Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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SWT guy would be right if he just stopped at Anakin being treated like a child or shunned by the in crowd because of chosen one BS but as soon as he attaches the saving Padme cheating death narrative as the main reason it all collapses in absurdity.

Just like he didn't pay attention while watching TLJ I guess he didn't pay attention during ROTS lol

But holy crap this pH thing can't get any more hilarious.
Oh wow this reply got almost 600 "likes": You are strong and wise, Theory. And I am very proud of you.


Gina Carano just posted that his take was awful and she regrets sticking up for him, lol.

"Strong and wise?" Seriously?

Strong? Some dip**** LFL employee makes the most innocuous 5-word comment, and he takes to YouTube and Twitter to whine about being made fun of. Yeah, super strong. :lol

Wise? "Restricted section" of Jedi training. And Anakin loved his wife enough to turn to the dark and choke her. So wise. :lol
Strong? Some dip**** LFL employee makes the most innocuous 5-word comment, and he takes to YouTube and Twitter to whine about being made fun of. Yeah, super strong. :lol

I know! I mean it'd be one thing if Gina or somebody was making fun of you but Pablo Hidalgo? And in a super generic deadpan "opinions are not to be shared" kind of way? Please. Dude should have laughed it off and worn the insult from such an idiot as a badge of honor instead of crying to the masses for help. That's what he should be embarrassed about.
I know! I mean it'd be one thing if Gina or somebody was making fun of you but Pablo Hidalgo? And in a super generic deadpan "opinions are not to be shared" kind of way? Please. Dude should have laughed it off and worn the insult from such an idiot as a badge of honor instead of crying to the masses for help. That's what he should be embarrassed about.

I wish it had been someone I could respect more, rather than the d-bag Pablo. Then I'd be having way more fun with this. :lol

But yeah, some douche shares a 5-word tweet in a *private* conversation, and his response is to whine about it and get people riled up to cancel a guy for having an opinion? Weak.
His complaint was that PH was mocking him in a private tweet chat and his proof was that there was something like 22 likes in that private tweet room lol


Oh No!

It's probably up to 5k by now lol

I don't want him to be cancelled and have his life ruined or anything but please get him out of the Story Group and put him in charge of Activity Books or something, lol.
His complaint was that PH was mocking him in a private tweet chat and his proof was that there was something like 22 likes in that private tweet room lol


Oh No!

It's probably up to 5k by now lol

If this was a private tweet that's a little different.. it was not meant for public consumption.

I bad mouth Jye all the time in PM messages..

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SWT guy would be right if he just stopped at Anakin being treated like a child or shunned by the in crowd because of chosen one BS but as soon as he attaches the saving Padme cheating death narrative as the main reason it all collapses in absurdity.

Just like he didn't pay attention while watching TLJ I guess he didn't pay attention during ROTS lol

But holy crap this pH thing can't get any more hilarious.

Well saving Padme was part of it..

I mean he stopped Mace but not for the reason SWT tried to say it was for.. It was not because it was the jedi way.. It was because he wanted to save Padme and Palps had that info... I am sure he saw some hypocrisy in Mace and the whole "jedi way" but he did not seem to have too much guilt about killing Count D.

No he killed Mace and then had no where else to go. So he went Dark.

problem is he went from 0 to 100. Hero to killing kids... That was a bit jarring

Of course his mother dying and his treatment by the Jedi order had something to do with his turn. I mean what a **** move by Obi Wan t never offer to go check in on his mom.

But the things is.. It was all told poorly. The emotional punch was missing. Every step of the way.

Its why we needed TCW series to help us feel more and believe more. As just three films it never felt real.

I am sure SWT guy has read many books and comics and has added plenty of his own head canon to help him accept all this.. I have no issue with that at all.

I just dont agree with him... Its going to take a lot more then three minutes of made up theories and playing Captain obvious to convince me that the turn was done well.
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Its going to take a lot more then three minutes of made up theories and playing Captain obvious to convince me that the turn was done was done well.

:lol :lol :lol

All right in three minutes I'm going to change how everyone see's Luke's exile in TLJ.

Here goes:

Uh, he was on the island cause, uh there were secrets that Yoda's spirit wasn't telling him and spirits can only be summoned by the power of green milk and...
:lol :lol :lol

All right in three minutes I'm going to change how everyone see's Luke's exile in TLJ.

Here goes:

Uh, he was on the island cause, uh there were secrets that Yoda's spirit wasn't telling him and spirits can only be summoned by the power of green milk and...

:lol :lol :lol
problem is he went from 0 to 100. Hero to killing kids... That was a bit jarring

Maybe it was "wanting to believe", but I went in skeptical and felt Lucas pulled if off. Once Anakin killed Mace - "What have I done?" - he was past the point of no return and felt he had no choice but to keep doing Palps' bidding. He appeared reluctant before killing the younglings and shed tears after slaying the viceroys.

I don't believe he ever went 100% evil, he was always conflicted, just like Luke said.

Maybe, like Kylo, he thought the more he killed the easier it would get.
Watching his TROS review.. He kind of views it a bit as I do. He sees 1-6 as the true story and the ST as more of an Epilogue.

He liked TROS.. Gave it a 9 out of 10 as a standalone movie.. he hates TLJ though but thought that TROS fixed Luke for him..

He seemed to become bitter when he found out in a Daisy video that she did not know her parents were gonna be.. That really bothered him.. Thought it was disrespectful to the saga..
Maybe it was "wanting to believe", but I went in skeptical and felt Lucas pulled if off. Once Anakin killed Mace - "What have I done?" - he was past the point of no return and felt he had no choice but to keep doing Palps' bidding. He appeared reluctant before killing the younglings and shed tears after slaying the viceroys.

I don't believe he ever went 100% evil, he was always conflicted, just like Luke said.

Maybe, like Kylo, he thought the more he killed the easier it would get.

I think he was conflicted.. Still have issues with a conflicted guy killing kids. Could have served the same purpose and had an even cooler scene with him fighting older Jedi at the temple. Would have made his decent into darkness a bit more believable. maybe some child murder could have come later :lol

IDK.. I love my wife and would do anything for her.. I think I would draw the line at killing kids. :lol
He seemed to become bitter when he found out in a Daisy video that she did not know her parents were gonna be.. That really bothered him.. Thought it was disrespectful to the saga..

How silly. Well don't tell him that Mark Hamill didn't know who his parents were either until halfway through the filming of ESB since George revised his lineage after ANH was released.

And Carrie Fisher didn't know who *her* parents were until halfway through filming of ROTJ.

Anthony Daniels didn't find out who his maker was until TPM. :lol

His precious HC didn't know how he was conceived at any point in his trilogy and probably still doesn't know, lol.
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