Lots going on in this movie, way too much for just one viewing. I'm going back later today for a second time. I liked it enough, some of the things that happened have only been heard of in the comic's or books. Nice to see it on screen.
I got out of the film last night and was still shaking. Woah, I really loved it. I read all the leaks and knew what was going to happen, but actually seeing it unfold was another thing entirely. And one thing the leaks never talked about, or at least I didn't recall, was the driving force of the film. It really worked for me. It felt suspenseful and kinda terrifying. Aside from the excellent and caring handling of characters (some really heartfelt and tear jerking scenes here) , I really loved all of the lore implications from this film. All I will say is the Sith are on full display.
After going back and watching all of the films in chronological order this week with 9 being the finale, all I can say is it all fits and just felt good. I'm so satisfied and happy with the Skywalker Saga. I'd love to go into spoilers, but will wait a few days for everyone else to see it. I can't wait to see it again.
Now that I've seen the film, my HYPE has become FANdom.
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I went into this film with the expectation I would dislike it, based on a lot of comments I’ve read in various threads. Comments like pandering to old Star Wars fans, choppy pacing, disregarding everything before it, sappy sickly sweet scenes.
Fortunately I don’t need people to tell me what to think. Nor does something have to be perfect in order to be beautiful.
I sit in complete and utter shock. Because something happened I did not expect.
I loved this film.
Not just like.
Loved. To the point where it has transformed the other two movies in the trilogy for me as well. It’s surely not perfect, but it is beautiful, A beautiful ending to the Star Wars saga.
What I saw was a story of friendship and love overcoming the odds.
That comment Vader made in Star Wars - the original one - about the ability to destroy a planet being insignificant next to the power of the force never rang true until this episode. People think they know the force, but the narrative has been told largely through the Jedi religion experience, then also to a lesser degree through the Sith.
In real life, one must shed their preconceived notions in order to truly learn, to grow, truly go further. Become childlike. Rey is childlike, that’s the secret. Even with her anger, there is something of her that is willing to learn from life instead of dictating to it. People can stagnate in their thoughts - you see it all the time in religion, in politics, and fandom. that moment when somebody thinks they know everything, or stops asking themselves how much do I really know? When people lose sight of what life itself is really about, when they get stuck in systems, methods, institutions, everything must simply conform to what they thought they knew. When something doesn’t, typically it is hated, misunderstood, looked away from altogether and ignored. To me the film illustrated being childlike and going further because of it, and resonated deeply in my soul. After all, anybody can be jaded. Anybody can hate. It takes true courage to become unassuming as a child, to be willing to make mistakes and be wrong, in order to simply see what life is and what it brings. To deal with life on its own terms, instead of trying to make it into something else.
I have no doubt there were people with agendas involved in the making of these movies. Somehow the story managed to transcend that, maybe on purpose, maybe by accident. Who knows?
This movie made me question. It also has a solid heart of exploration and love. And all the humanity that comes with that.
I’m sure there will be as many views as there are people reading this. I wish everyone could experience the movie the way I just did. But despite that never happening, I am grateful for the experience. I just watched a Star Wars movie! And it was beautiful.
While we won’t all agree it was beautiful (maybe I’m the only one who will think this), as Chewbacca would say, ”Aaauughhrraaagghhh!” - and we can at least all agree on that!
I went into this film with the expectation I would dislike it, based on a lot of comments I?ve read in various threads. Comments like pandering to old Star Wars fans, choppy pacing, disregarding everything before it, sappy sickly sweet scenes.
That sounds very nice!
I hope to have a similar experience tomorrow.
I agree with your whole post, in regards to the bit I quoted...
Reading the 'other' thread (and more widely), those guys are so hell bent on hating it, they are dissecting it to the point of ridiculousness (a vast majority not having seen it and basing their 'solid' and 'reasoned' arguments on cam footage leaks and wiki plot summaries) and applying a level of criticism that would destroy any movie and much like religious fervour ignores the parts of established Star Wars lore that don't support their 'take'. The rhetoric and 'logic' leaps border on radicalised fanaticism. This film did not pander, and was not full of fan service (pandering and fan service in recent episodes of the Mandalorian eclipsed this by far - and yes I enjoy the Mandalorian so I'm not bashing that). Honestly, I've lost a lot of respect for some members here I always thought were fair and balanced seeing some of the bile and flat out BS they are pushing. Do I think the ST movies are perfect? No way. But neither are any of the other movies in the series. But hey, this is Trumps America/world where everything is so polarised we are literally seeing the Jedi/Sith divide playing out in real life. You're either with us or against us. There is no middle ground and anyone attempting such is immediately dismissed as being on the other side.
Good luck with your attempt to inject some balance into the other thread. But I suspect the avalanche of criticism is about to begin anew. I'm spent with dealing with people so entrenched in their hatred (and likewise those who are just as fanatical on the other side that any reasonable criticism is dismissed as being a hater) that there is no reasonable discussion and just can't do it anymore.
Not even going to bother with the "other thread". I've watched it twice now and liked it better the second time. My sister and I are going to see it at the IMAX tomorrow.
WOW. Bravo! Wonderful post and I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is a beautiful movie and it definitely moved me emotionally multiple times throughout. Thank you for articulating what I haven't had the time to think or say. The film celebrates everything Star Wars has been and could be.I went into this film with the expectation I would dislike it, based on a lot of comments I?ve read in various threads. Comments like pandering to old Star Wars fans, choppy pacing, disregarding everything before it, sappy sickly sweet scenes.
Fortunately I don?t need people to tell me what to think. Nor does something have to be perfect in order to be beautiful.
I sit in complete and utter shock. Because something happened I did not expect.
I loved this film.
Not just like.
Loved. To the point where it has transformed the other two movies in the trilogy for me as well. It?s surely not perfect, but it is beautiful, A beautiful ending to the Star Wars saga.
What I saw was a story of friendship and love overcoming the odds.
That comment Vader made in Star Wars - the original one - about the ability to destroy a planet being insignificant next to the power of the force never rang true until this episode. People think they know the force, but the narrative has been told largely through the Jedi religion experience, then also to a lesser degree through the Sith.
In real life, one must shed their preconceived notions in order to truly learn, to grow, truly go further. Become childlike. Rey is childlike, that?s the secret. Even with her anger, there is something of her that is willing to learn from life instead of dictating to it. People can stagnate in their thoughts - you see it all the time in religion, in politics, and fandom. that moment when somebody thinks they know everything, or stops asking themselves how much do I really know? When people lose sight of what life itself is really about and insist on controlling the flow instead of being part of it, when they get stuck in systems, methods, institutions, everything must simply conform to what they thought they knew. When something doesn?t, typically it is hated, misunderstood, looked away from altogether and ignored. To me the film illustrated being childlike and going further because of it, and resonated deeply in my soul. After all, anybody can be jaded. Anybody can hate. It takes true courage to become unassuming as a child, to be willing to make mistakes and be wrong, in order to simply see what life is and what it brings. To deal with life on its own terms, instead of trying to make it into something else.
I have no doubt there were people with agendas involved in the making of these movies. Somehow the story managed to transcend that, maybe on purpose, maybe by accident. Who knows?
This movie made me question. It also has a solid heart of exploration and love. And all the humanity that comes with that.
I?m sure there will be as many views as there are people reading this. I wish everyone could experience the movie the way I just did. But despite that never happening, I am grateful for the experience. I just watched a Star Wars movie! And it was beautiful.
While we won?t all agree it was beautiful (maybe I?m the only one who will think this), as Chewbacca would say, ?Aaauughhrraaagghhh!? - and we can at least all agree on that!
Haha I was thinking the same thing. After rewatching them all this past week, I think TROS is up there with ROTS as my favorite of the saga. Can't wait to see it again. I need to find an IMAX.If you go in hoping to have a great time I'm sure you will. I went in open to all the possibilities and had a blast. Possibly the best 'saga' film of both the PT and ST - I'm going again soon to decide between it and RotS.
Its ok everyone. While the other thread makes fun of this one for being soft, insular, or snowflake-ish, I think its great to have a place to just relish in loving Star Wars. I love every Star Wars film and prefer it to hating everything related to the series after 1980.I agree with your whole post, in regards to the bit I quoted...
Reading the 'other' thread (and more widely), those guys are so hell bent on hating it, they are dissecting it to the point of ridiculousness (a vast majority not having seen it and basing their 'solid' and 'reasoned' arguments on cam footage leaks and wiki plot summaries) and applying a level of criticism that would destroy any movie and much like religious fervour ignores the parts of established Star Wars lore that don't support their 'take'. The rhetoric and 'logic' leaps border on radicalised fanaticism. This film did not pander, and was not full of fan service (pandering and fan service in recent episodes of the Mandalorian eclipsed this by far - and yes I enjoy the Mandalorian so I'm not bashing that). Honestly, I've lost a lot of respect for some members here I always thought were fair and balanced seeing some of the bile and flat out BS they are pushing. Do I think the ST movies are perfect? No way. But neither are any of the other movies in the series. But hey, this is Trumps America/world where everything is so polarised we are literally seeing the Jedi/Sith divide playing out in real life. You're either with us or against us. There is no middle ground and anyone attempting such is immediately dismissed as being on the other side.
Good luck with your attempt to inject some balance into the other thread. But I suspect the avalanche of criticism is about to begin anew. I'm spent with dealing with people so entrenched in their hatred (and likewise those who are just as fanatical on the other side that any reasonable criticism is dismissed as being a hater) that there is no reasonable discussion and just can't do it anymore.
Its ok everyone. While the other thread makes fun of this one for being soft, insular, or snowflake-ish, I think its great to have a place to just relish in loving Star Wars. I love every Star Wars film and prefer it to hating everything related to the series after 1980.
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Reading the 'other' thread (and more widely), those guys are so hell bent on hating it, they are dissecting it to the point of ridiculousness (a vast majority not having seen it and basing their 'solid' and 'reasoned' arguments on cam footage leaks and wiki plot summaries)...