Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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I don't know... I'm probably in the minority (in this thread, anyway) but I like this. It sucks for those working on the show, and I feel for them. But, let's face it... Star Wars needed an enema. The full deal. Clean the slate and start anew. And it's getting it. People like me have been waiting for this for years. Hell, I'd all but given up. Now I have "new hope".

I agree. :rotfl

I only watched a few of the decent story arcs.

Folks working for GL got the rug pulled from under them....Disney what!

Time for the yes men to take a break.
enemas aren't beneficial if they remove nutrients from body... The Clone Wars was at times the best Star Wars offering since the OT. flushing it away with all the other crap only leaves the body empty... waiting...
Whether people liked the time period or not, the Clone Wars was quality. It was dark at times and more mature than standard Saturday morning fare. If Disney pulls an 'Ultimate Spider-man" type deal with Star Wars cartoons, you'll be yearning for the days between Ep 2 and 3. :lol
My main problem with Disney doing this is that it seems they don't care about the fans, a simple fix to be considerate to the fans would have been to tell filoni and his team they can make one additional arc for this unreleased season to act as a series finale, or even let them do it as a made for TV movie. The fact that the show is ending unplanned (possibly even on a cliffhanger) shows Disney just wants to cut all SW to create a SW draught-no consideration for the SW consumer.
My main problem with Disney doing this is that it seems they don't care about the fans, a simple fix to be considerate to the fans would have been to tell filoni and his team they can make one additional arc for this unreleased season to act as a series finale, or even let them do it as a made for TV movie. The fact that the show is ending unplanned (possibly even on a cliffhanger) shows Disney just wants to cut all SW to create a SW draught-no consideration for the SW consumer.

You would think with the billions they have and with wasted money on other prrojects few care about that they would've allowed a final CW season to exist, but I guess after spending how much they did for SW and the OT actors not getting any younger that they need their reboot of SW to start immediately.

Disney must feel that the consumer has expressed their hatred of anything PT/GL related so they want to distance themselves away from that as quickly as possible. :lol
I know it has it's detractors, but for me Clone Wars was one of the only things LFL did right in the past 20 years. :(
But it wasn't all quality, though. Clone Wars did some good stuff and had some great episodes. But it had its fair share of crap, too... and also introduced some really silly concepts into SW "canon" (Maul returning was particularly ridiculous and as obvious a cash grab as you'll ever see).

Again, it's past time for a full-on Star Wars cleansing. Fresh blood. Fresh ideas. And a fresh approach that puts the style, tone and feel of the OT as consideration above anything that came after it.

RIP era 1996-2012
But it wasn't all quality, though. Clone Wars had its fair share of crap, too... and also introduced some really silly concepts into SW "canon" (Maul returning was particularly ridiculous and as obvious a cash grab as you'll ever see).

Yeah there were definitely some filler stories. Also agree about Maul.
But it wasn't all quality, though. Clone Wars did some good stuff and had some great episodes. But it had its fair share of crap, too... and also introduced some really silly concepts into SW "canon" (Maul returning was particularly ridiculous and as obvious a cash grab as you'll ever see).

Again, it's past time for a full-on Star Wars cleansing. Fresh blood. Fresh ideas. And a fresh approach that puts the style, tone and feel of the OT as consideration above anything that came after it.

RIP era 1996-2012

It wasn't all quality but a lot of it was good. As I've said before about SW you've got good, bad, and ugly with any of it (EU, PT, CW, OT).

The whole cleansing thing I think might be generational. I bet if you ask a lot of SW fans say half my age (so 15-16) they probably really enjoyed the PT/CW. Its what they grew up with and the ending of the CW might really suck for them. For folks older than me I'm sure its welcomed because they feel their childhood was torn to shreds. I'm very curious how this is going to work out from here on trying to recapture the feel of the OT. I hope it works but I have a bad feeling its going to blow up. The question then becomes will the older OT fans love it because they tried to give them that chidlike feeling again.
Star Wars has such a HUGE, HUGE fan base that it is impossible to start anew IMHO...It's so big...too big...for every guy that wants a change there might be 10 that loves it no matter what because it's Star Wars(kids and adults included)...bottom line
The prequel lovers and fans of goofy cartoon characters (even in live action films) and the type of stuff that has dominated SW since the Special Editions... they've had their time. 15+ years of it, in fact. And I'm sure they'll have it again, some day. But it's time for change for a bit. And it appears we're getting it. And for those of us who'd like to see SW regain its OT "magic" this is a pretty exciting time.

BTW, most of us in my generation were like 5-6 when the original movie came out, and changed our lives. So either today's kids really need things dumbed down and/or put out at ADD-levels (action, action, action, cgi, cgi, cgi)... or they'll like this new upcoming Star Wars just fine.
The prequel lovers and fans of goofy cartoon characters (even in live action films) and the type of stuff that has dominated SW since the Special Editions... they've had their time. 15+ years of it, in fact. And I'm sure they'll have it again, some day. But it's time for change for a bit. And it appears we're getting it. And for those of us who'd like to see SW regain its OT "magic" this is a pretty exciting time.

BTW, most of us in my generation were like 5-6 when the original movie came out, and changed our lives. So either today's kids really need things dumbed down and/or put out at ADD-levels... or they'll like this new upcoming Star Wars just fine.

You seem pretty certain that this will be the second coming.


The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.
I understand them wanting to cleanse the pallet and I agree with that for the most part, but I think it's silly that they wouldn't at least allow one last season to clear up all the loose ends and give us a deserving finale.

This show wasn't perfect but it was better than most SW crap we've seen in the past 10-15 years, and fans have become very invested in it over the years.

Just immediately cancelling it and not seeming to give any care for the fans who have been watching and enjoying it all this time is a bit rude and unprofessional.
The prequel lovers and fans of goofy cartoon characters (even in live action films) and the type of stuff that has dominated SW since the Special Editions... they've had their time. 15+ years of it, in fact. And I'm sure they'll have it again, some day. But it's time for change for a bit. And it appears we're getting it. And for those of us who'd like to see SW regain its OT "magic" this is a pretty exciting time.

BTW, most of us in my generation were like 5-6 when the original movie came out, and changed our lives. So either today's kids really need things dumbed down and/or put out at ADD-levels (action, action, action, cgi, cgi, cgi)... or they'll like this new upcoming Star Wars just fine.

Carl this kind of has a tinge of bitterness to be honest. :lol Remember buring the BR was supposed to help. Be happy Carl. Be Happy. :1-1:

The dichotomy of Star Wars fandom should be turned into some kind of research project.
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I think Disney locking down any further development of George's take on the "prequel era" might just be better for the franchise than the possibility of new good films that are actually good. :lol

SW doesn't *need* new good films because the OT will always exist. I'm just glad the "Special Edition" era has, unbelievably, apparently come to a close.

Carl this kind of has a tinge of bitterness to be honest. :lol Remember buring the BR was supposed to help. Be happy Carl. Be Happy. :1-1:

I'm neither bummed or happy, really. Just even-keeled when it comes to SW now. I still dislike a lot of stuff between 1996-2012, but I'm not gonna get all bent out of shape over it anymore. I'm really just "meh" now. So the BR pyre DID work. :lol But I also can't help being (very cautiously) optimistic about the future of SW now that the previous generation has essentially been purged.

The dichotomy of Star Wars fandom should be turned into some kind of research project.
That's a good idea, and I actually tried something like that as a part of one of my book projects. But it was instantly frustrating so I stopped. :lol
I'm neither bummed or happy, really. Just even-keeled when it comes to SW now. I still dislike a lot of stuff between 1996-2012, but I'm not gonna get all bent out of shape over it anymore. I'm really just "meh" now. So the BR pyre DID work. :lol But I also can't help being (very cautiously) optimistic about the future of SW now that the previous generation has essentially been purged.

Fair enough. I expect it to be more of the same within the SW Universe and that is just fun simple Scifi.

I hope for those older than me you all can go into old age with some more fond memories of SW with this new set of movies. :nana: :lol

That's a good idea, and I actually tried something like that as a part of one of my book projects. But it was instantly frustrating so I stopped. :lol

It would be fun to see it all put together for sure. I could see that it would be for anyone who has a strong dislike for the PT era SW stuff.
It would be fun to see it all put together for sure. I could see that it would be for anyone who has a strong dislike for the PT era SW stuff.

Actually, it wasn't that at all. It's just when you start to peel off the layers of the fandom onion it quickly becomes disconcerting and embarrassing. Some fans are real goobers, with no clear grasp of reality or rational thought process. And the older I get the less I feel like dealing with that. :lol

This goes for pretty much anything that has its zealous followers. Not just SW. And not even just geek-driven media. Sports, Politics, Religion, etc. There are dyed-in-the-wool diehards in every facet that end up sucking the fun and good out of whatever it is at some point. I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I still love SW, and have a lot of close friends who are also fans. Even on here. But I gotta be honest, some SW fans just annoy the **** out of me and I don't want to be associated with that kind of cultish following anymore. :lol I'm more than happy staying "niche". I'll watch these new movies, do my SW locations and R2 Building stuff and that'll probably be good enough for me. :)
Actually, it wasn't that at all. It's just when you start to peel off the layers of the fandom onion it quickly becomes disconcerting and embarrassing. Some fans are real goobers, with no clear grasp of reality or rational thought process. And the older I get the less I feel like dealing with that. :lol

Got ya. I hear ya though. As I get older its harder to roll with the most extreme of what we're into.

This goes for pretty much anything that has its zealous followers. Not just SW. And not even just geek-driven media. Sports, Politics, Religion, etc. There are dyed-in-the-wool diehards in every facet that end up sucking the fun and good out of whatever it is at some point. I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I still love SW, and have a lot of close friends who are also fans. Even on here. But I gotta be honest, some SW fans just annoy the **** out of me and I don't want to be associated with that kind of cultish following anymore. :lol I'm more than happy staying "niche". I'll watch these new movies, do my SW locations and R2 Building stuff and that'll probably be good enough for me. :)

I can get behind that thought process.