I didn't bother getting the "Art of..." book for TROS like I normally would for these movies, so something from it got my attention today. I came across an article that delved into Dave Filoni's role in the brainstorming sessions for the ST. One of those sessions with the LFL story group is actually printed in the book.
I really wish I had seen it sooner because the irony is incredible to me when I consider the fan discussions/debates over the last few years. I'm not going to editorialize any further than that, I just want to post a pic from the book that documents the discussion - and I'll let the Dave Filoni quotes speak for themselves.
And since the photo glare is in an unfortunate spot, I'll type out that section below to distinguish where Filoni's words stop and Kiri Hart (everyone's favorite Story Group member) starts talking:
Dave Filoni: "I love that. We should shift it so Leia is the Obi-Wan of this entire trilogy. I don't even think it hurts that she's not primarily the mentor figure in VII because, like John had been saying, the audience expectation is so on Luke. And when that proves not to be true, it's way more powerful. It's dangerous because it makes it so about the women of Star Wars. Something to me says that's right.
"There is something happening culturally. You look at birth, regeneration, the world itself needing healing: All of those things are emblematic of the 'mother' character in myth. They are all matriarchal things - Mother Earth itself, global warming is a hot topic. George [Lucas] was always so good at tapping into what's happening in culture. And he hits us with it. The idea that we have Leia, a mother character who needs healing in her own right - that's something we can get into in a deeper way."
Kiri Hart: "I couldn't survive one of the things that has happened to Leia. What causes someone to be willing to battle when she has lost her planet; after she discovers she has a brother; after he disappears? She never actually knew her parents, and now her son has gone awry and, by the time Episode VII is over, she's a widow? . . ."
If the text isn't legible in this pic format, the article I saw this in is here:
Toward the end of the article, there's also a video of Filoni at a conference that I found a bit ironic as well in the context of fan debates.
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