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The last episode was okay. It was cool seeing Gregor kick *** at the end, but I don't get why the Sullustan cook who owned the diner was so hellbent on not letting him leave. Was Gregor such an amazing dish washer there was no way he could possibly replace him? :huh

Well it could have been looked at two way.

1. He like him
2. Very cheap help.
One of the worst story arcs and voice actors yet.
So long Frog Col. If we see you again it'll be too soon.
One of the worst story arcs and voice actors yet.
So long Frog Col. If we see you again it'll be too soon.

I actually think the actor for the Colonel was very good but just wasted on a crappy script most of the time.

Last ep was OK, the story was interesting it's just a shame it was wasted on that arc.
Also I feel that R2 is getting too badass, maybe the end is to explain why he doesn't have rockets in the OT? :dunno
I actually think the actor for the Colonel was very good but just wasted on a crappy script most of the time.

Last ep was OK, the story was interesting it's just a shame it was wasted on that arc.
Also I feel that R2 is getting too badass, maybe the end is to explain why he doesn't have rockets in the OT? :dunno

These four are like they started smoking some really bad weed. I just hope the get some better stuff. Really that was one hellav big explosion and he is in one peace. Really?
The overuse of R2 seems to be just for George. Yes, he's a great character-- but as a sidekick and not the lead. This arc was fine but I'm very glad that the droids being at the centre of the story is over with and we can get back to perhaps some darker material (Maul, Oppress, Death Watch...).
The overuse of R2 seems to be just for George. Yes, he's a great character-- but as a sidekick and not the lead. This arc was fine but I'm very glad that the droids being at the centre of the story is over with and we can get back to perhaps some darker material (Maul, Oppress, Death Watch...).

:lecture :pray:
The overuse of R2 seems to be just for George. Yes, he's a great character-- but as a sidekick and not the lead. This arc was fine but I'm very glad that the droids being at the centre of the story is over with and we can get back to perhaps some darker material (Maul, Oppress, Death Watch...).

Telling you depending on the weed they get. All joking aside. This show is now own buy the mouse.
you think? I don't like reading the stuff that's upcoming to keep the surprise but is it just a hunch or have you read stuff?

I'm debating adding the last episode to the list. The whole arc was bad but Gregor was kick *** and it'd be a shame to miss it.
I also kind of like the Mon-Calamari arc even though everyone despises it :p

I agree, I'm kinda miffed they used such a great character in such a horrible arc. It's almost a stand-alone story, but you still have to watch the toad eat trash for lunch and - ugh, I hate even thinking about that character! Mercifully, there's less of the pit droid than usual, but unless he's silent, any amount of him is too much...

You know, I really don't despise the Mon Calamari arc, it's just too long for what it is. Also, despite it's obviously being inspired by the Kit Fisto scene in the Tartakovsky series, those scenes never actually appear in these episodes! I kept waiting for a giant, secret Quarren weapon, and Kit Fisto would create a giant "force bubble" to destroy it, and it would all be very bada$$, but - nada. It's not a bad arc, it's just not the series at it's best. Include it on your list if you like!

I just thought of something else. I'm assuming you're including the Clone Wars movie on the list (while admittedly not being my favorite thing, it does introduce Ahsoka and it has some good Asajj moments)? If so, you're probably also going to want to include "Cat and Mouse" and "The Hidden Enemy" on your list. They're each pretty decent episodes in their own right, plus they are part of the "Battle of Christophsis" arc that's featured in the movie. Also, you say you love Asajj (as do I), and "The Hidden Enemy" has some wonderful Asajj moments (just love it when Obi Wan calls her "my darling"! :))
Whoops, just noticed Hidden Enemy on your list, but you have it as a stand alone, and it really does belong to the same arc as the movie. The order goes: "Cat and Mouse", "The Hidden Enemy", Clone Wars movie.

Also Rookies should be sandwiched in between "Clone Cadets" and "Arc Troopers". They form a loose arc, though the style of animation is a bit jarring because "Rookies" is from an earlier season, and there are elements of the story that don't marry up perfectly (I believe the intro narration for "Rookies" says the troops were deployed before their training was complete, yet we see their training finished in "Clone Cadets"? That's the problem with doing all this stuff out of sequence in the early seasons...)
Yeah I'm listing them in airing order, I'm not going to re-watch it in timeline order.

And no I didn't put the movie in there because I thought it was bad and I feel that anyone I'd try to get into the series.. if they started with the movie is just not good incentive. I fell the movie does a disservice to the series so I'm not including it.
maybe I should reconsider it for the reasons you mentioned but I'm not sure.
I saw the movie in the theatres and it had me looking forward to seeing the series. :dunno

Really? It had the opposite effect on me, I saw it in the theater, and I almost didn't give the Clone Wars a fair shot because of it (thank goodness I did!). My impression was that it was pretty "watered-down" Star Wars. Some of it worked, some didn't. Hated the "droid humor"! :slap The pacing seemed all wrong, as well. Can't help thinking that maybe they should have started the film With Obi Wan visiting Jabba and Anakin's assault on Teth. You would see this young, unnamed Padawan tagging along and think "who the hell is she?". Then all would be revealed as the story unfolded.
I read some of the comments from Dave Filoni's last post on FB and I can't believe how many people legitimately loved this last arc. It baffles me but whatever:dunno I'm so ready for this weekends episode.
??? Really? The clone and the astromechs were the only parts I could stand (well, that and the cameos by Neyo, Sebulba, and the Hasbro Walrusman!), and I was totally irritated they were wasted on such a pointless story. Even the "Macguffin" (or however it's spelled) stunk, can anyone even remember what the really important information was that they were trying to recover? It seemed pretty inconsequential. If it had been something like classified information on the origin of General Grievous or something, at least it would have engaged my interest.
Why has Boba Fett not lived up to his promise shown in AotC and his legacy from the OT?