Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Well, they returned for the PT, correct?

So that was only 16.



jye4ever said:
Btw, who is Tim Rose? :lol

He was Admiral Ackbar.
Further to the subject of showing Anakin as a child, while it may detract somewhat from the OT Vader, it makes his downfall all the more tragic if we see him as a loveable, untainted child who "gives without thought of reward" and "knows nothing of greed". It shows the lost potential that was there.

Then we see him as a troubled young adult padawan and finally a battle-hardened Jedi.

It was Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan's failure to train him when he already had attachments to his mother and Padme.
Further to the subject of showing Anakin as a child, while it may detract somewhat from the OT Vader, it makes his downfall all the more tragic if we see him as a loveable, untainted child who "gives without thought of reward" and "knows nothing of greed". It shows the lost potential that was there.

Then we see him as a troubled young adult padawan and finally a battle-hardened Jedi.

It was Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan's failure to train him when he already had attachments to his mother and Padme.

I still don't get why Qui Gon didn't just take both Annie and his Mom. :dunno Who was going to stop him?

That always gets me as well.

It's either his code of honour stopping him - but that shouldn't apply when dealing with slaves - or it's because he doesn't want to complicate things and bring the Jedi under fire from the slavers. If he took her, maybe it would set a precedent for the Jedi to free all slaves. :dunno

It's a plot point that makes Qui-Gon appear callous, or merely shackled to his duty.