Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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100% true from the new SW Archive Book GL interview.

Maul and his female apprentice Talon.

I’m sure some will now claim this is brilliant Maul > Emperor

Ah, so that explains the Talon connection.

Quite a bit of George's ideas ended up in the Disney flicks then.

The two sibling heroes of George's ST, Sam and Keira, morphed into young Han (as you can see from Sam's look below), with Keira's name going to Han's love interest (spelling changed to Q'ira) and her Force powers and general look went to Rey. Sam's seduction translated to Ben Solo's seduction, with them being a dyad instead of siblings.

So George wanted to bring back Maul (again, lol) and JJ wanted to bring back Palpatine. Yeah if I was Iger I would have granted JJ's wish over George as well. We owe everything to Lucas but the guy absolutely requires others with the power to tell him "no" once in a while.

Even then they still let Maul sneak in regardless which I'm fine with. But the big bad of an entire trilogy? No, no, no.

I?m not the one trolling GL is lol

I know right!

"Oh so you all hated TPM huh? Well guess who's back! Darth Maul and those meddling midichlorians! In fact I'll make them the HEROES this time around. And I'll flood the retail shelves with carded midichlorians that can pilot all the awesome new vehicles. Vehicles like BMF Luke Skywalker with electronic 'exhaust port,' Haslab Han Solo with exclusive soft goods midichlorian pilot, etc."
Whether that was George's idea or not doesn't matter; it's very uninspired and bland.

Regardless, it doesn't make the trash ST any better or more "validated" - they're still ****.
Yeah, I mean going by that definition, then the Ewoks are the Chosen race. Or the Gungans at the end of TPM. Or basically anyone who brings order.

That said, Balancing the Force seems like a silly thing to begin with. How does the Force know its out of balance? What is balance? What is good and what is evil to the Force? Especially when you factor in "from a certain point of view". I mean, the Force has no point of view.

It is a silly concept for sure. Especially when the 'balance' doesn't even last long and it can be knocked out of balance again so easily. What's the bloody point? What idiot within the Star Wars universe even thought of 'prophesying' this nonsense in the first place and why did anyone give it heed? :lol I prophesize that I will need to empty my bladder a number of times over the course of this day.

The idea of a prophecy and a chosen one was unneeded and dumb and sort of backed everything in a corner if there was to be any films beyond ROTJ.. I mean if Anakin was the one to bring balance due to prophecy / will of the force, then there should be no more force wielding villains or the prophecy would end up being all BS... Which ultimately you have to do if you want to have a SW film that includes anyone who might be evil and uses the force.

No the prophecy was stupid and best thought of as misinterpretation by the Jedi.

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I see ST lovers and blind OT purist khev and jye have once again polluted the thread with PT bashing and blindly loving the ST even tho it?s been dead and buried.

GL can say or do whatever. Doesn?t make the ST any less crap. Also maul is a fan favorite. Is waaaaaaaaaaay more relevant than kylo ren or snoke so bringing him back wouldn?t of been a bad idea.
I know right!

"Oh so you all hated TPM huh? Well guess who's back! Darth Maul and those meddling midichlorians! In fact I'll make them the HEROES this time around. And I'll flood the retail shelves with carded midichlorians that can pilot all the awesome new vehicles. Vehicles like BMF Luke Skywalker with electronic 'exhaust port,' Haslab Han Solo with exclusive soft goods midichlorian pilot, etc."

Darth maul was probably the best thing from TPM and has a huge fanbase and following . He sells more than all the ST characters combined. Why the hell do u think he was in solo?

Come on son your arguments defending this crap are gettin old. Ducky spanks you guys each time
Oh suddenly the author of the Archived Prequel Trilogy who interviewed George himself at length about both the PT and his ideas for the ST doesn't know what he's talking about. :lol

The truth hurts doesn't it. :)

Even if George's ideas didn't turn into another trainwreck they would have been disastrous regardless unless he would have somehow learned how to keep Carrie Fisher from dying.

He literally doesn?t know what he is talking about if he thinks becoming Supreme Chancellor means Leia is now the Chosen One. Again, why don?t you dispute the logic of this? You can?t respond to the utter ridiculousness of that claim? I don?t give a crap if he wrote a book, dude doesn?t know Star Wars. I don?t understand why or how you are using one line from some crackpot writer as some sort of justification for the ST.

Yep especially since George's very own post-ROTJ EU proved that the entire prophecy and idea of the Chosen One was an utter sham anyway, lol. But yes let's pretend that it was TROS that came up with the supposedly horrible idea of Palpatine cloning himself. :lol :duh

Nobody is pretending it was TROS that came up with it, nobody. People mock Disney because they chose literally one of the worst storylines form the EU, according to a good chunk of the fans, after saying they had no source material. Nonetheless, the EU story was still better.

100% true from the new SW Archive Book GL interview.

Maul and his female apprentice Talon.

I?m sure some will now claim this is brilliant Maul > Emperor

I?m not the one trolling GL is lol

Considering how the Emperor returned, it would have been better.

Darth Plagueis was the only real option anyways. Would have tied everything together and imagine the twist when he claims to be Luke?s grandfather (since he created Anakin). Would have been great.

I know right!

"Oh so you all hated TPM huh? Well guess who's back! Darth Maul and those meddling midichlorians! In fact I'll make them the HEROES this time around. And I'll flood the retail shelves with carded midichlorians that can pilot all the awesome new vehicles. Vehicles like BMF Luke Skywalker with electronic 'exhaust port,' Haslab Han Solo with exclusive soft goods midichlorian pilot, etc."

The ST was so bad, the toys rotted on the shelves, the 3.75? line for TROS didn?t even exist, Hot Toys made the bare minimum where as they are pumping out Mando, SSC/BBTS and the likes couldn?t even give away those ST HT. Really have no idea why you are mocking toys when the PT era sold a bunch of 3.75 stuff, was a second golden age of Star Wars toys.

And Maul is arguably the most popular villain of the PT right there with Palpatine.

Whether that was George's idea or not doesn't matter; it's very uninspired and bland.

Regardless, it doesn't make the trash ST any better or more "validated" - they're still ****.


I see ST lovers and blind OT purist khev and jye have once again polluted the thread with PT bashing and blindly loving the ST even tho it?s been dead and buried.

GL can say or do whatever. Doesn?t make the ST any less crap. Also maul is a fan favorite. Is waaaaaaaaaaay more relevant than kylo ren or snoke so bringing him back wouldn?t of been a bad idea.

Yup, typical from them.

Maul is a top 3 villain in Star Wars, possibly a top 10 character too. Hot Toys can?t make Maul figures any faster they are so popular. Meanwhile Kylo Ren is long forgotten.

Darth maul was probably the best thing from TPM and has a huge fanbase and following . He sells more than all the ST characters combined. Why the hell do u think he was in solo?

Come on son your arguments defending this crap are gettin old. Ducky spanks you guys each time

I know right!

"Oh so you all hated TPM huh? Well guess who's back! Darth Maul and those meddling midichlorians! In fact I'll make them the HEROES this time around. And I'll flood the retail shelves with carded midichlorians that can pilot all the awesome new vehicles. Vehicles like BMF Luke Skywalker with electronic 'exhaust port,' Haslab Han Solo with exclusive soft goods midichlorian pilot, etc."

We almost got a Luke vs Maul battle lol

55 year old Maul doing corkscrew flips lol
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Darth maul was probably the best thing from TPM and has a huge fanbase and following . He sells more than all the ST characters combined. Why the hell do u think he was in solo?

Come on son your arguments defending this crap are gettin old. Ducky spanks you guys each time

Maul is awesome. But having him return in the ST as the new puppet master would have been a bad idea. I am sure I would still enjoy it though because... Well SW... but it would have been silly.
He literally doesn?t know what he is talking about if he thinks becoming Supreme Chancellor means Leia is now the Chosen One. Again, why don?t you dispute the logic of this? You can?t respond to the utter ridiculousness of that claim? I don?t give a crap if he wrote a book, dude doesn?t know Star Wars. I don?t understand why or how you are using one line from some crackpot writer as some sort of justification for the ST.

I'm fairly certain that quote is Lucas speaking. He's talking to the author about his plan for the ST.
Maul is awesome. But having him return in the ST as the new puppet master would have been a bad idea. I am sure I would still enjoy it though because... Well SW... but it would have been silly.

Well we do t know for sure. Having him return as a sith trying to restore a broken empire would have been decent . You don?t like it cause the Pt doesn?t excite you but I?m pretty sure maul being the main villain would of been acceptable by fans and no more silly than some shriveled scrotum guy who wears gold and that is the clone of palpatine. Now that isn?t just silly it?s downright stupid
Well we do t know for sure. Having him return as a sith trying to restore a broken empire would have been decent . You don?t like it cause the Pt doesn?t excite you but I?m pretty sure maul being the main villain would of been acceptable by fans and no more silly than some shriveled scrotum guy who wears gold and that is the clone of palpatine. Now that isn?t just silly it?s downright stupid

My feeling about Maul have nothing to do with the PT... I think Maul works best as a thug.. Not some master manipulator. And I love him in TCW tv show.. i have not got all through Rebels but doesn't he finally get killed by Obi Wan?? So now he would make two comebacks from certain death?

Also the way he went out in the PT... I have a hard time accepting that the guy who got defeated with the worst move ever in the SW saga could ever come back and almost talke over the Galaxy... Now that would be stupid :lol
I see ST lovers and blind OT purist khev and jye have once again polluted the thread with PT bashing and blindly loving the ST even tho it?s been dead and buried.

GL can say or do whatever. Doesn?t make the ST any less crap. Also maul is a fan favorite. Is waaaaaaaaaaay more relevant than kylo ren or snoke so bringing him back wouldn?t of been a bad idea.

Wait a min... You didn't want us to complain about the PT in the ST thread because that was the ST thread and should be for complaining about the ST only.. Now we have a saga thread which, as much as it pains us all, includes the PT ;), and we cant complain about it here either..

Do I have have to create a thread called "We all know the PT sucks Balls" in order to complain about the PT ? ;)
I know right!

"Oh so you all hated TPM huh? Well guess who's back! Darth Maul and those meddling midichlorians! In fact I'll make them the HEROES this time around. And I'll flood the retail shelves with carded midichlorians that can pilot all the awesome new vehicles. Vehicles like BMF Luke Skywalker with electronic 'exhaust port,' Haslab Han Solo with exclusive soft goods midichlorian pilot, etc."

I did read somewhere that George wish he had not killed Maul in the first film.. He said he had no idea how popular he would be.

Which seems crazy as he was a focus on a lot of the merchandise. Somebody knew he was the best part of the movie.

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i have not got all through Rebels but doesn't he finally get killed by Obi Wan?? So now he would make two comebacks from certain death?

Rebels didn't come along until after George's ST treatment, so Maul's ultimate fate (2nd death) hadn't been written yet when he wanted to use him in the ST.

But it does raise an interesting point about how Filoni killed Maul in early 2017, which was after only 1 ST movie had been released. I guess GL's ST ideas hadn't just been dismissed by that point, but apparently taken behind the barn, shot through the head, and buried under a concrete slab. :lol

Do I have have to create a thread called "We all know the PT sucks Balls" in order to complain about the PT ? ;)

We almost got a Luke vs Maul battle lol

55 year old Maul doing corkscrew flips lol

Yep, lol. Actually it probably would have been CG Leia corkscrewing around the room with her lightsaber. Her Mary Poppins move suddenly seems downright dignified. :lol

I'm guessing that even George realized that by making an ST of his own he really was screwing up the entire point of the "Chosen One" prophecy that was fulfilled in ROTJ so he tried to do his best to reinvent it. The funny thing is that I actually wouldn't care, lol. Screw Anakin. ;) As JAWS said the prophecy was broken anyway and if you want to accept it as canon best to just go with Yoda's line in ROTS that the whole thing was simply misunderstood by the Jedi all along. It certainly wouldn't be the dumbest thing they were guilty of.

Having said that I *do* love to ponder the "what could have beens" in SW. And if I'm being honest Leia being the Chosen One by becoming the Chancellor actually isn't half bad IF...she was also a Jedi. Because then she truly would have been the only character to legitimately "balance out" Palpatine himself in every way. He was both Chancellor and Sith. Leia could have reigned as Chancellor and Jedi. Political Leader and User of the Force. But using both the Force and politics in proper balance. Could he have pulled it off? Who knows. Would Carrie have been around to finish that story either way? Sadly no.

Maul who died a loser death and comes back half the man he once was as the "new" Palpatine? No way. If you're gonna bring back a previous villain who had "died" then bring back the one who was always talking about cheating death! Duh! Not the loser henchman, lol. "Only one has achieved this power." "Really, who?" "Um my loser defeated apprentice who spent half a decade self-identifying as a robot spider." "Huh??"
Yep, lol. Actually it probably would have been CG Leia corkscrewing around the room with her lightsaber. Her Mary Poppins move suddenly seems downright dignified. :lol

I'm guessing that even George realized that by making an ST of his own he really was screwing up the entire point of the "Chosen One" prophecy that was fulfilled in ROTJ so he tried to do his best to reinvent it. The funny thing is that I actually wouldn't care, lol. Screw Anakin. ;) As JAWS said the prophecy was broken anyway and if you want to accept it as canon best to just go with Yoda's line in ROTS that the whole thing was simply misunderstood by the Jedi all along. It certainly wouldn't be the dumbest thing they were guilty of.

Having said that I *do* love to ponder the "what could have beens" in SW. And if I'm being honest Leia being the Chosen One by becoming the Chancellor actually isn't half bad IF...she was also a Jedi. Because then she truly would have been the only character to legitimately "balance out" Palpatine himself in every way. He was both Chancellor and Sith. Leia could have reigned as Chancellor and Jedi. Political Leader and User of the Force. But using both the Force and politics in proper balance. Could he have pulled it off? Who knows. Would Carrie have been around to finish that story either way? Sadly no.

Maul who died a loser death and comes back half the man he once was as the "new" Palpatine? No way. If you're gonna bring back a previous villain who had "died" then bring back the one who was always talking about cheating death! Duh! Not the loser henchman, lol. "Only one has achieved this power." "Really, who?" "Um my loser defeated apprentice who spent half a decade self-identifying as a robot spider." "Huh??"

Yeah, Darth Plagueis was the way to go for the ST villain.
But then Plagueis will tell the story of how he learned his secrets from the true Master of Masters... and then forevermore little kiddies and grown kiddies alike will be saying that the Master of Masters is behind everything and should be the Big Bad in the S-ST. Even John Williams musical motif hints at it.

Lucas: There's always a bigger fish.
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