Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

Because curiosity killed the cat; Do you have a link to substantiate what you wrote?

No internet link coz its not from the internet.
Its from people working on the movie that im now in touch with...

There are problems with the logic of that guesswork.
And there are several different versions of the episode VIII script going around. One of them describes what you mentioned, but I think they are all bogus.

Like i said im probably wrong about the details since ive been told this, its not a text or anything like that.
Wasnt aware they were so many script online. Some are probably right, remember the whole hunt for Luke saber, then the sledghammer thing.
All were called bogus but then they were actually unused concepts.
They are still deciding stuff based on the reactions, they are reading a lot of What is popping online, theories, about where to go.
They have a basic outline but it keeps changing, be ready to eat Star wars for the next 30 years.
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Regarding Lucas' criticism of TFA as too retro, I kinda agree. It's definitely a "safe" movie. But its role is probably to re-establish the franchise as something familiar for the masses, and leave the risky business to VIII and IX.

So if VIII and IX are less safe, they might do less box office too.
Regarding Lucas' criticism of TFA as too retro, I kinda agree. It's definitely a "safe" movie. But its role is probably to re-establish the franchise as something familiar for the masses, and leave the risky business to VIII and IX.

So if VIII and IX are less safe, they might do less box office too.

It is an interesting problem for Disney. I am prepared to forgive the almost plagiaristic nature of TFA script, as this is the first SW movie under a new company, but they have got to stand on their own feet for the next one, while also keeping it feeling like, 'Star Wars'
There's several ways they could go with Rey.

I think they will decide as each movie gets written out...

Following in the footsteps of Lucas and making it up as they go along...

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: A young Jedi named Darth Vader...betrayed and murdered your father.

And, Luke, we should have told you she was your sister earlier...
The sad thing is, most of that history is probably not even canon anymore, but regardless of what's official, we have seen the best force uses in the films, supposedly. Yoda, Palpatine, Mace, Anakin (the chosen one), Dooku, and Obi Wan, so I think we're pretty familiar with what the best can or can't do, otherwise they would have done it. I bet the new films will keep adding abilities as they need to compete with superhero films, so it wouldn't surprise me to see them flying at some point as ridiculous as that sounds.

I believe that there should be limits and boundaries to their abilities, so that there is consistency, to avoid things like force user without training or incomplete training using the force in ways that makes the previous "masters" look like amateurs. So until Luke in one of the next films says, "Rey, you are better than all the previous jedi", I just want the novice characters to have some limits.

You can't make the argument that because we've seen a grand total of some 3 hours worth of Jedi moves in limited scenarios we've seen every possible permutation and use of the force in every scenario.

There probably are limits to what Jedi can do and so far, we haven't seen ANYTHING that goes outside of the loose boundaries we've seen. Especially considering we have a clear example of Vader manipulating a blaster bolt after it's been fired.

Point is; if that bothers you, then cool but don't act like it's breaching some strict rule of the Star Wars universe and therefore ruins a part of the movie. Since Kylo had his ass handed to him, clearly there are limits. And since we don't know what Rey's back story is, we don't know what her capabilities or limits are. Based on her flashbacks and the voices she heard, seems like she's had some training she didn't remember, or was made to forget.

Also, it's the first time we've seen force users trained outside the norm. That could very likely change things.
Even Lucas changed the concept of The Force as he went along. Originally he said anyone could master it, you didn't need a certain level of midichlorians.

Then we have Qui-Gon's radical interpretation of the "Living Force". And in TFA the Church of The Force.

Palpatine says the dark side can enable "unnatural" abilities and Vader says The Force is more powerful than the Death Star.

So there are many approaches to the same concept (rather like our own real-world religions).
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You can't make the argument that because we've seen a grand total of some 3 hours worth of Jedi moves in limited scenarios we've seen every possible permutation and use of the force in every scenario.

There probably are limits to what Jedi can do and so far, we haven't seen ANYTHING that goes outside of the loose boundaries we've seen. Especially considering we have a clear example of Vader manipulating a blaster bolt after it's been fired.

Point is; if that bothers you, then cool but don't act like it's breaching some strict rule of the Star Wars universe and therefore ruins a part of the movie. Since Kylo had his ass handed to him, clearly there are limits. And since we don't know what Rey's back story is, we don't know what her capabilities or limits are. Based on her flashbacks and the voices she heard, seems like she's had some training she didn't remember, or was made to forget.

Also, it's the first time we've seen force users trained outside the norm. That could very likely change things.

I don't know how many hours of Jedi moves we've seen to be honest, but I do know we have seen the best force user do a number of things in life and death situations. Perhaps even more importantly, is what they didn't do in some of those situations, which has to do with their limits. I wouldn't say this is the first time we've seen force users train outside the norm either, because Luke was the first. Most Jedi started their training as children and it took them decades to master their abilities and many years to achieve the rank of Jedi master. Even Anakin, as powerful as he was, never achieved that rank, something Luke sort of achieved (but not really) with unconventional training and within a short period of time, since he began his training as an adult, which is why I say he didn't official achieved that status because there was no jedi council and the way he did it was not the traditional way.

It's true that we don't know about Rey's past, but until we do, I'll judge the film for what it is, not what other films might or might not add to the story. There's a lot of things this film doesn't explain, and expecting the next films to answer all those questions is wishful thinking, imo. Like I said, if in the next film Luke says to Rey that she's the best ever or something to that effect, fine...I'll accept that. Until that happens, I do think Rey using jedi mind tricks and becoming an effective Force-user in a few hours, when it took Luke Skywalker a few years to master certain techniques and abilities isn't very consistent with the film canon, since at least Luke had some guidance and first hand knowledge and experience with the force because of Obi Wan.

As for Kylo Ren's abilities, his powers like most jedi and superheroes are a bit inconsistent because the plot imposes limitations when it's convenient, like him having the ability to sense people and know their location, but when Solo was near him, he couldn't sense him or for that matter Rey, when she escaped. Still, his abilities were pretty impressive for someone who was not a sith or a jedi. He could do things like obtaining information from people's minds, something Vader didn't use on Leia when he wanted information, or even in the prequels, some of the best force users didn't show those skills. I still think the way Kylo sensed Poe's attack with his back turned Spiderman style, and then in less than a second stopped the blaster shot in mid air before it even got close to him, while simultaneously freezing Poe, was very impressive for a non Jedi/Sith, and again something we had not seen done in such a way and with that level of difficulty by Jedi masters or sith lord in previous films.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

No internet link coz its not from the internet.
Its from people working on the movie that im now in touch with...

Like i said im probably wrong about the details since ive been told this, its not a text or anything like that.
Wasnt aware they were so many script online. Some are probably right, remember the whole hunt for Luke saber, then the sledghammer thing.
All were called bogus but then they were actually unused concepts.
They are still deciding stuff based on the reactions, they are reading a lot of What is popping online, theories, about where to go.
They have a basic outline but it keeps changing, be ready to eat Star wars for the next 30 years.

That's fine; No offense but without validated proof I'll file it under "rumor" along with the rest of the rumors I've read on the internet.
The dialogue in the films suggests that there is a light side and a dark side to the force practice....isn't it really just that one guy chooses to be an a-hole in his use of the force and one guy doesn't? I see no other distinction. It's ''the darkside'' if you choose to do bad things with it. But what's to stop someone using force-lightning to restart someone's heart - a normally ''darkside'' power used to do something good.

If Snoke advocates using both sides of the force....what the hell does that mean? Be both bad and good? So why is Kylo Ren trying to vanquish his temptation toward the light?
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That's what Galen Marek from The Force Unleashed was told. It didn't matter, dark or light side of the Force but what you did with it.
I kept waiting for Snoke to do this ...


They did what to my sun-sucker...? Oh nooooooooooooooooo...
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)s nor

That's fine; No offense but without validated proof I'll file it under "rumor" along with the rest of the rumors I've read on the internet.

Fine by me buddy :)

Wow. In touch with people from the film. Lucky.

Thanks. Yu know its pretty easy to Bump into someone working on the movie in the UK lately since most of the fx artist are concerned one way or another. I hope i get more and more lucky soon ;)
Just saw it again a third time... One thing that stuck out this time... As he prays to Darth Vader he asks for him to show him the power of the dark side .... again. Hmmmmm....