Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Someone is a ******* clone or not who we think they are, Disney must be enjoying ****ing with us. :lol

What's making this movie improve with repeat viewings is that there are no "bad" or "boring" parts that I will fast forward past just to get to the "good" stuff.

I even fast forward thru some of the ROTJ Tatooine and Endor stuff.
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Just saw it again a third time... One thing that stuck out this time... As he prays to Darth Vader he asks for him to show him the power of the dark side .... again. Hmmmmm....

It could mean a lot of things. Maybe a manipulation by Snoke?
True. I would dig that were it the case. I do kinda of wish tahyt Hayden had come back in the manner shown in the Art of TFA book. :panic:
Someone is a ******* clone or not who we think they are, Disney must be enjoying ****ing with us. :lol

What's making this movie improve with repeat viewings is that there are no "bad" or "boring" parts that I will fast forward past just to get to the "good" stuff.

I even fast forward thru some of the ROTJ Tatooine and Endor stuff.

..and Ford's horrible acting..if you can call it that!
Monday- tomorrow could be the day Avatar is DEthroned from all time box office champ! Yeah! Wonder how long TFA's record take will hold?
Monday- tomorrow could be the day Avatar is DEthroned from all time box office champ! Yeah! Wonder how long TFA's record take will hold?


Deadline: Friday 2ND UPDATE, 11:42PM: Early Friday PM industry figures show Disney’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens making as much as $35M today, raising its cume through 15 days to $687M. What does this mean? It means that Force Awakens flew past the No. 2 and No. 3 all-time domestic grossing titles Titanic ($658.7M) and Jurassic World ($652.27M) in the same day. By end of Sunday, Force Awakens’ total is projected to stand between $744.8M-$746M, just $14.5M-$15.7M short of Avatar‘s all-time domestic record of $760.5M. Should these figures hold up, this would put Force Awakens in a position to own the all-time crown by end of Monday.

This movie is likely the first Billion dollar domestic earner ever!

Interesting too because JAWS, 40 years ago this 2015, was the first to pass the 100 million dollar domestic mark.

Next up: first to a Trillion!
While impressive, will it achieve the only one that really matters, removing Avatar from the WWBO # 1 spot.

Everything rests on the shoulder of China when it opens there next week.

Word is they're not big on SW propoganda.
I don't see this or anything else beating Avatar for world box office anytime soon. Almost 3 billion is an incredible total. I am pleased it will dethrone Avatar domestically.
China has a new Mega-Disneyland going in ... so their love for Star Wars -- now Disney -- may be different with their new burgeoning middle class. Let's hope so...

Please China.... you're our only Hope!

Daisy Ridley apparent was just in a terrible car accident and really messed up her face. She was driving a red Corvette for some summer movie. This could really change he look in the following films.
Maybe Ep8 will begin with the Resistence hiding out on a jungle planet. The First Order sends out probe to find their base. Meanwhile Rey is scouting the perimeter in search for life forms when she is attacked my a Merman and is horribly scarred!!!!

I foresee an awakening when she is floating in her underwear in a bacta tank. :naughty

Daisy Ridley apparent was just in a terrible car accident and really messed up her face. She was driving a red Corvette for some summer movie. This could really change he look in the following films.

Should have happened to Hayden Christensan. ;)

Wait, is that too mean spirited, gotta watch the whole karma thing.
This is a joke right?

you guys are disgusting. what are you, like 8 years old?
look in the mirror sometime and see how you act. Your all probably what, 30-40 year olds?
seriously grow up!!