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I rewatched the first 2 before todays. Very good arc.

tell ya what, somebody had best be letting us know the fate of the show. All these rumors and friends of friends brother uncles' sister told me BS has got to stop.
Another good episode this morning. I don't care for the direction they've gone with Ventress though. Since Dooku turned on her she went from being a Sith wannabe to a character who only cares about money now. That's pretty lame.
I actually the "new me" Ventress. She's just working for herself now, not having to deal with anyone else. She's her own master and I think that suits her.

This episode again was awesome!
I dig the new Ahsoka design, I love the undercity design, very dark and gritty but at the same time the Jedi Temple at night under the rain.... again it reminds me a lot of the look of the old Imperial City on Dromund Kaas.
Loved Anakin reaction when he saw her with Ventress.

I really think this is turning into my favorite arc and it's the first time (at least in a long while) where I've actually yelled at the TV when I saw the credits roll. Can't wait for next week's episode.
Is anyone else seeing some future spinoff project here?

"Unlikely partners...the former Jedi Apprentice and the former Sith Apprentice pair up to bring their own brand of justice to the underworld...."

....or something like that. Could be another animated show or live action. Talk about "girl power".....

I'm enjoying this arc a lot...can certainly see how these events are going to affect Anakin....sorry it's going to be over so soon...
I thought the show was supposed to end right at the start of Episode 3?

I still think the last story arc of the Clone Wars should be ROTS, only told from different perspectives than the actual film. Lucas had said he painted himself into a corner with ROTS in that there was so much story left to tell that he had to abandon some story elements. Show them in the finale of the CW. The formation of a proto-rebellion by Padme and her Senate friends. The build-up to the Sep invasion of Coruscant. Dooku and Sidious preparing to "spring the trap". Anakin and Obi Wan's adventure on Cato Nemoidia. Yoda's time on Kashyyyk. Attack on the Jedi Temple (oh, and the younglings in the season 5 story arc would presumably some of the younglings slain at the temple...). The Jedi walking into the slaughter. Dissension in the ranks as some of the troops have qualms about Order 66. Darth Vader: "hero of the Clone Wars". We could hear about the events shown in ROTS through the characters in the episode as they hear bits and pieces of what transpiring.
Another good episode this morning. I don't care for the direction they've gone with Ventress though. Since Dooku turned on her she went from being a Sith wannabe to a character who only cares about money now. That's pretty lame.

She's shown more character development than any character on the show except perhaps Ahsoka (and, yes, Anakin - he's been getting darker the last couple seasons, and rightly so). Fitting that Ventress was betrayed by the Sith and Ahsoka was "betrayed" by the Jedi - puts both their characters in a unique position. Ventress still has a destiny to fulfill, as foretold by Mother Talzin. The witches intrigue the hell outta me. They've been slaughtered almost to the last, and Mother Talzin is calm as a cucumber, "Oh, we'll survive as we always do." (???) I have a few ideas on how I'd like to see that play out, will have to wait and see if the series unfolds that way. This season has certainly been full of surprises!
Did Commander Wolf's helmet and gear change since the last time they showed him?
I thought he had a wolf on his helmet some where.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Just watched this mornings episode.
Clearly the Jedi who turned is obvious now.
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Loving this story arc. I'm really anticipating next week's finale. :)
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Loving this story arc. I'm really anticipating next week's finale. :)

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But I do agree with Verbal21. I hope it's not her, it seems too contrived.
^You didn't miss it on-screen. They haven't really showed her since the episode where they were captured together, I think agen_kolar is speculating. Which, he's probably right, since Ashoka has grown so strong it only makes sense her friend has as well.
I was expecting this to be the last season but since Disney has acquired it, I'm thinking it will go over to one of their channels for a couple more seasons.
Jedi Knight or not, Ventress can hold her own against both Obi Wan and Anakin, who are clearly more powerful than Barris.

Looks like it is Barris though. Hope it's not but I won't mind too much if it is in fact her.
^You didn't miss it on-screen. They haven't really showed her since the episode where they were captured together, I think agen_kolar is speculating. Which, he's probably right, since Ashoka has grown so strong it only makes sense her friend has as well.

Barriss Offee's knighthood was not addressed in the show, but it has been stated in official canon that she became a Jedi Knight during the events of the Clone Wars. Since Luminara Unduli is absent from this arc, it stands to reason that Barriss Offee became a Jedi Knight between the events of the Second Battle of Geonosis and the bombing of the Jedi Temple.

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Barriss Offee's knighthood was not addressed in the show, but it has been stated in official canon that she became a Jedi Knight during the events of the Clone Wars. Since Luminara Unduli is absent from this arc, it stands to reason that Barriss Offee became a Jedi Knight between the events of the Second Battle of Geonosis and the bombing of the Jedi Temple.

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Thanks for the info.

Kind of sad that it is indeed that person. I hoped it would catch us more off-guard.