I dont know what to say.. They were on screen plenty together in TFA.. More then Luke and Leia in ANH.. What do you want from me.. Like Luke and Leia they had chemistry
We are told they love each other.. Thats the difference... I mean did you really believe it when Padme finally said "I Truly deeply love you" in AOTC.. Be honest.. We were told she did.. We did not feel it.
We feel that Finn and Rey care for each other.. Its there.. But maybe you have to be told.
I guess I will stop repeating myself and stop trying to explain how its about the acting and the dialogue... If the cast does not feel real or preform well then I am not going to buy it.. Sorry its how it is. Most have said that the cast of the ST did very well with what that had to work with.. The same is not said for the PT actors.. Nope.. they pretty much lowered themselves to what George had written.
Ah nastalgia glasses.. I hope you know that is all you are doing with your teenage love for ROTS
They did have a relationship.. I believed they had grown to care for each other. its there on screen.. How is it not? Watch TFA and tell me how its not. As much as I did not like TFA and TLJ that had nothing to do with Finn and Rey and what they were as characters in the first film. I am not saying they were in love.. I think it would have been a smarter move to have them kiss then Kylo and Rey but I am not saying that they were supposed to be married.. I am saying I believed that they cared more for each other then Anakin and Padme did because the performance and chemistry was not there.
And its not just Rey and Finn. The whole main cast of the ST does a better job then the PT cast.. They just do. At least how I see it. Its what works for me is the cast. Again when I disliked the first two films it was not because of the cast and their acting abilities.
I dont know dude.. Agree to disagree here. Ewan was solid at moments in the PT. Hayden had a couple and Natalie was pretty worthless throughout. But I never once thought there was a real relationship with any of them.
I can only assume you think that I feel they are in love and not friends who care. They are more believable as friends then Anakin and Padme are as lovers or Anakin and Obi wan are as friends.
Well you are arguing with the wrong guy.. I never said that the ST saved Star Wars.. I am not sure anybody has.. The OT was doing just fine before the PT or ST came along. I don't think the PT is the worst thing to happen to SW.. I think it was a missed opportunity. It was my point about the Spider man comparison.. That all.
You and I I think get frustrated at the same thing. I have a hard time accepting anyone bashing on the ST like its the worst thing ever while acting like the PT is leagues ahead of the ST. Not when the PT has just as many bumps and bruises.. Just in different areas.
I would say that the ST has bodily injuries while the PT seems to have head injuries. Only way to explain those performances.
As for Padma and Anakin... You believed they loved each other? That's on you.. its not there on screen.. We are told its how they feel.. Clumsily told at that.. Sure I accept that they were.. I mean they tried to beat us over the head with it..
but I will go back to that line by Padme in AOTC where she professes that she truly deeply loves Anakin.. Nope Did not believe it at all.. In performance, chemistry, or what was shown before.
Well again we agree to disagree.. I will take performance and chemistry over having to be told how the characters feel.