Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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I noticed that as well. Huge difference in the PT, though.

I'm not a video expert, but I think it's hard to transfer older movies to BR and get big gains without going back to the original film at some point, which I understand these OT movies were done using the SE DVD digital version. So, I'm not surprised. Any improvement in clarity is good though I guess.

2001 is a breathtakingly well done old movie on BR, but Kubrick used excellent film for that movie, and they went back to it for the BR.
I don't understand how those comparisons work... :dunno

Click on the small screenshot and it brings up a larger screenshot. Click on an area of the larger screenshot and it brings that section up for BD and DVD. Moving the mouse over the screenshot and off makes it switch between BD and DVD.
Ok, I think I get it...
You click on the image and then when the blow up of the image shows up, when you run the cursor over it you see the old image? Is that it? If so, the change is indeed dramatic!

EDIT: Thanks DW! Managed to figure it out by myself a nanosecond before your answer, but thanks anyway!
Got my two trilogy sets fresh off the delivery truck! Not too bummed about missing the special features, but the cover art's nice. Plus they have a nifty sleeve over the standard BD case to make transportation and protection easier. Psyched to start my weekend off with these!
I knew he'd try!


The puppet Yoda in the OT looked great and still had that Yoda-ish vibe. The one in TPM looked a bit more... alarming, to say the least. Glad that they only changed him where they really needed to. Plus it still works, consistency-wise. PT gets CG and OT gets good old-fashioned puppetry.
Jesus freakin' Christ. My old Memorex blu-ray player won't play the discs.

Wont get mine until Monday with Amazons great idea of using Prestige to ship it. Good thing they shipped it two days ago :mad:. Im not paying for Prime anymore if they are using this awful company who doesnt even have a truck/van to bring your shipments. Its always nice to see a ghetto rustbucket pulling up to the house with boxes piled up in the back seat, to drop off your packages.

Got the Boba poster from Walmart, it looks pretty darn good framed in a nice frame.