expects more.
The one story i'd really like to see done is the one where Obi-Wan saves a young Luke but Owen Lars doesn't see it that way and tells him to never return to their farm. Its appeared in novels and comics and had a variety of villain, some have had Darth Maul others a swoop gang and the best one had Sandpeople attacking the farm.
Just found out the next episode is about the lone Republic Commando so I can finally put that horrible entire 1st half of the season behind me and hope the kick-ass episodes are about to roll out.