Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

ehh, i think this is all internet rumor stuff. thats all. No one is going to reveal what Rian and everyone working on and has planned. No blog or online magazine is going to know. Its all just theories.

Ive seen everything from Rey is Kylo's twin (which is impossible) to Rey is Snoke's daughter.
I think im going to bow out for a while because it just going to be 2 years of a billion theories :lol

This is no internet blurb or fanboy wet dream.
This is from peoples inside the production :)
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

This is no internet blurb or fanboy wet dream.
This is from peoples inside the production :)

I don't like how Rey could be Kylo's sister or twin, did Han know, now we will never know

I hope they scrub this theory :pfft:
Wonder if Disney is expecting E8/9 to not only beat Avatar but also beat out E7 performance.

Do they expect the World Wide Box Office to look like this:

1. E9
2. E8
3. E7
4. Han Movie
5. Rogue One
6. Avatar
7. Titanic
Wonder if Disney is expecting E8/9 to not only beat Avatar but also beat out E7 performance.

Do they expect the World Wide Box Office to look like this:

1. E9
2. E8
3. E7
4. Han Movie
5. Rogue One
6. Avatar
7. Titanic

They'll be very disappointed if those are their expectations. I'm curious to see how Rouges One is going to perform. Will it be as big or at least close to TFA? I know the opening weekend won't do what TFA did, no movie will ever do that again. It's impossible.
Additionally, the script confirms that Rey was left in the care of Unbar Plutt (Simon Pegg) when she was abandoned as a child on Jaku, saying: "Unkar Plutt’s meaty hand holds her thin arm" while the starship that brought her there flies off "towards the desert sun."

Also now the script suggests that the Falcon was intentional left with Plutt as payment for watching over Rey.

Not a bad angle....of course Rey would have to have been wrong about how it got to PLutt.....

Imagine Luke sold it as payment....
Additionally, the script confirms that Rey was left in the care of Unbar Plutt (Simon Pegg) when she was abandoned as a child on Jaku, saying: "Unkar Plutt’s meaty hand holds her thin arm" while the starship that brought her there flies off "towards the desert sun."

Also now the script suggests that the Falcon was intentional left with Plutt as payment for watching over Rey.

Not a bad angle....of course Rey would have to have been wrong about how it got to PLutt.....

Imagine Luke sold it as payment....

So is it Unkar or Unbar? And Jakku or Jaku? That article has more confusing spelling mistakes than any legit article I have ever seen. :lol
I hope Han and Boba Fett never get their own movies.

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

About Rey's origins.
She is no Skywalker, no Solo, no Kenobi.
32 years ago, luke went on to form new Jedis.
Kylo Ren was around 16 when he left Luke, coming back 4years later with his knights to hunt down and slaughter his former jedis camarades.
Among them Rey's parents.
In the meantime Kylo was gone, Rey was born, Luke (aka Obiwan 2.0) advises her parents to hide her before Kylo find out about Rey´s birth.
Just like Obiwan did with Luke.
Not sure about timeline and ages but so far this is What was i the outline i was told.
Of course it could completely change just like a lot changed for TFA.
Rian Johnson is fighting the skywalker daughter thing since it is too obvious and easy.
There are problems with the logic of that guesswork.
And there are several different versions of the episode VIII script going around. One of them describes what you mentioned, but I think they are all bogus.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

This is no internet blurb or fanboy wet dream.
This is from peoples inside the production :)

mhm. you keep telling yourself that. apparently no one else knows but people on Freaks now do. :lol