Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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You've hit most of the great ones. Depends on how big you wanna make the list, but the Boba Fett arc (Death Trap, R2 Come Home, Lethal Trackdown) was terrific, as was the season 3 finale arc with Ahsoka and Chewie (Padawan Lost, Wookiee Hunt).

I added the Bobba arc but I don't remember what happens in the Wookie arc, can you refresh my memory?
The list for me is really just a way for me to skip the crappy episodes when I want to rewatch the series.
Ahsoka is taken hostage by Trandoshans (Bossk's species) and placed on a planet where they hunt children for sport. It's not really pivotal in the grand scheme of the Clone Wars story, but if you're just making a list of the best episodes, I think it deserves a spot on there. It's some really great character development for Ahsoka, has some really great drama, and of course... Chewie! :)

Also, a wampa skin and the crystal skull!
The Ryloth arc is the one on the Twi'Lek planet correct? I don't remember much about it.
Also the Zillo beast I remember was kinda fun but I don't remember Palpatine in it.

OMG! The Ryloth arc pt 1, the Republic has to break a Sep blockade, Ahsoka leads a squad and most of them get creamed. She loses her self confidence until Anakin manages to snap her out of it and she comes up with a plan to roll a republic cruiser up on it's side while they launch fighters (a move inspired by something Thrawn did in the Timothy Zahn novels). Pretty cool ep. Pt 2 is the introduction of Boil, Waxer and the little Twi'Lek girl Numa - just a great episode! Pt 3 has the down-trodden Twi'Lek rising up to take down the Sep forces, as led by an overconfident tactical droid.

Palpatine was the villain of the Zillo beast arc! After the Zillo beast is roused from it's underground habitat by the Dugs and the Republic testing out their anti-droid bomb, the Dugs try to kill it, the Jedi are able to subdue it, and Palpatine orders it taken back to Coruscant for further "study". Palpatine then orders the scientist studying it to have the beast killed so that the Republic can learn the secret of it's weapon-resistant scales. The beast hears Palpatine, gets the gist of what he's saying, and flips out, destroying half of Coruscant to wipe out Palpatine before Palpatine can have the beast killed. The beast winds up being killed and it seems tragic, because the beast didn't ask for any of this to happen. Palaptine then hands the scientist an order to have the beast's body transported so that it can be cloned...and we never learn what future plans Palpatine may have up his sleeve.
Ahsoka is taken hostage by Trandoshans (Bossk's species) and placed on a planet where they hunt children for sport. It's not really pivotal in the grand scheme of the Clone Wars story, but if you're just making a list of the best episodes, I think it deserves a spot on there. It's some really great character development for Ahsoka, has some really great drama, and of course... Chewie! :)

Also, a wampa skin and the crystal skull!

I agree, these are awesome episodes, worthy of a "best-of" list! :clap
Well alrighty then! :p

Can't ever have too much sneaky Palpatine so I'm definitely adding Zillo and I'll also add Ryloth and and Wookie since I like character development.

Thanks :1-1:
Updated list :hi5:

- The pilot and Malevolence arc - 1.1-4 Ambush, Rising Malevolence, Shadow of Malevolence, Destroy Malevolence
- Rookies - 1.5 stand alone
- Hidden Enemy - 1.16 stand alone
- Ryloth arc - 1.19-21 Storm Over Ryloth, Innocents on Ryloth, Liberty on Ryloth
- The Cad Bane arc - 1.22 & 2.1-3 Hostage Crisis, Holocron Heist, Cargo of Doom, Children of the Force
- Hunting Grevious arc - 2.9-10 Grevious Intrigue, The Deserter
- Bounty Hunters - 2.17 stand alone
- Zillo Beast arc - 2.18-19 The Zillo Beast, The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
- Vengeance/Bobba arc - 2.20-22 Death Trap, R2 Comes Home, Lethal Trackown
- ARC Troopers arc - 3.1-2 Clone Cadets, ARC Troopers
- The Nightsisters arc - 3.12-14 Nightsisters, Monster, Witches of the Mist
- The Mortis/Force arc - 3.15-17 Overlords, Altar of Mortis, Ghosts of Mortis
- Citadel arc - 3.18-20 The Citadel, Counterattack, Citadel Rescue
- Ahsoka Lost arc - 3.21-22 Padawan Lost, Wookie Hunt
- The Battle of Umbara arc - 4.7-10 Darkness on Umbara, The General, Plan of Dissent, Carnage of Krell
- Slavers arc (just for the Force choke and the Rex headhsot!) - 4.11-13 Kidnapped, Slaves of the Republic, Escape From Kadavo
- A Friend in Need (Useful for season 5, good development of Asoka and awesome x4 combo) - 4.14 stand alone
- Deception arc - 4.15-18 Deception, Friends and Enemies, The Box, Crisis on Naboo
- Ventress in Exile arc - 4.19-20 Massacre, Bounty
- Maul arc - 4.21-22 & 5.1 Brothers, Revenge, Revival

That's 51eps out of 100.
Agreed. I liked the premise of this episode and Gregor turned out badass! Probably the best new character in the show in a while.

The last 20 minutes were great. The clone saved the episode and the battle/sacrifice scene was good stuff.

I think my 2 faves are the Mortis and ARC Troopers arcs.

Mortis is my favorite as well.
The best thing about that list is all the stuff I forgot. :lol The list provides for a good refresher.

Looks great to me. :hi5:

Also, I have a feeling we're in for some nice episodes in the second half of the season.

you think? I don't like reading the stuff that's upcoming to keep the surprise but is it just a hunch or have you read stuff?

I'm debating adding the last episode to the list. The whole arc was bad but Gregor was kick *** and it'd be a shame to miss it.
I also kind of like the Mon-Calamari arc even though everyone despises it :p
I'm just going to go out on a limb and say there have been no bad episodes. Not one. Sure there have been eps that didn't wow me, but as an enormous fan of the series, any Clone Wars is good Clone Wars. I've gotten something out of every episode. I really enjoy the political stuff, even the "poison Snapple" episode. :lol

I'm rewatching season 4 on Blu-ray at the moment, and I'll admit, I was dreading getting to the droids arc, but if I had skipped them, I would've missed that amazing space battle in Nomad Droids! And definitely one of the funniest lines from the series (from Mercy Mission), when one of the clones seeing an Aleena out the window -- "Great, it's gonna be another one of those planets."

That said, this list is great, and most certainly includes the best of the best. Nicely done. :rock

ABC Eyes Star Wars Series

It's been some time since there was last an update on the proposed live-action "Star Wars" television series. Today, EW reports that, with the property now owned by Walt Disney, ABC has a tentative interest in bringing a galaxy far, far away to the small screen.

“We’d love to do something with Lucasfilm," ABC Entertainment President Paul Lee told the outlet. "We’re not sure what yet... We haven’t even sat down with them. We’re going to look at [the live-action series], we’re going to look at all of them, and see what’s right. We weren’t able to discuss this with them until [the acquisition] closed and it just closed. It’s definitely going to be part of the conversation.”

ABC is already hard at work bringing a major film franchise to television in the form of "Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D.". Lee says that, while "Star Wars" plans are currently nascent, he could imagine the series going a similar route.

“It’s going to be very much up to the Lucasfilm brands how they want to play it,” he adds. “We got to a point here with Marvel, a very special point, where we’re in the Marvel universe, and very relevantly so, but we’re not doing 'The Avengers'. But S.H.I.E.L.D. is part of 'The Avengers'. So maybe something oblique is the way to [approach the Star Wars universe] rather than going straight head-on at it.”

Earlier plans for the "Star Wars" were postponed due to budgetary concerns. It remains to be seen as to how that same issue might affect new plans, but check back for updates as they become available.
What are thoughts for the Live series? I'd think NJO could be a good fit maybe.
If they can get a nice budget and play on cable (unlikely) I'd love to see some Old Republic stuff... though I'd love that for eps 7-9 too.
I have a great feeling this is going to happen ! we have already 50 written scripts which are ready to go !! With Disney/ABC those high cost episodes are very likely to get realized !! LOVE IT
Lucasfilm wanted the network's to front up the money beforehand which is why it was never going to get off the ground until now. Hopefully they'll make a pilot so the networks can see its not another Attack of the Clones.
The last episode was okay. It was cool seeing Gregor kick *** at the end, but I don't get why the Sullustan cook who owned the diner was so hellbent on not letting him leave. Was Gregor such an amazing dish washer there was no way he could possibly replace him? :huh