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I'm actually getting very tired of Hondo

Yeah, I like him but there's really nothing spectacular he's done to make me miss him if we never see him again. He's been in so many episodes this season but what has he really done?

I just hope he doesn't get killed trying to save Ahsoka or one of the kids. It'd just seem too forced for him to ever do anything like that from what we've seen so far. He doesn't need to "redeem" himself before he dies or anything.
Yeah, I like him but there's really nothing spectacular he's done to make me miss him if we never see him again. He's been in so many episodes this season but what has he really done?

I just hope he doesn't get killed trying to save Ahsoka or one of the kids. It'd just seem too forced for him to ever do anything like that from what we've seen so far. He doesn't need to "redeem" himself before he dies or anything.

It's becoming a tendency with the show whenever they get a positive reaction regarding a new character, they have to start shoving them down the audiences throats. I like Hondo too, as well as Embo, Cad Bane, Pre Vizla (sp?), but the galaxy has to be bigger than the same 4 side characters being the cause of every ruse lol.
Ok, that was a great episode with Hondo and EVERY single line of his this episode was awesome and a good time to put him on the shelf for awhile.

I LOVED his secret ship and it seems to hint at what I thought about earlier in this show between him and a certain bounty hunter:rock
He pretty much just covers Hondo's logo:lol


Noticed the ship as well.

Thought it was a great episode. The music was especially good in this one it seemed.
That was a cool story arc and a great way to end it.
Hondo is becoming a bit like Captain Jack Sparrow,not a bad thing.
Love seeing his secret stash of ships too,the Slave 1 looked cool,wonder where they picked that up from?
I wonder if they'll do the Padme story line next?
Oh GOD I hope it isnt a Padme storyline next.

Clones please.

A Padme storyline involving insider trading, slush funds, off planet accounts back room deals, political cronyism and kick backs depriving the Coruscant under class is the palette cleanser we need.

I didnt liked to see a slave1 ship that has nothing to do with Boba.. I always had it as a unique ship in mind like the falcon..
The Falcon wasn't a unique design either, it just had unique modifications to an existing model.