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How old are they supposed to be in AOTC? I always assumed Anakin was like 16-17 and Padme was 22-24. There's 9 years age difference between my folks s depending on the age of the characters or people it doesn't bother me much.

Anakin's supposed to be 20 in AOTC and Padme was supposed to be 24.

Speaking of which, if anyone ever wanted to know the ages of different Star Wars characters, look no further:
Because I think the bonus content that comes with the LOTR set be it what I've already got is better. I think the inside look you get with the EE set is a much better glimpse at how these movies were made and the people making them than the SW stuff.

While I haven't seen the SW bonus content yet... just comparing its description to what came with the DVD (and the same with the BR set) on LOTR; LOTR seems far superior. The shere amount of information contained in those discs is mind-blowing and its so well organized that you get a great sense of what was going on behind the scenes.

The content on the SW Blu is largely old stuff and there does not seem to be much cohesion to it.

Well I'm glad you got it working. Sorry about that. :eek:

No worries :duff
I can believe the 20-24 difference in AOTC, but a 4 year age difference is a bit harder to accept for TPM.

Not to mention it being hard to imagine her being able to accept "clearly little kid" 9yr old Anakin as someone she would want to date 10 years later :lol

Although I'm more bothered by how much Obi-Wan has to age from ROTS to ANH; Guinness looks way more than 20 years older than McGregor did in ROTS. Guess the desert must have been hard on his complexion and skin :lol
Ok, so how the f__k old were they in TPM? :dunno He was easily what 8, 9? So Padme was 12-13, yet looked 18-19?

It says Anakin was 9/10 and Padme was 14. Thats done all the time they get actors older than the part and make them younger. One of the most popular shows on TV right now Glee all those actors are not HS aged.
Although I'm more bothered by how much Obi-Wan has to age from ROTS to ANH; Guinness looks way more than 20 years older than McGregor did in ROTS. Guess the desert must have been hard on his complexion and skin :lol

Well, I could imagine having to live a nomad lifestyle in the desert and the stress of what happened before causing you to age a little more. ____ look at how much a guy ages from the time he becomes President to the time he leaves office.
Well, I could imagine having to live a nomad lifestyle in the desert and the stress of what happened before causing you to age a little more. ____ look at how much a guy ages from the time he becomes President to the time he leaves office.

A good point to be sure :lol Still doesn't quite work for me... but again kind of a minor issue to have. Probably more compounded again by different actors playing the same role.
I have seen 50 year old guys who look to be in their early 30's and I have seen guys in their early 30's who look to be in their 50's.
I have seen 50 year old guys who look to be in their early 30's and I have seen guys in their early 30's who look to be in their 50's.

Yes, but have you seen the same person who is 38; look 30 then 20 years look 70 when they are 57? :lecture

And really I'm just being argumentative at this point :lol
Alec Guinness was 63 when he filmed SW. According to that link above OB1 was supposed to be 57. Not a huge discrepancy IMO.

LOTR extras > SW extras


A good point to be sure :lol Still doesn't quite work for me... but again kind of a minor issue to have. Probably more compounded again by different actors playing the same role.

I hope SS announces the nomad Obi-Wan maquette soon it did a great job of showing both actors either a little older or younger. It was cool to see the blend of the two with the sculpts. I'll be curious to see your take on it with you feeling this way about the aging process.
It's obvious that little orphan Anny subconsciously used his midichlorians on Padme to make her his woman.

His midichlorians were like:

"We're going to make that _____ prego :yess:"
I have seen 50 year old guys who look to be in their early 30's and I have seen guys in their early 30's who look to be in their 50's.
Anyone seen Hershel Walker recently. He looks like he hasn't aged in 30 years.

For me personally the love story stuff in both the OT and PT are cheesy bad. IMO there is nothing natural in either and the lines they all use with each other are goofy.
I don't know about that. If the performances felt too unnatural, I don't think I could have much of an affinity for the OT, or for any movie for that matter where characters are supposed to behave as if they existed in a real world (exceptions for obviously stylized movies like Raising Arizona, Brazil, or Fear and Loathing), or unless a character is supposed to be a real eccentric type (like Stansfield in the Professional). You can encounter a goofy situation or deliver a goofy line naturally (like McGregor in the prequels) or awkwardly/stiffly (like Portman in the prequels). On the whole, the OT crew behaved more believably and thus made the dramatic component more compelling to me. The officers on the Death Star could've been German officers in a WWII period piece. Luke's uncle and aunt felt like they could've been having dinner on the Walton's. I didn't feel that way for much of the PT, and it goes beyond the fake environments and CG characters (though they no doubt contribute to it).
I don't know about that. If the performances felt too unnatural, I don't think I could have much of an affinity for the OT, or for any movie for that matter where characters are supposed to behave as if they existed in a real world (exceptions for obviously stylized movies like Raising Arizona, Brazil, or Fear and Loathing). You can encounter a goofy situation or deliver a goofy line naturally (like McGregor in the prequels) or awkwardly/stiffly (like Portman in the prequels). On the whole, the OT crew behaved more believably and thus made the dramatic component more compelling to me. The officers on the Death Star could've been German officers in a WWII period piece. Luke's uncle and aunt felt like they could've been having dinner on the Walton's. I didn't feel that way for much of the PT, and it goes beyond the fake environments and CG characters (though they no doubt contribute to it).


The OT actors walked right off the street, into costumes and remained human during filming.

The human actors from the PT walked off the street and were converted to digital characters (cgi markers, digital capture globes etc). They sneezed and ILM would freak :lol
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