Listening right now the KK was the reason that season 7 TCW got green lit on Disney and that she is a huge Filoni supporter.
Yeah its just weird.. Like if Daisy never said that he would still like it.
Listening to them talking about Mando having links to the ST. The one guy likes the idea.. But SWT guy does not..
One guy says it will help the ST be more cool (Which is how I feel) and he is saying its what TCW did for a lot of fans with the PT (me for sure)
But boy he hates TLJ.. He is going off on it right now..
Ha ha I actually did make some YT videos discussing the ST (and even praising elements of Terminator Dark Fate which I deeply regret, lol) but
A. Nobody really knows those videos exist
B. I'm actually much less abrasive in real life than I sometimes come across here so I don't know that my videos would trigger much debate even if they went viral. I really am quite chill about all this stuff in real life, trust me.
I don't see the big deal with TLJ. I thought it was just a bad movie but people REALLY hate that film. Like i've seen worse. Maybe the expectations were so high?
Ha ha I actually did make some YT videos discussing the ST (and even praising elements of Terminator Dark Fate which I deeply regret, lol) but
A. Nobody really knows those videos exist
B. I'm actually much less abrasive in real life than I sometimes come across here so I don't know that my videos would trigger much debate even if they went viral. I really am quite chill about all this stuff in real life, trust me.
Ha ha I actually did make some YT videos discussing the ST (and even praising elements of Terminator Dark Fate which I deeply regret, lol)
Idk Khev. The 300k views and 200 plus subs means people probably think they exist
2mil views and an hr long. Just putting it up as an example
I wasn't sure if you were serious, so I checked. He actually called it "I Will Change Your Mind About Anakin's Turn In 3 Minutes." The ego this guy has is bonkers, man. Holy ****.
He predicates his whole rationalization on Anakin wanting to become a Jedi Master in order to access the "restricted section" of Jedi training that would teach him how to keep his wife from dying. And jye, he said this with a straight face!!! Knowing the dialogue in the opera scene! So sure, let's just completely ignore what's *actually stated* in the movie.
He even quotes the opera scene (the KEY scene!) for planting it in Anakin's head that the dark side can give him the power to cheat death. Yo "Theory," you're kinda forgetting something from that scene: Palpatine straight-up says, "Not from a Jedi."
If Anakin believes Palpatine (and he must since he turns to the dark based on that conversation), then he accepts that you can't learn this power from the light/Jedi side. That eliminates any argument that Anakin would continue being resentful of the Jedi for keeping him from learning this "power." Even if Anakin had ever felt that kind of resentment before, then Palpatine's words would've actually set him straight on that point.
And lets also ignore the fact that Anakin supposedly turns out of love for Padme, and then proceeds to choke her pregnant self until she collapses in a heap. Hey Anakin, you know what might help to keep your wife from dying? Don't choke her with your super powerful Force abilities.
"I will..." "... in three minutes"
Idk Khev. The 300k views and 200 plus subs means people probably think they exist
2mil views and an hr long. Just putting it up as an example
Khev was talking about his videos
I think about six of us have watched it
Im subscribed
I have also watched all those videos from that guy.
Well saving Padme was part of it..
I mean he stopped Mace but not for the reason SWT tried to say it was for.. It was not because it was the jedi way.. It was because he wanted to save Padme and Palps had that info... I am sure he saw some hypocrisy in Mace and the whole "jedi way" but he did not seem to have too much guilt about killing Count D.
No he killed Mace and then had no where else to go. So he went Dark.
problem is he went from 0 to 100. Hero to killing kids... That was a bit jarring
Of course his mother dying and his treatment by the Jedi order had something to do with his turn. I mean what a **** move by Obi Wan t never offer to go check in on his mom.
But the things is.. It was all told poorly. The emotional punch was missing. Every step of the way.
Its why we needed TCW series to help us feel more and believe more. As just three films it never felt real.
I am sure SWT guy has read many books and comics and has added plenty of his own head canon to help him accept all this.. I have no issue with that at all.
I just dont agree with him... Its going to take a lot more then three minutes of made up theories and playing Captain obvious to convince me that the turn was done well.
Do you now see that TF is awful
Please. Most YouTubers are a bunch of p****s. Den of Nerds guy loved TROS but then redacted his praise after reading that Rey was the daughter of a clone in the novelization. I replied saying don't be a coward and stick to your guns on what the film itself said and he deleted my comment. Retroblasting guy threw a flaming tizzy when I replied to his Skywalker Saga 4K video telling him that de-res'd SW dates all the way back to 1977 when 35mm SW prints were blown up for 70mm screens. He took down his entire video then did another one calling me out that that doesn't "count" because not all auditoriums had 70mm.
Those guys are a bunch of babies without their followers and wouldn't last two seconds here, lol.
Ha ha I actually did make some YT videos discussing the ST (and even praising elements of Terminator Dark Fate which I deeply regret, lol) but
A. Nobody really knows those videos exist
B. I'm actually much less abrasive in real life than I sometimes come across here so I don't know that my videos would trigger much debate even if they went viral. I really am quite chill about all this stuff in real life, trust me.
EDIT: Here you go ironwez, not sure how long you'll be able to last though, lol:
I think I had some wrong assumptions about Snoke after my first viewing though, I initially saw him as being a literal puppet that Palpatine "spoke" through in TFA and TLJ before coming to the realization that he was his own separate entity created by Palps.
Listening right now the KK was the reason that season 7 TCW got green lit on Disney and that she is a huge Filoni supporter.
I?m sorry you can?t comprehend the slow burn to the dark side that was shown during three movies. It wasn?t 0 to 100. Not at all.
It felt like 0-100 when you are killing kids.. Nothing that happened in any of the movies felt like that should be his next move.
Well there was the whole Tusken Raider deal in the previous movie.