I don't care how they got there; the fact that Obi-Wan would have nothing else to do just reinforces the point that he was a powerful Jedi who would serve no direct/active role in the main conflict resolution beyond that of being a mentor and spiritual guide.
I'm sure that you'll be stunned to learn that I found that reveal compelling and pretty cool while you were sleeping in your seat. Big surprise, right?
I guess Sidious didn't teach that trick to his apprentices. Yoda told Dooku in the very next film that "the dark side I sense in you."
Not a fan of that. Not even a fan of the water droplets transferring onto Kylo's glove in TLJ. ESB Luke getting tired when trying to lift the X-Wing; Force projection being lethal; and Grogu passing out from exertion when using the Force... I like all these things. Because I like it better when there's something to keep the magic grounded enough not to have to ask "Why can't they just do [insert crazy magic power here] and win that way?" The more incredible the Force power, the more I'm fine with a stronger consequence.
You don't have to like. I like it, so I win.
And no, Luke didn't seem fine. When he was levitating he was shaking and sweating like he was trapped in a small airtight room with a gassy fat chick.
He collapsed to the ground and had to claw his way back onto the rock. The calm look on his face was nothing more than a visual way to reassure the audience that Luke wasn't dying in pain. Instead, he was giving himself to the Force in total peace and serenity.
Now hurry up and log off so I can come back and edit my post.
Not enough display of strenuous discomfort for my tastes. He got back up on the rock, did his thing and looked fine. I mean ****, his lazy ass didn’t do **** for years. If doing a magic trick takes it’s toll on him, hate to see him in his cave, on the pot taking a **** after eating some Porg whole.
Also, am I the only one that hates the overused visual of a Jedi dying and their cloak floating to the ground after the body dissipates? It’s unintentionally funny looking and cheap to me. Worst trope in Star Wars. With ANH it’s cool because like, Vader took a swing at him you know. You don’t know what exactly happened, even Vader is puzzled by it. By Return of the Jedi though, it’s just stupid. Luke goes all the way to Dagobah, just for Yoda to croak as soon as he arrives. Instead of downplaying it and just have it be a sentimental moment where maybe Luke shuts Yoda’s eyes and covers his dead body with the blanket, they just HAD to have his body disappear because you know, “hurrrr durrrr Jedi disappear when they die, that’s established now and the audience is too stupid to realize that he’s dead and not just sleeping”. No, you ****ing cheap bastards didn’t have the budget for Yoda to leave dagobah (or his hut evidently) and you thought it best for him to move a couple of feet and die, right there in his bed. How conveniently
boring. In ****ing Empire, he looked great for being 900 year old, but up, by Jedi HE DEAD. I just hate that effect of the body disappearing and the robe flowing down. Hate it.
When Luke died up on that rock, I was cracking up. OF COURSE, he’s a Jedi! Gotta show he died by disappearing! What a ****ing joke. I threw my keys and slurpee at the screen and got carried out of the theater when it happened again in TROS when Leia bit the big one. At that point, I just had enough. Had to go home and see the ending with the piss yellow lightsaber on YouTube when I got home.
Imagine if the Prequels used this stupid trope. UP, Qui-Gon?s dead. “Obi-Wan, you must train the b-“ . . . “Master, where did you go? Master!? What were you going to say??” Or if all the Jedi started disappearing as they got picked off one by one on Geonosis or during Order 66. Or when Annie dies in Luke’s arms, his bald marshmallow head just disappears after it slumps back.
That’s another thing, the force ghosts suck too. So cheesy. I liked how in the first one, when Obi-Wan dies, he becomes one with the force and Luke and the audience just hear his voice. It left more room for imagination. Then by Empire, YOU JUST HAD TO SHOW THE MOTHER ****ER didn’t you? Sir Alec in his fake wig in all of his twilight, twinkly glory. Couldn’t just be his voice, could it? By Return of the Jedi, it’s just a ****ing joke. Obi-Wan sitting on a log shooting the **** with Luke all casual like, ****ing Anakin and the two Jedi cheesin, smiling at Luke. So stupid. Don’t even get me started on Yoda in TLJ.
Still not as bad as Leia and Luke at the end of the TROS though. I don’t see how Carrie Fisher “earned” her powers or ghost privileges. ****ing stupid. I hate her character in the ST.
Man I hate the Jedi and the force.
I thought he looked like he was in the company of a heart attack in progress lol
And what, would an EMT know of this matter?