Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Guys, I've just had one of those deja vu moments like in the Matrix when Neo sees the black cat twice. I think we might all be time locked in a perpetual cycle of ST versus PT, the (master)debate of our time:

I've documented the formula below:

Step 1 - Aggressive Negotiations

Someone will chime in with either:

(a) I was re-watching the ST the other day because (I love Disney SW and seeing my OT heroes back together (almost) again / I am a glutton for punishment) and I was struck by this new (but in this case new does not have it's conventional meaning) revelation about said movie(s) and (basically the ST is soooooo much better than the PT / it turns out that ST is even worse than I previously realised and it should be retconned or never mentioned again); or

(b) I was re-watching the PT the other day because (I love Lucas' SW / I am a glutton for punishment) and (it suddenly come to me that the ST is awful in every way, you could say that it has a low 'm' count / have I ever told you the tale of George Lucas the Wise, well he had too much creative freedom and the PT was awful); or

(c) I was watching the Mandalorian and (the PT sucks / the ST sucks).

Step 2 - Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong

Someone will take issue with the initial statement and will respond with "How dare you insult the ST / PT, the movies that you like are inferior, the PT / ST has the high ground".

Step 3 - I hate sand

ST and PT fans will amass on their chosen lines and throw the same arguments at each other again and again, no side gaining ground. Darth DoomKhev with his Apprentice JyeMaul with the entertaining Jaw Jaw Binks on the side of the ST. With Admiral Ducko and Captain Wezma20 some of the most vocal supporters of the PT (and I count myself, Bravo Nass, amongst their distinguished number). All with AayDee-EeeVee laughing at both sides with scorn for both the ST and PT.

Step 4 - I am the Senate

The battle intensifies until one of the PT'ers becomes exacerbated by the antics of DoomKhev and JyeMaul and slips up, throwing out a statement alleging that a subjective (and undeniably correct) opinion about the ST is objective fact. This will in turn summon the AJP who will stomp into the thread like the cave troll in Fellowship and proceed to lay waste to all with this wordy but well thought out comments on both series.

Step 5 - To be angry is to be human

The battle splutters out like the final instalment of the ST with both sides failing to convince the other of the merits of their argument.

Step 6 - We?re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

Step 6 is Step 1 and the discussion continues anew. It's like poetry it kind of rhymes.

If you read to the end thanks and please don't take offence, I'm only poking a little fun at all of us in here. I would like to end by saying thanks for all the banter and discussions this year. 2020 has been rubbish but being able to come here to read and take part in this passionate (haha!) Star Wars conversation has been a great distraction (even if half of you are as wrong as Maz Kanata's eyes).

So in summary, you're saying the PT sucks....
Can you guys agree that this is one of the worst utterances in all of Star Wars...?

We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

What are some of your favorite worsts?

That is the story group's battle cry.

:lol :lol

Can you guys agree that this is one of the worst utterances in all of Star Wars...?

We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

What are some of your favorite worsts?

Everything she says is some of the worst stuff.. I hate what she says right before it too... "I saved you dummy" barf!
Guys, I've just had one of those deja vu moments like in the Matrix when Neo sees the black cat twice. I think we might all be time locked in a perpetual cycle of ST versus PT, the (master)debate of our time:

I've documented the formula below:

Step 1 - Aggressive Negotiations

Someone will chime in with either:

(a) I was re-watching the ST the other day because (I love Disney SW and seeing my OT heroes back together (almost) again / I am a glutton for punishment) and I was struck by this new (but in this case new does not have it's conventional meaning) revelation about said movie(s) and (basically the ST is soooooo much better than the PT / it turns out that ST is even worse than I previously realised and it should be retconned or never mentioned again); or

(b) I was re-watching the PT the other day because (I love Lucas' SW / I am a glutton for punishment) and (it suddenly come to me that the ST is awful in every way, you could say that it has a low 'm' count / have I ever told you the tale of George Lucas the Wise, well he had too much creative freedom and the PT was awful); or

(c) I was watching the Mandalorian and (the PT sucks / the ST sucks).

Step 2 - Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong

Someone will take issue with the initial statement and will respond with "How dare you insult the ST / PT, the movies that you like are inferior, the PT / ST has the high ground".

Step 3 - I hate sand

ST and PT fans will amass on their chosen lines and throw the same arguments at each other again and again, no side gaining ground. Darth DoomKhev with his Apprentice JyeMaul with the entertaining Jaw Jaw Binks on the side of the ST. With Admiral Ducko and Captain Wezma20 some of the most vocal supporters of the PT (and I count myself, Bravo Nass, amongst their distinguished number). All with AayDee-EeeVee laughing at both sides with scorn for both the ST and PT.

Step 4 - I am the Senate

The battle intensifies until one of the PT'ers becomes exacerbated by the antics of DoomKhev and JyeMaul and slips up, throwing out a statement alleging that a subjective (and undeniably correct) opinion about the ST is objective fact. This will in turn summon the AJP who will stomp into the thread like the cave troll in Fellowship and proceed to lay waste to all with this wordy but well thought out comments on both series.

Step 5 - To be angry is to be human

The battle splutters out like the final instalment of the ST with both sides failing to convince the other of the merits of their argument.

Step 6 - We?re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

Step 6 is Step 1 and the discussion continues anew. It's like poetry it kind of rhymes.

If you read to the end thanks and please don't take offence, I'm only poking a little fun at all of us in here. I would like to end by saying thanks for all the banter and discussions this year. 2020 has been rubbish but being able to come here to read and take part in this passionate (haha!) Star Wars conversation has been a great distraction (even if half of you are as wrong as Maz Kanata's eyes).

Pretty much. Lol. I can?t get over how wrong they are sometimes
Can you guys agree that this is one of the worst utterances in all of Star Wars...?

We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love

What are some of your favorite worsts?

Did she really say that? :lol I don't remember any of that sub plot.
Everything she says is some of the worst stuff.. I hate what she says right before it too... "I saved you dummy" barf!

No Rose, you took an action that should have been fatal to you both. There was no way you could have known you'd happen to survive. I'd love to see a realistic 'fan-cut' of this scene with their body parts strewn everywhere and have Ryan George from the Pitch Meeting videos pop his head in saying ''Whoopsie!''

Reminds me of the part in Indiana Jones KOTCS where Marion deliberately drives them off a cliff edge and onto an outgrowing tree, somehow knowing that they'd first land on the tree safely and then that the tree would gently lower them to the ground. As an absolute last resort maybe you'd do something like that but you wouldn't do it with any expectation of survival let alone think it was a laughriot as Marion did.
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No Rose, you took an action that should have been fatal to you both. There was no way you could have known you'd happen to survive. I'd love to see a realistic 'fan-cut' of this scene with their body parts strewn everywhere and have Ryan George from the Pitch Meeting videos pop his head in saying ''Whoopsie!''

Reminds me of the part in Indiana Jones KOTCS where Marion deliberately drives them off a cliff edge and onto an outgrowing tree, somehow knowing that they'd first land on the tree safely and then that the tree would gently lower them to the ground. As an absolute last resort maybe you'd do something like that but you wouldn't do it with any expectation of survival let alone think it was a laughriot as Marion did.

I was so angry during that Marion scene. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb and dumb.
On a totally random note I finally noticed the two Naboo Starfighters at Exegol the last time I watched TROS. They zip past the screen and join Poe and Zori's group immediately after she takes out that one Star Destroyer. Pretty cool.
On a totally random note I finally noticed the two Naboo Starfighters at Exegol the last time I watched TROS. They zip past the screen and join Poe and Zori's group immediately after she takes out that one Star Destroyer. Pretty cool.
I'll have to look for that next time.
So I am starting to wonder if I think TFA is the best of the ST. Which is funny because I use to dislike the film but TROS saved that movie for me. I use to think TROS was the best of the three but it has several moments I don't care for.. Mostly the scavenger hunts. When Kylo and Rey finally Duel on the old Death Star I think the film is solid from there on out. But it has fallen a point or two since my first few viewings.. maybe I just remember and focus on the bad things.. Its so easy to do that. TFA is still a ANH retread but TROS really saved all the major issues I had with the film. Just kind of surprised I am thinking of it as highly as I do now.
Interesting. When you say "best" do you mean with regard to filmmaking quality or the one that is simply your favorite?
Hmmmm I think I mean simply my fav. I do still have issues with the look of TFA and its made for TV appearance. I much prefer the look of TROS and think that what it does best is better then what TFA does best. But I don't think TFA has a many glaring issues as TROS. Of course much of those issues come from what RJ did with TLJ.
I never noticed the Naboo ships why was Naboo never given the Alderaan treatment by the emperor.


TROS has no slow vehicle chase and no Leia Poppins.

Hmmmm I think I mean simply my fav. I do still have issues with the look of TFA and its made for TV appearance. I much prefer the look of TROS and think that what it does best is better then what TFA does best. But I don't think TFA has a many glaring issues as TROS. Of course much of those issues come from what RJ did with TLJ.

Gotcha. TROS is still my fave, there's just no topping that final act beginning with Rey facing Kylo on the DS like you mentioned.

But I'm still leaning toward TLJ being the best made film of the three despite its Roses and Holdos.
Was Jar Jar flying one of the Naboo fighters with Ric Olie in the other?
But I'm still leaning toward TLJ being the best made film of the three despite its Roses and Holdos.

Just so I can be sure, you do agree that Holdo was *supposed to be* unlikeable, right?

One of the TLJ arguments that makes me wonder what the **** people are thinking is the one saying that Ackbar should've had Holdo's role. Every time I hear or read that, I just go:


We would have no reason to distrust Ackbar. There'd be no chance that Poe would be questioning Ackbar's motives, or wondering if he was a traitor. Holdo was an outsider; and she was a rude snob. That's the only way to make it credible for Poe and the Billie Lourd character to stage a mutiny. None of that would work with Ackbar.

Holdo had to be unlikable until her lightspeed sacrifice made her actual loyalty clear. Mission accomplished.
Just so I can be sure, you do agree that Holdo was *supposed to be* unlikeable, right?

One of the TLJ arguments that makes me wonder what the **** people are thinking is the one saying that Ackbar should've had Holdo's role. Every time I hear or read that, I just go:


We would have no reason to distrust Ackbar. There'd be no chance that Poe would be questioning Ackbar's motives, or wondering if he was a traitor. Holdo was an outsider; and she was a rude snob. That's the only way to make it credible for Poe and the Billie Lourd character to stage a mutiny. None of that would work with Ackbar.

Holdo had to be unlikable until her lightspeed sacrifice made her actual loyalty clear. Mission accomplished.

Would have still been more powerful had Ackbar been acting unlikeable then sacrificed because as Leia pointed out the unlikeable part was Poe's problem not Ackbar/Holdo. :dunno
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